
NXT Results for 11/2/21 Johnny Gargano and Dexter Lumis vs Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams

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– NXT Commentator Vic Joseph welcomes the viewer to NXT. Mandy Rose makes her way out to the ring to cut a promo. The crowd starts with a chant, “you deserve it,” and the other half chanted, “no, you did not.” Rose says she already knew this and did not need anyone to tell her otherwise. Rose says that with the NXT Women’s Championship, everyone is now following her, which goes for Toxic Attraction as a whole because Toxic Attraction cleaned up at Halloween Havoc.

Rose asks, “where are my ladies,” we see Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne attacking Zoey Stark. Io Shirai interrupts Mandy Rose and says, “I don’t like Zoey, but I like you even less.” The NXT Women’s Champion begins attacking Io Shirai, and Rose is beating Shirai down. Shirai starts fighting back; however, Toxic Attraction makes the save. Toxic Attraction beat down Shirai until Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter saved Io Shirai and fought off Toxic Attraction.

– We see Toxic Attraction walking backstage, and they come across Dakota Kai. Kai says she attacked; she only helped Rose last week because she wanted to end Raquel Gonzalez.

– Cameron Grimes visits Duke’s Poker Room.

Cora Jade vs. Dakota Kai

The bell rings, and Dakota Kai goes right at Cora Jade; she sends Jade to the outside of the ring. Jade gets back into the ring, and Jade nails Kai with a flurry of strikes. Jade counters Kai’s attack and goes for a pin attempt, but the shoulders are not down, so the ref does not attempt to do a pin count. Kai is back up, and she hits Jade with a devastating kick to the face and then pins Jade to get the easy and quick victory. After the match, Kai attacks Cora Jade some more. Kai grabs a table and lays it on top of Jade. Kai is about to jump on top of her. However, Kai had a change of heart and instead walked away.

Winner: Dakota Kai

– We get a vignette with MSK sitting at a bus station and talking about how they got their name; however, a bus pulls up, and they miss their bus because Nash Carter tells a story to Wes Lee about how they got the name MSK.

Robert Stone vs. Xyon Quinn

We get a promo from Robert Stone, and he talks about how Xyon Quinn embarrassed him at Halloween Havoc. Stone challenges Quinn to a dance-off and makes himself look like a tool. Quinn says he was to kick his ass, but he changed his mind and asked for music. Shawn Michaels music starts to play, and Quin starts dancing and singing. Stone attempts to attack Quinn; however, Quinn has none of it. Finally, the bell rings, and we have a match; the music segment lasted longer because Quinn ends it quickly and then pins Stone for the win.

Winner: Xyon Quinn

– We get a short promo from Joe Gacy, and he talks about Harland, and people will know and learn about them.

Kyle O’Reilly and Von Wagner vs. Legado Del Fantasma (w/ Elektra Lopez)

The match begins with Kyle O’Reilly and Joaquin Wilde in the ring; both men exchange holds and counters. Neither men get the upper hand until Wilde tags in Mendoza. O’Reilly takes Mendoza down quickly, and then O’Reilly tags in Von Wagner. Von Wagner gets in the ring, and Wagner is beating Mendoza down with ease.

Wagner tags O’Reilly back in; O’Reilly is now beating down Mendoza; he has enough tags in Wagner, Wagner gets pushed into O’Reilly, but that does not stop him. Wagner takes out Wilde and Mendoza with ease as we go to another picture-in-picture commercial break.

During the break, Wagner is still in control. We return from the break with O’Reilly in the ring. O’Reilly gets distracted by Elektra Lopez, who is standing on the ring apron. Wilde attacks Strong, and for a short time, Legado Del Fantasma begins getting the upper hand on O’Reilly.

O’Reilly makes it over to Wagner for the tag; Wagner uses his strength and cleans house. He tags O’Reilly, and O’Reilly gets some offense in. O’Reilly tags back in Wagner, but Legado Del Fantasma stops a planned combination move, allowing Legado Del Fantasma to get the victory after grabbing the tights of Von Wagner with a roll-up pin.

Winners: Legado Del Fantasma (w/ Elektra Lopez)

– We have another segment with Cameron Grimes in Duke’s Poker Room. Duke is getting frustrated with Cameron Grimes because Grimes keeps on getting winning hands.

– Andre Chase is out to cut a promo about the rumors that he is a coward. Chase tells the crowd is that he does not fear anything and challenges anyone who wants a Ph.D. in getting their ass kicked to come on down to the ring. Bron Breakker’s music goes off, and Breakker makes his way to the ring.

Bron Breakker vs. Andre Chase

Andre Chase throws a punch at Bron Breakker, and Breakker hits him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Bron Breakker then goes after Chase, Chase gets in a few shots on Breakker, but it does not last long as Breakker hits Chase with a big shoulder tackle. Breakker then ends it with a Military Press Powerslam. After the match, Breakker then cuts a promo and says that Tommaso Ciampa is the real deal. Breakker says he is not done with Ciampa and will be going after the NXT Championship.

Winner: Bron Breakker

– Imperium is backstage to cut a promo in German. They are interrupted by Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne, and they tell Marcel Barthel, and Fabian Aichner should watch their match next week.

– Lashing Out with Lash Legend segment. She talks about the different Halloween costumes that the NXT wrestlers had on for Halloween Havoc. Lash welcomes out Tony D’Angelo, she talks about how her producer went missing, and now he is back. Lash’s producer appears on screen, and the producer says everything is okay with him. Tony mentions a few NXT superstars and says that they are not tough nor ready for him.

Solo Sikoa vs. Jeet Rama

The men go for a tie-up; however, Solo Sikoa hits Jeet Rama with a big knee to the midsection. Sikoa lays it in on Rama; Rama gets up and hits Sikoa with two quick shots. However, Sikoa sends Rama to the corner, and he hits Sikoa with a big running back-splash and then hits a big splash dive from the middle rope. Sikoa then pins Rama for the quick win.

Winner: Solo Sikoa

– Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen cut a promo about where they are from and who they are as people. Then, they talk about how they love to destroy people.

Boa vs. Grayson Waller

LA Knight joins the commentary team for this match. The bell rings, and Boa goes in at Grayson Waller with a big kick, but Boa misses. Waller and Boa begin exchanging strikes and holds; Boa lays in some heavy offense on Grayson Waller. Boa starts hitting Waller with some knees to the back. Waller makes a comeback, and he hits Boa with some stiff kicks. Grayson Waller then gets distracted by LA Knight, and Boa takes out Waller with a massive kick. Boa pins Waller for the win.

Winner: Boa

– We have another segment with Cameron Grimes, and Cameron Grimes beats Duke Hudson with a full house over Duke’s pair of aces. Grimes leaves the table with people following him. Hudson flips over the table in anger.

– Tommaso Ciampa comes out, cuts a promo, and starts by saying that Halloween Havoc showed that things in NXT are different, but something did not change: Ciampa is the “God of NXT.” Carmelo Hayes comes out and interrupts Ciampa.

Hayes says that “the new school is on the rise, and he is the main guy.” Hayes says that his North American title is the “A title in NXT.” Trick gets into the face of Ciampa, and Ciampa knocks him down with a right. Ciampa then raises his title in front of Hayes. Ciampa keeps his eye on Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes as he strolls back to the back. Johnny Gargano’s music goes off, and the two have somewhat of a stare-down as we go to a commercial break.

Johnny Gargano and Dexter Lumis vs. Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams

The bell rings with Carmelo Hayes and Dexter Lumis; Hayes changes his mind and tags Trick Williams. Dexter does his creepy slide over to his opponent’s corner. Williams gets in a few shots; however, Lumis takes care of Williams real quick. Lumis tags in Johnny Gargano and Williams tags in Hayes. Gargano and Hayes exchange strikes; Gargano gets the upper hand when he hits Hayes with a slingshot sphere.

Lumis and Hayes are both in the ring, which causes Hayes and Williams to retreat outside the ring. We go to our last picture-in-picture commercial break. During the break, Hayes and Williams take control and are laying it in on Gargano. We return from the commercial break; Gargano goes to tag in Lumis; however, Trick Williams pulls Lumis away, and Gargano cannot make the tag.

Hayes and Williams control the match, Gargano counters Trick Williams hold and gets to Dexter Lumis for the hot tag. Lumis clears the ring with ease. Lumis uses the top rope for an assisted suplex; Lumis goes for the pin; However, Hayes kicks out at two. Hayes is up and tags in Williams, Lumis tags in Gargano. Gargano tags back in Lumis; Gargano puts on a black leather glove. Lumis and Gargano hit a double superkick to Hayes and Williams.

Gargano and Hayes are now the legal men; the crowd is chanting, this is awesome. Hayes and Gargano are exchanging punches and chops. Hayes takes a cheap shot and hits Gargano in the throat. Gargano gets the upper hand, Gargano tags in Lumis, Lumis pushes Trick Williams out of the way. Williams grabs his shoe and nails Lumis with it, Lumis is out, and Hayes hits Lumis with a leg drop from the top rope. Hayes then pins Lumis and gets the big win. Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams stand tall and celebrate as NXT goes off the air.

Winners: Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams

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