
NXT Halloween Havoc 2022 – Ambulance Match: Damon Kemp vs. Julius Creed Result

Diamond Mine is forever.

Julius Creed defeated Damon Kemp in an Ambulance Match at WWE NXT Halloween Havoc. As a result, he has saved his brother Brutus’ NXT career.

In a violent match, both men threw every weapon in the arena at one another before Creed was able to get Damon inside the ambulance and shut the door.

Fans can check out the play-by-play and highlights below. 

Ambulance Match (If Julius Creed Loses, Brutus Creed Must Leave NXT).

Julius Creed vs. Damon Kemp.

Credd hti a springboard shotgun dropkick on Kemp onto a chair to begin the match before hitting a T-Bone Match. Kemp got up and retrieved a chair, but Julius caught him and hit a deadlift German Suplex. The two brawled on the outside before Creed slammed Kemp onto the barricade and hit a guillotine suplex on Kemp. Kemp & Creed brawled backstage. Julis tried to get Kemp into the ambulance, but Kemp booked the doot with a crutch before throwing everything from inside the ambulance onto Creed. Kemp fired away at Creed with the crutch before attacking him with a fire extinguisher, but Creed took the extinguisher off Kemp and sprayed Kemp with it. Kemp hit a back suplex on Creed before slamming his face onto the broadcast table and stairs and meeting a pumpkin on Creed. Kemp hit Creed with the stairs. Kemp carried Creed to the backstage area, but Kemp got off the carried and started laying the punches on Kemp. Kemp kicked Creed’s knee before slamming Creed’s face onto the ambulance stair and slamming the ambulance door on Creed’s shoulder. Kemp got Creed into the ambulance and tried to slam the door, but Creed kicked the door onto Kemp’s face before ramming him down into the ring post. Creed got Kemp back in the ring, but Kemp hit a sliding kick on Cred to the outside. Kemp brought the stairs back in the ring and hit a Uranage on Creed onto the stairs. Kemp got out of the ring and slammed Creed’s face onto the stairs but Creed rammed Kemp onto the barricade. Creed got Kemp on a wheelchair and attached a crutch on the chair before ramming Kemp onto the stairs. Creed then hit strikes on Kemp’s chest before slamming Kemp off the wheelchair onto the ring floor. Kemp sprayed Creed with a fire extinguisher, but that did not stop Creed from hitting a double stomp on Kemp off the apron. Kemp got a chair and tried to attack Creed, but Creed launched the ring bell and threw the timekeeper’s table on Kemp. Kemp got Creed in a blue cart before launching Creed from the cart onto the ambulance. Kemp tried to close the ambulance door, but Creed put his fingers to stop the door from closing. Creed fired out of the ambulance and speared Kemp on a stack of chairs before placing him on a snack table and hitting an elbow drop. Cred launched two chairs at Kemp before hitting a chair shot at Kemp’s back. Creed started firing away with the chair shots at Kemp before slamming Kemp onto a stretcher with a powerbomb. Kemp was knocked out, but Creed still hit the unnecessary clothesline on Kemp with a steel chair before tossing Kemp onto the ambulance for the win.

Winner: Julius Creed.

Fans can check out Fightful’s coverage of NXT Halloween Havoc by clicking here. Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the action by clicking here. 

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