
NWA Powerrr 3/3/20 Results: Two Title Bouts & A Last Chance Match

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NWA TV Championship
Ricky Starks (c) vs. Zicky Dice

The match begins with Dice scoring a takedown on Starks before a push up competition takes place, Starks then cracks Dice with a series of strikes. Starks follows up on that by nailing Dice with a flying forearm strike and corner spear, Dice leaves the ring and he drags Starks out of the ring. Dice throws Starks into the ring steps before stretching him across the ring post, Dice then hits Starks with a basement drop kick for a near fall. Dice keeps Starks down by holding him in a chin lock, Dice then chokes Starks along the middle rope after releasing the chin lock. Starks fights back and he nails Dice with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall, Dice recovers and he nails Starks with a corner clothesline. Starks misses a charge in the corner and Dice lands a neck breaker afterwards for a near fall, Dice grabs his fanny pack and he throws it at Starks. Starks gets rid of it before nailing Dice with an atomic drop, Starks looks for The Stroke and Dice counters it with a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Zicky Dice, your new NWA TV Champion

– Thom Latimer goes to the interview area and he makes Joe Galli come over, Latimer says that Galli still wants to hear Kamille speak and Galli says he wants to hear her. Latimer says that Kamille will speak next week.

– Highlights are shown from The Crockett Cup Press Conference, with NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis and challenger Marty Scurll issuing statements on their upcoming title match.

– The Little Question appears and he discusses the Mongrovian Flag with The Question Mark.

– Highlights are shown of Trevor Murdoch’s win over The Question Mark, followed by the post-match attack from Aron Stevens.

– Dave Marquez interviews NWA National Champion Aron Stevens & The Question Mark, Stevens says he and The Question Mark have been denied shots at the NWA World Tag Team Championships. Stevens wonders what it will take for him to get more shots at more belts, Stevens says he and The Question Mark are calling out The Rock N’ Roll Express. Stevens asks The Rock N’ Roll Express to do “business” with them, The Rock N’ Roll Express say they will fight them and want to face them next week.

– Highlights are shown of Kamille attacking Allysin Kay on last weeks NWA Powerrr.

Last Chance Match
Tornado Tag Team Match
The Dawsons (Zane & Dave) vs. Caleb Konley & CW Anderson

The match begins with The Dawsons jumping their opponents right as the bell sounds, Konley fights back against one Dawson while Anderson and the other battle on the arena floor. Konley corners Zane before landing a knee strike and running boot to the face, Dave hits the ring and he knocks Konley out of the ring. Anderson gets in the ring and Dave drops him before missing an elbow drop, Anderson then hits Dave with a sliding lariat for a near fall. Zane returns and he nails Anderson with a clothesline, The Dawsons then double team Anderson in the ring for a near fall. Konley returns and he fights back against both of The Dawsons, Dave drops Konley with a forearm strike before double teaming him with Zane for a near fall. Anderson returns and he battles The Dawsons, Anderson throws The Dawsons into each other before Konley nails with with a double missile drop kick. The Dawsons recover and nail Konley with a double power bomb for a near fall, The Dawsons double team Anderson next for another near fall. Zane works over Anderson before Dave is sent out of the ring, Konley then hits Dave with a suicide dive.

Anderson and Konley double team Dave before Anderson lands a spine buster, Konley nails Dave with a double jump moonsault for a three count.

Winners: Caleb Konley & CW Anderson

– Highlights are shown of The Bouncers turning on Eddie Kingston.

– Sean Mooney provides the NWA Powerrr update, announcing that The Circle Squared returns next week and NWA Super Powerrr is coming on March 17. Mooney says that Tim Storm faces Jax Dane, The Rock N’ Roll Express face Aron Stevens & The Question Mark, Kamille makes her in ring debut & Villain Enterprises faces Thom Latimer & Royce Isaacs on Super Powerrr.

– Joe Galli interviews May Valentine & Sal Rinauro, Valentine says she is starting a new Vlog to document her time in the NWA. Rinauro says he is about a month away from returning from the broken arm, Valentine says the world isn’t ready for when Kamille speaks next week. Valentine does a special episode of her Vlog when an angry Royce Isaacs arrives, Isaacs threatens to break Rinauro’s other arm and Valentina gets angry with him. Rinauro gets free and he heads backstage with Valentine.

– Dave Marquez interview The Pope and The Bouncers, Pope says he has the two baddest men in all of wrestling with him. Pope says they are taking advantage of the change The Pope is bringing to the NWA, Beer City Bruiser says they are loyal to money. Bruiser says they came to the NWA to prove they are the best tag team in the universe.

NWA World Tag Team Championships
Eli Drake & James Storm (c) w/Eddie Kingston vs. The Bouncers (Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas) w/The Pope

The match begins with Drake getting Milonas in a headlock, Milonas gets free and he drops Drake with a shoulder block. Drake fights back and he cracks Milonas with some strikes, Drake goes for a slam and Milonas blocks it before sending him to the ring apron. Drake returns and he attacks Milonas with a slingshot shoulder tackle, Milonas blocks that before landing a shoulder block. Bruiser tags in and he corners Drake before landing some strikes, Drake fights back and he tags Storm in. Storm and Drake double team Bruiser for a near fall, Milonas distracts Storm and The Pope does as well so Bruiser can nail Storm with a Samoan drop. Milonas tags in and he falls on top of a downed Storm, Storm fights back and Milonas drops him before landing more strikes. Bruiser tags in and he bites Storm in the head, Bruiser misses a charge in the corner and Milonas interferes to hit Storm with a clothesline. Milonas tags in and he lands seated sentons on a cornered Storm, Bruiser tags in and he nails Storm with a knee strike for a near fall.

Bruiser misses another charge in the corner before Milonas and Drake drop their opponents with clotheslines, Storm then hits Bruiser with an enziguri before tagging Drake in, Drake quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Drake clears the ring and he propels Storm onto The Bruisers. Milonas and Storm battle in the ring as Bruiser is thrown back in the ring, Drake rolls up Bruiser for a near fall. Milonas interferes to prevent Drake and Storm from landing their finisher, Milonas tags in and he crushes Drake with Bruiser. Milonas then hits Storm with a sidewalk slam for a near fall, Bruiser tags in and The Bruisers set up for their finisher. Drake returns and he knocks Bruiser off the ropes, Storm then hits Milonas with a sunset bomb before slamming him alongside Drake. Storm then hits Bruiser with a super kick, Drake then hits a downed Bruiser with an elbow drop for a three count.

Winners: Eli Drake & James Storm w/Eddie Kingston, still the NWA World Tag Team Champions

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