
NXT The Great American Bash (7/30/2023) Results: Hayes vs Dragunov, Dominik Mysterio Competes & More

Results for the 7/30/2023 edition of NXT The Great American Bash.

Welcome to the Fightful.com discussion & coverage for the 7/30/2023 edition of NXT The Great American Bash on Peacock, the WWE Network & Pay-Per-View from Austin, Texas.

We will bring full results for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show. 


NXT Great American Bash (7/30/2023).

  • NXT North American Championship Match: Dominik Mysterio (c) (w/ Rhea Ripley) vs. Mustafa Ali vs. Wes Lee.
  • NXT Championship Match: Carmelo Hayes (c) (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Ilja Dragunov.
  • Men’s NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) (c) (w/ Joe Coffey) vs. The Family (Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo).
  • NXT Women’s Championship – Submission Match: Tiffany Stratton (c) vs. Thea Hail.
  • Weapons Wild Match: Roxanne Perez vs. Blair Davenport.
  • Gable Steveson vs. Baron Corbin.
  • Kickoff Show: Meta-Four (Noam Dar, Oro Mensah, Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson) vs. Nathan Frazer, Dragon Lee, Valentina Feroz & Yulisa Leon.

Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.

Live Coverage.

Kickoff Show.

– Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening bout.

Meta-Four (Noam Dar, Oro Mensah, Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson) vs. Nathan Frazer, Dragon Lee, Valentina Feroz & Yulisa Leon.

Dar & Frazer began the match locking up before exchanging holds & pins in the opening proceedings before Frazer caught Dar with a dropkick. Leon & Legend tagged in, with Leon hitting a crossbody before hitting a knee strike and slamming Feroz into Legend for a near fall. Feroz went for a Sunset Flip, but Legend tossed her before hitting a back-flip Moonsault on Feroz for a near fall. Jackson tagged in and tried to cut the ring in half, but Feroz hi a takeover on Jackson before she he a Springboard Moonsault with the assist of Leon for a near fall. Leon & Jackson exchanged vicious chops before Mensah tagged in. Lee tagged in too and laid in the strikes on Mensah before catching him with a Hurricanrana and an Inside Out Kick on Mensah for a near fall. Lee evaded Mensah’s lariat, but Mensah caught him with a forearm strike from behind. Meta-Four cut the ring in half, with everyone cornering Lee to prevent him from making the tag. Mensah went for a Front-Flip Kick on Lee, but Lee evaded before hitting a Thrust Kick on Mensah.

Lee tagged in Frazer, with Frazer flipping over Dar before catching him with a Running Thrust Kick to send him to the outside. Feroz hit a Diving Hurricanrana on Legend before tossing Jackson to the outside. Feroz hit an Assisted Splash on Legend to the outside, which was followed by Leon hitting a Wlak-Rope Crossbody on Dar. Mensah got on the apron, but Lee caught him and hit a Hurricanrana on Mensah off the apron before Frazer hit a Tope Suicida on Dar to the outside. Legend got back up and laid out everyone on the outside before sending Dar& Frazer back into the ring. Dar hit a back elbow on Frazer and went for an Enziguri, but Frazer evaded before hitting a Moonsault DDT on Dar. Leon & Legend tagged in, with Leon hitting the Miz Lariat on Legend before hitting Legednd with a crossbody, followed by Feroz hitting a Pendelum DDT on Legend to get the pin, but Dar pulled Feroz off the pin. Lee tagged in and hit a Dragon Screw on Dar before hitting a boot kick on Dar but Dar responded with a jab before Mensah tagged in and hit a Springboard Thrust Kick and a Powerbomb Facebuster on Lee for a near fall. Lee hit a Tornado DDT/ Kick combo on Dar & Mensah before Frazer tagged in, but Frazer got caught with a Back elbow from Dar. Mensah went for a Springboard Move, but Frazer caught him with the Reverse Spanish Fly before Lee tagged in and hit the Destino on Mensah for the pinfall win.

Winners: Nathan Frazer, Dragon Lee, Valentina Feroz & Yulisa Leon.

– After the NXT Great American Bash Kick-Off Show, the main broadcast kicked off with a video package running down the card narrated by Cody Rhodes before the opening contest of the main broadcast.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match.

Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) (c) (w/ Joe Coffey) vs. The Family (Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo).

Wolfgang attacked Stacks & D’Angelo before hitting Big Veal on Lorenzo to begin the match. Coffey tagged in, but Lorenzo caught him with an uppercut before hitting a dropkick on Coffey. D’Angelo tagged in and hit a jab on Wolfgang before stomping Coffey’s abdomen. D’Angelo tossed Stacks onto Coffey with a Hip Toss into the corner before Stacks got a near fall. Stacks tried to run the ropes, but Joe Coffey stopped him briefly. Joe Coffey distracted D’Angelo before Wolfgang laid out D’Angelo outside, allowing Mark Coffey to drop Stacks. 

Mark Coffey & Wolfgang cut the ring in half, allowing them to stop Stacks from tagging in D’AngeloWolfgang hit a Ripcord Shoulder Block on Lorenzo before Mark Coffey hit a diving Shoulder Tackle on Stacks for a near fall. Coffey had a healdock on Lorenzo, but Lorenzo got out of the hold and evaded both members of Gallus before tagging in D’Angelo. D’Angelo came in the hot tag, hitting a Spinebuster on Coffey before accidentally causing Wolfgang to hit a Senton on Coffey. D’Angelo & Stacks hit the Power & Glory (Superplex into a Splash) on Coffey to get the pin, but Wolfgang broke the pin. Wolfgang tagged in and hit a Buckshot Slam on Stacks. Wolfgang tossed Mark Coffey to the outside before hitting a Moonsault on Stacks for a near fall. Joe Coffey distracted the referee & Stacks, allowing Gallus to hit the F5/ Running Knee on Stacks for a near fall. Joe Coffey tried to interfere, but D’Angelo clubbed him with a Crowbar while Stacks hit a Tope Con Giro on Gallus to the outside. Stacks & D’Angelo got Wolfgang back in the ring before hitting the Bada Boom Bada Bing (Pop-Up Corealis) for the pinfall win.

Winners & NEW NXT Tag Team Champions: The Family (Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo).

Weapons Wild Match.

Roxanne Perez vs. Blair Davenport.

Davenport & Perez brawled on the outside to begin the match. Perez got on the barricade and hit a crossbody on Davenport. Davenport tossed Perez into the ring and got a chair, but Perez dropped her off the apron before hitting a Tope Suicida on Davenport to the outside. Perez went for another Tope, but Davenport tossed a trash can onto Perez’s head sending her crashing into the outside floor. Davenport beat down Perez multiple weapons, including a branding iron, on the outside while talking trash to Perez’s mom & sister at ringside. Davenport got back in the ring and placed Perez inside a trash can before slamming the Branding Iron into the head of Perez. 

Davenport dominated the proceedings of the match, but that was until Perez got a chair and hit a Shotgun Dropkick on Davenport with the chair. Perez got on the outside with Davenport, but Davenport attacked her with a belt before choking her in front of Perez’s family. Perez got a cowbell and started attacking Davenport before whipping Davenport’s back with the belt. Perez wrapped the belt on Davenport’s wrist before pulling out a table. Davenport got out of the wrap of the belt and tried to attack Perez, but Perez slammed Davenport onto the apron. The two got back in the ring, with Perez climbing the top rope before Davenport slammed Perez onto the floor. Perez got Davenport and went for Pop Rox, but Davenport evaded before hitting a Falcon Arrow on Perez into a Trash Can for a near fall. Perez went for Pop Rox again, but Davenport evaded before hitting a Double-Springboard Stomp on Perez. Perez got back up and hit a Russian Leg Sweep on Davenport in the ring before she attempted a Russian Leg Sweep onto the table, but Davenport evaded. Perez pulled Davenport off the apron before hitting a Running Knee on Davenport onto the stairs. Perez got Davenport into the table before hitting a Swan Dive on Davenport through the table. Perez got Davenport back in the ring before hitting a Gut Kick followed by the Pop Rox onto a stack of Chairs for the pinfall win.

Winner: Roxanne Perez.

Gable Steveson vs. Baron Corbin.

Steveson’s first-ever match began with him locking up with Corbin. Corbin fired away with punches on Steveson, but Steveson floated over Corbin and laid in the body shots on Corbin before Corbin rolled out of the ring. Steveson got an ankle lock on Corbin, but Corbin got to the ropes before he left the ring. Steveson hit a German Suplex on Corbin on the outside before going for a second, but Corbin slammed Gable into the ring post. Back in the ring, Corbin beat down Steveson before slamming his head into the ring post. Steveson tried to make a comeback, but Corbin caught him and hit a Death Valley Driver on Steveson for a near fall. Corbin continued to dominate proceedings as he was cheered by the crowd, but Steveson regained control by hitting a series of Overhead Suplexes and sending Corbin out of the ring twice with Clotheslines. The two continued to brawl on the outside before the match was thrown out due to a double count-out. Corbin & Steveson continued to brawl after the match before referees & Security Guards got involved, but not before Steveson hit an Overhead suplex on Corbin into the barricade. 

Result: No-Contest.

– Lyra Valkyria was interviewed backstage, with Valkyria saying that she was thirsty for more after her match against Rhea Ripley on Tuesday. Jacy Jayne attacked Valkyria from behind as the two continued to brawl. Referees & producers separated them as Rhea Ripley watched with pride. 

NXT North American Championship Match.

Dominik Mysterio (c) (w/ Rhea Ripley) vs. Mustafa Ali vs. Wes Lee.

Ali & Lee exchanged words before the two stared daggers at Dominik, which led to Dominik leaving the match. Ripley got the NXT North American Title from the Timekeeper’s table. Ali & Lee surrounded Dominik before the two got him in the ring and stomped away at him in the ring. Ali & Lee took turns attacking Dominik as the two exchanged chops before catching Dominik with a double chop. Ali 7 Lee evaded each other’s offense before Ali went for a Sunset Flip, but Lee kicked out. The two evaded each other’s kicks before Ali hit a chop on Lee. Ali & Lee exchanged strikes before Ali tossed Lee onto the apron with the Bandera. Ali & Lee brawled on the top rope, but Dominik pushed the two to send them crashing into the barricade. 

Dominik got Ali and went for the Three Terrible Amigos, but stopped himself at two before hitting the Three Terrible Amigos on Lee. Dominik went for a Double-Suplex on Ali & Lee, but Lee and Ali hit The Three Amigos on Dominik for a near fall. Lee hit the Tijeras on Ali before causing Dominik to hit a DDT on Ali. Lee hit the Meteora on Dominik, but Ali caught him with a dropkick. Ali tossed Dominik to the outside before catching Ali with a kick, hitting a dropkick on Dominik, and a Tornado DDT on Lee for a near fall. Ali hit a kick and a Rolling Neck Breaker on Dominik before locking in a Boston Crab/ Camel Clutch combo on Dominik & Lee, but Dominik bit Ali’s hand to break the hold. Dominik got Lee into the ropes before going for the 619, but Ali caught him with a Thrust Kick. Ali hit a thrust kick on Lee before he attempted a 450 Splash on Dominik & Lee onto the apron, but the two evaded to send Ali crashing into the apron. Dominik went for a Roll-Up on Lee, but Lee kicked out and caught Dominik with an Upkick before hitting a Tope Suicida on Dominik. Lee got back in the ring by ducking Ripley.

Ripley continued to argue with Ripley, but that lead to Lee hitting a Tope Con Giro on Dominik over Ripley’s back. Ripley retaliated by hitting the Riptide on Lee onto the broadcast table. Ripley tossed Lee back in the ring for Dominik to get the pin, but Lee kicked out. Dominik hit Lee in the head with the WWE Women’s World Championship to steal the pin on Lee, but Lee kicked out at two. Dominik climbed to the top rope, but Ali caught him with a dropkick to leave him hanging. Ali saw the opening and hit the 450 Splash on Lee, but Ripley pulled Ali out of the ring. Dominik saw the opening and hit a Frog Splash for the pinfall win.

Winner & STILL NXT North American Champion: Dominik Mysterio.

– Trick Williams was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell. Williams called Cap on Ilja Dragunov respecting his friendship with Carmelo Hayes before declaring that Hayes would win tonight.

NXT Women’s Championship – Submission Match.

Tiffany Stratton (c) vs. Thea Hail (w/ Duke Hudson & Andre Chase of Chase University).

Hail began the match with a wrist lock on Stratton, but Stratton evaded before going for an ankle lock on Hail, but Hail broke the hold. Hail locked in a Cravat on Stratton, but Stratton broke the hold before hitting a shoulder tackle. Stratton locked in the Romero Special on Hail, but Hail evaded before locking in a Fujiwara Arm Bar. Stratton broke the hold and took down Hail, but Hail caught her with two arm drags and a dropkick on Stratton. Hail went for a dive on Stratton, but Stratton caught her and slammed Hail into the ringside floor.

Back in the ring, Stratton locked in the Bow & Arrow on Hail, but Hail escaped the hold with a splash before hitting two jabs on Stratton. Stratton hit a Tilt-to-whirl back-breaker before placing Hail in the corner and hitting a Backflip Back Elbow on Hail. Hail locked in a Torture Rack on Hail, but Hail evaded before hitting a suplex on Stratton. Hail hit an arm drag, two lariats, a corner splash, a T-Bone Suplex, and a Rolling Senton before going for a springboard move, but Stratton caught her with the Body Scissors. Hail escaped the hold, but Stratton caught her with a forearm shiver. Stratton got Hail for a Back Suplex, but Hail reversed it with a Bulldog before sending her to the outside. Hail hit a Tope on Stratton to the outside before getting her back in the ring and attempting a Crossbody, but Stratton rolled over. Hail tried to go for the Kimura, but Stratton reversed it with an Exploder Suplex. 

Stratton got to the top rope, but Hail met her there before hitting Stratton with an Exploder Superplex, followed by locking in the Kimura Lock, but Stratton got the rope break before rolling out of the ring. Hail got on the outside, but Stratton got her and slammed Hail into the barricade and the stairs. Stratton hit the PME (Prettiest Moonsualt Ever) before locking in the Boston Crag on Hail. Hail tried to get the rope break, but Stratton pulled Hail into the Center of the ring before transitioning into the Liontamer, leading to Chase throwing the towel to give Stratton the win.

Winner & STILL NXT Women’s Champion: Tiffany Stratton.

– Backstage, Dragon Lee walked backstage before he was confronted by Dragon Lee & Rhea Ripley. Lee told Dominik that he does not want to be anything like Dominik. Dominik continued to talk trash before he & Ripley walked out of the shot. 

– The Schism (Rip Fowler, Jagger Reid, Ava Raine & Joe Gacy) talked backstage, saying that they would interrogate every masked pagan of The Schism to see if there was a mole in the faction.

NXT Championship Match.

Carmelo Hayes (c) (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Ilja Dragunov.

The main event of the show began with the two locking up before Hayes got a wrist lock on Dragunov. Dragunov broke the hold before going for a back fist, but Hayes evaded and hit an arm drag on Dragunov. Dragunov evaded the hold and went for a wrist lock, but Hayes evaded & attempted a headlock; however, Dragunov caught him with a hip lock before locking in a chin lock on Hayes. Hayes broke the hold and hit an arm drag on Dragunov before locking in another wrist lock on Dragunov. Hayes hit a chop on Dragunov, but Dragunov responded by backing Hayes into the corner. Dragunov hit a vicious chop on Hayes, but Hays responded with a series of forearm strikes before hitting a Springboard Lariat on Dragunov.

Dragunov got back in the ring and ran the ropes, but Hayes caught him with a lariat. Hayes hit a series of strikes on Dragunov, but Dragunov caught him with a leaping Gamonguri. Dragunov hit a Forearm Shiver before hitting a German Suplex and a Lariat on Hayes. Dragunov & Hayes exchanged strikes before Dragunov hit a vicious Pal Strike on Hayes’s face. Dragunov hit a German Suplex on Hayes before rolling over into another one. Haye hit a strike on Dragunov, but Dragunov responded with a Boot Kick & a Third German Suplex on Hayes for a near fall. Dragunov locked in a headlock on Hayes before catching him with another forearm shiver.

Dragunov got Hayes in the corner and fired away with a series of chops, but Hayes responded with a vicious slap on Dragunov. Dragunov responded by hitting the Machine Gun Chops before hitting a Spinning Chop on Hayes for a near fall. Dragunov & Hayes exchanged strikes before Hayes hit a Thrust Kick, but Dragunov responded with Constantine’s Special for a near fall. Dragunov locked in another Sleeper on Hayes, but Hayes escaped the hold. Hayes hit a Penalty Kick on Dragunov, but Dragunov responded with a Thrust Kick for a near fall. Hayes got back up and hit a series of stomps on Dragunov’s head. Hayes went a boot kick, but Dragunov caught him with a Gamonguri, but Hayes popped back up and hit La Mistica. Hayes hit a series of body shots and a chop on Dragunov, but Dragunov responded with two chops. Hayes & Dragunov exchanged strikes before Hayes hit a Cravat Knee & a Lariat on Dragunov. 

Hayes went for a Codebreaker, but Dragunov caught him before hitting the Anvil Elbow Strikes on Hayes. Hayes fired away with elbow strikes on Dragunov before hitting a Springboard DDT on Dragunov for a near fall. Hayes hit a series of punches on Dragunov before climbing to the top rope, but Dragunov caught him with a Gamonguri before slamming him off the top rope. Dragunov climbed to the top rope and hit a Diving Senton on Hayes for a near fall. Dragunov went for Coast-to-Coast, but Hayes caught him mid-air with the Codebreaker. Hayes went for the Diving Leg Drop, but Dragunov caught him mid-air with a Powerbomb before hitting the Falling Forearm for a near fall.

Hayes & Dragunov got on the top rope before Dragunov went for a Superplex, but Hayes reversed it mid-air with an Avalanche Cutter on Dragunov for a near fall. Williams got the NXT Championship to motivate Hayes and told him that it was the 4th Quarter. The two exchanged strikes on the ground. As the two got back up and exchanged strikes, Dragunov & Hayes caught each other with kicks. Williams hyped up Hayes on the outside, but Dragunov caught him with the Torpedo Moscow on the outside, with Dragunov accidentally hitting the title belt in the dive. Hayes got Dragunov back in the ring before hitting the Diving Leg Drop on Dragunov for the pinfall win and title retention. Hayes stood tall to end the broadcast. 

Winner & STILL NXT Champion: Carmelo Hayes.

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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