
The NXT Report Card (3/21/18): TakeOver Momentum

With TakeOver: New Orleans just weeks away, NXT looks to build some momentum as the build-up reaches a climax. Will they be successful?!

The road to TakeOver: New Orleans is very much approaching its destination and if my gut feeling (ability to read) is correct, things are about to heat up in a big way. This card is taking shape but still needs quite a bit of work and considering the lack of episodes remaining, the pace is almost certain to increase now on the home straight. Though I’ve been slightly critical as of late, the puzzle pieces are still there for a quite dynamic build-up, and I expect that will soon show. Either way, let’s find out if that is indeed the case as finally, it’s FULL SAIL TIME once again.

DISCLAIMER: any wild predictions I make that you disagree with will likely be proven completely wrong in the coming weeks, months and years anyway so don’t worry too much. Basically, take everything you read from this point forward with a grain of salt as its credibility is preposterously low.


We begin our night with Tommaso Ciampa wandering out, once again to aggressive boos. The trademark ‘Johnny Wrestling’ emoji is surrounding him too and the “WE WANT JOHNNY” chants only silenced him more. Granted, there were some ‘Psycho Killer’s in response but that didn't help his chance of getting a word in on the mic. The “Ciampa Sucks” chants were the final straw regardless, as Ciampa dropped the mic and left the ring, staring down fans and even snatching Gargano signs.

Ciampa was almost going nose to nose with some of these fans and this is outrageously awesome. Usually I’d like to see fans more intimidated of a heel like Ciampa but in this case, their reaction was perfect. They are actively taunting him with the spirit of Johnny Wrestling and it’s quite fabulous. Ciampa would snap one sign too many in the end, revealing Gargano who had hidden in a lucha mask. Johnny then jumped the rail and was all over Ciampa until security intervened.

The crowd rightly chanted “LET THEM FIGHT” but sadly, this was an actual good security team and they dragged Gargano, perfectly preventing anymore physicality. I must say though, there were aspects to the Centre Stage angles that felt insincere to me, that wasn't the case here. Full Sail felt genuinely invested and not in a wink-wink way. There was real passion here and it made for an incredible segment. Brilliant work from all involved.

Grade: A*

Following this, Todd Pettengill recapped the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic and announced that due to a Tyler Bate injury, a spot had opened up. Roderick Strong said Mr Regal a ton and will now apparently be taking that spot with a mystery partner. We’ll find out who…NEXT?

Before that though, NEXUS buried Roderick Strong in one of their wacky promo segments.

Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch

Goodness gracious GREAT BALLS OF FIRE, pioneer of the TVMBC Oney Lorcan is here and he’s brought his little English mate Danny too. Their opponents are Roderick Strong and his partner of….PETE DUNNE. Hunter, you are a gentleman and a scholar. Nonetheless, Roddy and Oney got us started with a physical grappling exchange, both bringing tremendous intensity. Burch then came in but Dunne soon cut him off. After being worked over a little, Burch countered and things threatened to break down as we got a big double face-off.

Burch continued to be isolated nonetheless but he eventually fired back with a front dropkick and made the tag.  Lorcan then run wild (literally) with chops on poor Roddy and flurried with some quite frightening offense. A failed double team maneuver then halted their progress but Burch fired back with some chops and they strung together a pair of German suplexes in an awesome tag team spot. Synchronized submissions followed but Strong broke both holds and before long, closed the show with End of Heartache.

This was an incredible showing from Lorcan and Burch here and this team simply has to be used more…even if only for my own entertainment. The physicality is almost astonishing.

Grade: A*

Roderick Strong & Pete Dunne

To the surprise of no one, this team looks to be a pretty good idea. I enjoyed Dunne’s usual limb work in the structure of a tag match and with Strong coming in for extra intensity, it’s now even better. They used some nice tandem offense too and looked versatile as far as which side of the tag team coin they can play. It should be said that they had the ideal opponents here but what else can I really say? This is a pairing of two tremendous wrestlers that work with a similar aggression, it’s tremendous.

Grade: A*

A video promoting Ricochet came next and they showed some footage from taped matches that we’ll likely never see…very sad.  

Ember Moon

Aliyah is here to get beaten up by Ember Moon and after a babyface handshake spot (something that neatly contrasts with Baszler’s antics), Aliyah grabbed Ember’s hair to cut her off. Speaking of Shayna, she was here and took a seat at the announce desk whilst Aliyah worked Ember over. Moon’s comeback came quick as she rallied, even catching Aliyah with a Samoan Drop “for Shayna.” The dope corner forearm followed and The Eclipse then closed the show.

This was a nothing match but Ember’s offense always looks good and I never have an issue with champions just winning wrestling matches. Shayna’s voice was very funny on commentary though.

Grade: B+


TVMBC prospect Raul Mendoza is here now but ANDRADE ‘CIEN’ ALMAS jumps him from behind. Why? Because he can. Andrade and Zelina look incredible here and ‘Cien’ then grabbed a microphone. Some may say that his English wasn't great here but little do they know that he was actually talking in code, directly to me. In all seriousness, this is good practice for ‘Cien’ and I’d rather him do this at Full Sail than on RAW or SmackDown. Either way, he challenged Black to a face to face next week.

Grade: A* (mandatory)

A Lars Sullivan video package was up now and he’s back next week!

Lord Steven Regal then informed us that he’d be forever changing NXT’s landscape next week….come on man Lars isn’t that big a deal!

Adam Cole

Main event time now as The Corre’s leader Adam Cole takes on Kassius Ohno. After being overpowered early, Cole then seemingly tweaked his knee on the apron. However, this was all a ruse as he instead kicked Ohno in the end before going to work with punches. This was a tremendous heel spot and Cole’s execution of it was tremendous. He continued to work Kassius over too, staying on top with a nice bicycle kick as well as a neckbreaker.  

A backbreaker then maintained his control but some trash talk got him in trouble as Ohno fired back. Kassius took over from there until Cole used a flurry of forearms to stem the tide. This spot looked fine but felt like something a fiery babyface would do and that’s not an element Cole needs, especially when he’s already cheered as is. Last Shot followed nevertheless but Ohno kicked out and turned things around.

Cole then closed the show though, rebounding with three superkicks, Last Shot and a shining wizard for the win. Really excellent match and easily Cole’s strongest NXT showing thus far. Good stuff.

Grade: A

Kassius Ohno

I enjoyed the use of Ohno’s size as a factor early here though I wish they was a little more consistent with it. Regardless, Kassius’ early offense was tremendous as he kicked Cole out of the air and hit a huge senton to stay on top. The cut-off followed but Ohno’s eventual comeback connected big, especially the initial right hand knockout punch. His comeback was unsurprisingly a strong one as his signature offense really is quite magnificent.

Speaking of such, the Cyclone Kick got a nice false finish and after being floored by Cole’s Last Shot, Ohno fired up with two big forearms that sent Cole to the floor. The finish followed and though I maybe in the minority here, this is the perfect usage of Ohno in my opinion. Considering all the factors, him putting on tremendous matches in a losing effort helps everyone and just makes sense for this brand. Either way, he did a great job here.

Grade: A

Final Thoughts

Well, this certainly delivered on my suspicions. Over the last few weeks, NXT has felt a little slimmer as far as quality but that wasn't the case here. A couple of months ago NXT hit a hot-streak and this week’s episode was very much in that vein. It opened with an all-time NXT segment and also featured two incredibly exciting matches. Add in some ‘Cien’ and I’d say that this is one of the most stacked hours of NXT I’ve covered thus far. I felt some momentum was needed and with two more episodes like this, that will soon be achieved.

Grade: A

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