
NWA The Circle Squared Episodes 2 & 3 Results: Colby Corino, George South & More Compete

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NWA The Circle Squared Episode 2 & 3. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Episode 2

– Highlights are shown from the first episode of The Circle Squared.

– Sean Mooney welcomes everybody to the show, while stating that the first four teams for the Crockett Cup will get revealed tonight. Mooney reveals that both teams that competed in episode one have gotten positive reviews from the fans.

– Kyle Davis brings out Colby Corino, who says he is 23 years old and has been wrestling for his entire life. Corino says his dad is a former NWA World Heavyweight Champion and Corino says it has been his destiny to compete in the NWA, Corino says he is competing for his kid, Corino says he wants his son growing up being proud of him.

– Kyle Davis then brings out George South, who says he has already made a name for himself and he doesn’t like the fans of the NWA. South says the one thing he has never gotten to do was to stand behind the NWA desk, South says everything that has happened to him was because of himself. South talks about his past relationship with Colby and his father, South blames the fans for having to hurt Colby tonight.

– A video package airs on both Colby Corino and George South.

George South vs. Colby Corino

The match begins with Corino getting South in a headlock, South gets free and Corino drops him with a shoulder tackle. South then gets Corino in a headlock and Corino gets free before landing a back elbow strike, Corino then hits South with a drop kick. Corino reapplies the headlock and South counters by landing a back suplex, South applies the claw to Corino and Corino fights his way to freedom. Corino gets South in the abdominal stretch and South gets free by landing a hip toss, South reapplies the claw and Corino gets free again. South then nails Corino with a butterfly suplex, South locks the claw on again and Corino gets free yet again. South applies the claw for a fourth time and Corino gets free again, South then catches Corino in an airplane spin. South misses a charge in the corner and Corino rolls him up for a three count.

Winner: Colby Corino

– Kyle Davis brings both wrestlers back to the interview area so the fans can share some thoughts on them.

– Joe Galli appears and he provides a Crockett Cup update, Galli announces NWA National Champion Aron Stevens will defend against Trevor Murdoch at the event. Galli announces that NWA Women’s World Champion Thunder Rosa will defend the gold at the event, Galli also announces The Rock N’ Rock Express, Villain Enterprises (Flip Gordon & Brody King), Rey Horus/Flamita and The Wild Cards will also compete in the Crockett Cup tournament. Galli announces the final time in the cup will get determined via a Wild Card Battle Royal, with Tim Storm, Ricky Starks and Zicky Dice as the first entrants.

Episode 3

– David Marquez brings out Freya The Slaya, who says she is from Alaska and she talks about the cold winters in that state. Slaya says she has learned how to survive the elements and her element is the wrestling ring.

– Dave Marquez brings out Dani Jordan, who says she is the real mean girl of pro wrestling and she shows Marquez her burn book. Jordan says she made Slaya a page in the burn book, Jordan mocks Slaya’s home state of Alaska and she thanks Slaya for leaving her igloo to compete tonight. Jordan says she will beat Fraya and everybody else who competes in the NWA.

– A video package airs highlighting Dani Jordan and Freya The Slaya.

Freya The Slaya vs. Dani Jordan

The match begins with Jordan attacking Slaya with a few strikes, Slaya quickly drops Jordan with a strike of her own. Jordan gets up and she attacks Slaya with leg kicks until she gets tossed across the ring, Slaya then hits a swinging Jordan with a headbutt. Slaya then nails Jordan with a slam for a near fall, Slaya misses a charge in the corner before Jordan lands a drop kick to her knee. Jordan goes back to attacking Slaya with leg kicks, Slaya fights back and Jordan attacks her with more strikes. Slaya recovers and she looks for a cobra clutch, Jordan gets free and she nails Slaya with a drop kick. Slaya looks for a choke slam and Jordan finds a way to get free before eating a clothesline, Slaya goes for a leg drop and Jordan gets out of the way. Jordan corners Slaya while landing a few strikes, Slaya fights back and her knee gives out before Jordan lands a drop kick. Jordan then jumps on the back of Slaya and Slaya gets her off, Slaya then hits Jordan with a Michinoku Driver for a three count.

Winner: Freya The Slaya

– Dave Marquez brings both competitors back to the interview area so the crowd can share their thoughts on them.

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