
NWA Powerrr 2/11/2020 Results: NWA TV Title Match, Rock N’ Roll Express vs. Nick Aldis/Royce Isaacs

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– Sean Mooney provides a preview of what’s to come on NWA Powerrr.

– James Storm & Eli Drake join the announce team as the show begins.

The Dawsons (Dave & Zane Dawson) w/The Pope vs. The Bouncers (Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas) w/Eddie Kingston

The match begins with Bruiser and Zane trying to drop each other with clotheslines, Bruiser eventually drops Zane with a running clothesline. Milonas and Dave tag into the match before getting into a striking exchange, Milonas corners Dave to land more chops and tag Bruiser in. Milonas attacks Dave with seated sentons before Bruiser lands a running knee strike, Bruiser then hits Dave with a bunch of jabs. Zane interferes and Bruiser drops him, Dave nails a distracted Bruiser with a drop kick before ripping away at his face. Zane tags in and he attacks a cornered Bruiser with a series of strikes, Dave tags back in and he hits Bruiser with a knee strike to the midsection. Bruiser fights back and Dave drops him with a back elbow strike for a near fall, Dave holds Bruiser down while applying a chin lock. The Dawsons get in the ring and Bruiser drops them with a double clothesline, Milonas tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team.

Milonas nails Zane with a running cross body block, Pope and Kingston start arguing on the arena floor. The Dawson hit Milonas with a double power bomb for a near fall, Bruiser and Dave battle on the arena floor. Zane goes to the top rope and Milonas meets him up there to land a superplex, Bruiser then lands a top rope frog splash so Milonas can get the three count.

Winners: The Bouncers (Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas) w/Eddie Kingston

After the match, The Bouncers drink out of the Crockett Cup with James Storm.

– Nick Aldis is backstage at ROH Free Enterprise, Aldis talks about Marty Scurll trying to take the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from him.

– Thom Latimer comes to the interview area with Kamille, Latimer says he will kick the crap out of Tim Storm tonight. Latimer says Nick Aldis in the world champion and his best mate, Latimer says he and Royce Isaacs will win the NWA World Tag Team Titles back because Eli Drake and James Storm aren’t a real team. Latimer says Aldis and Isaacs will take out The Rock N’ Roll Express in tonight’s main event.

Tim Storm vs. Thom Latimer w/Kamille

The match begins with Latimer jumping Storm from behind as the bell sounds, Storm recovers and he clotheslines Latimer out of the ring. Latimer gets back in the ring and he exchanges shoulder tackles with Storm, Storm ends the exchange by nailing Latimer with some strikes and a back body drop. Latimer fights back and he exchanges more strikes with Storm, Latimer distracts the ref before nailing Storm with a choke strike and a spear. Latimer corners Storm to land a bunch of face washes and strikes, Latimer then drops Storm with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Latimer holds Storm down while landing a bunch of elbow strikes, Storm starts fighting back and he drops a charging Latimer with a clothesline. Storm follows up by hitting Latimer with a back elbow strike, Storm then nails Latimer with a neck breaker. Storm also nails Latimer with a boot to the face, Latimer recovers and he sends Storm to the ring apron.

Latimer then smashes Storm face first into the turnbuckle before getting him in the ring, Storm fights back before missing a charge in the corner. Latimer then hits Storm with the Brighter Side Of Suffering for a three count.

Winner: Thom Latimer w/Kamille

After the match, a Mama Storm impersonator comes out and mocks Tim Storm.

– Highlights are shown of Nick Aldis appearing at ROH Free Enterprise.

– Highlights are shown of Trevor Murdoch facing Aron Stevens from last weeks NWA Powerrr.

– Dave Marquez interviews Trevor Murdoch, who says that Aron Stevens hides from everybody and he wants a rematch for the NWA National Championship. Murdoch says he is the toughest man to step into the NWA ring, The Question Mark comes out and he mumbles a bunch of unintelligible stuff.

– Sean Mooney appears for the NWA Update, Mooney talks about the feud between Nick Aldis and Marty Scurll. Scurll is shown answering the challenge from Aldis at ROH Free Enterprise, Scurll says he’ll give Aldis $500,000 if he cannot win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and Aldis accepts the challenge. Mooney says Aldis versus Scurll will happen at the Crockett Cup this April, Mooney says The Circle Squared will debut next week and more programming is coming in the future months.

NWA TV Championship
Ricky Starks (c) vs. Matt Cross

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Starks and Cross, Starks gains control by working on the arm of Cross. Cross fights back and Starks trips him up before applying a chin lock, Cross gets free and more chain wrestling takes place. Starks then drops Cross with a shoulder tackle followed by a drop kick, Cross recovers and he nails a charging Starks with a back breaker for a near fall. Cross corners Starks before smashing him face first into the top turnbuckle, Cross keeps Starks cornered before landing a handspring back elbow for a near fall. Starks and Cross get into a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Cross drops Starks with a boot to the face for a near fall. Cross gets Starks up before landing another back elbow strike, Cross looks for a suplex and Starks winds up nailing him with one. Starks follows up on that by nailing Cross with a tornado DDT for a near fall, Cross hits Starks with a Cross Cutter as the bell sounds.

Match Result: Time Limit Draw, Ricky Starks retains

After the match, Zicky Dice comes to the interview area to call out Ricky Starks, Dice says that he finishes every time, unlike Starks.

– Marti Belle comes to the interview area, Belle says that everything that Melina has said has come true. Belle says that Allysin Kay has now lost her title and her best friend, Belle gets angry when Melina’s motives are questioned. Belle says Kay doesn’t care about the NWA or the fans, Kay comes out and she says she cares about the fans. Kay says that Melina is wrestling tonight so she can get a title shot instead of Belle, Kay says she will always be there for Belle.

Melina vs. Tasha Steelz

The match begins with Melina slapping Steelz hand away before shoving her into the corner, Steelz fights back and she attacks Melina with some strikes. Melina recovers and she kicks Steels in the head, Melina nails Steelz with a cutter before kicking her in the midsection a few times. Melina keeps Steelz cornered while landing some strikes, Melina then nails Steelz with a running knee strike to the head. Melina keeps Steelz down while attacking her with more strikes, Steelz fights back and she attacks Melina with strikes of her own. Melina recovers to drop Steelz with a face buster and follow up strikes, Steelz fights back again and she nails Melina with more strikes. Steelz corners Melina before landing a flying forearm strike, Steels then hits Melina with a neck breaker for a near fall. Melina recovers and she nails Steels with a spinning neck breaker for a near fall, Steelz recovers and she hits Melina with a jaw breaker. 

Melina avoids a cutter to crush Steelz with a lariat, Melina then hits Steelz with a Primal Scream for a three count.

Winner: Melina

After the match, Melina gets interviewed and she says that she has already proved herself and she challenges Thunder Rosa for a title match next week.

– Sal Rinauro and Mae Valentine sit in the crowd before the next match starts.

Royce Isaacs & Nick Aldis vs. The Rock N’ Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson)

The match begins with Gibson rolling up a distracted Isaacs for a near fall, Gibson then hits Isaacs with a shoulder tackle and hip toss. Morton tags in and Isaacs is hit with a wishbone, Gibson tags back in and Isaacs is hit with another wishbone. Morton tags in and he wrenches away on the leg of Isaacs, Gibson tags in and he works over the leg of Isaacs. Isaacs fights back and he rakes the eyes of Gibson, Aldis tags in and he nails Gibson with a lot of strikes. Gibson fights back and Morton tags in to land a hurricarana on Aldis, Isaacs tags in and Morton cracks him with a few strikes to knock him out of the ring. Morton follows Isaacs out there and Aldis jumps him after a distraction, Isaacs gets Morton back in the ring and he chokes him on the bottom rope. Aldis interferes and he stomps on a downed Morton while the ref was distracted, Isaacs then hits Morton with a back suplex for a near fall.

Aldis tags in and he nails a downed Morton with a few strikes, Aldis misses a charge in the corner and both partners are tagged into the match. Gibson quickly starts cleaning house against the opposition, Gibson then hits Isaacs with a suplex before throwing Aldis off the top rope. Morton hits the ring and he goes after Aldis, Isaacs rakes the eyes of Gibson and rolls him up with the feet on the ropes for a three count.

Winners: Royce Isaacs & Nick Aldis

– A video package airs on the feud between Nick Aldis and Marty Scurll. 

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