
NWA Hard Times Results: 5 Title Matches, The NWA TV Title Tournament & Scott Steiner Competes

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NWA World Heavyweight Championship
Nick Aldis (c) def. Flip Gordon to retain the title

NWA Worlds Women’s Championship
Thunder Rosa def. Allysin Kay (c) to win the title

NWA World Tag Team Championships
Eli Drake & James Storm def. Rock N Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) (c) & The Wildcards (Thomas Latimer & Royce Isaacs) w/Kamilla to win the titles

NWA National Championship
Scott Steiner def. Aron Stevens (c) w/The Question Mark by DQ

NWA Television Title Tournament Finals
Ricky Starks def. Trevor Murdoch

NWA Television Title Tournament Semi-Finals
Trevor Murdoch def. Dan Maff
Ricky Starks def. Tim Storm

NWA Television Title Tournament Opening Round
Tim Storm def. Ken Anderson by forfeit
Ricky Starks def. Matt Cross
Trevor Murdoch def. The Question Mark
Dan Maff def. Zicky Dice

NWA Television Title Tournament Opening Round
The Question Mark vs. Trevor Murdoch

The match begins with Murdoch dropping Mark with an arm drag followed by a drop kick, Mark fights back and he nails Murdoch with a missile drop kick. Murdoch leaves the ring and Mark follows him out of the ring, Mark attacks Murdoch before getting him back in the ring. Mark throws Murdoch shoulder first into the corner before landing a few shots to the throat, Mark follows that up by nailing Murdoch with a back body drop. Mark then hits Murdoch with a belly to belly suplex for a near fall, Murdoch fights back and he nails Mark with a few strikes. Murdoch goes to the top rope and he nails Mark with a bulldog, Mark gets up and Murdoch nails him with a second top rope bulldog for a three count.

Winner: Trevor Murdoch

NWA Television Title Tournament Opening Round
Zicky Dice vs. Dan Maff

The match begins with Dice slapping the behind of Maff, Maff recovers and he drops Dice with a shoulder block. Maff corners Dice after landing an avalanche followed by strikes, Dice fights back and he attacks Maff with strikes of his own. Dice gets Maff out of the corner by landing a bulldog for a near fall, Dice keeps Maff down while landing stomps and an elbow drop. Dice looks for a pile driver and Maff counters with a back body drop, Dice still manages to hit Maff with a lariat afterwards for a near fall. Dice goes for a neck breaker and Maff escapes to land a head and arm suplex, Dice fights back and Maff nails him with a spear followed by a cannonball. Maff then hits Dice with a running senton for a three count.

Winner: Dan Maff

NWA Television Title Tournament Opening Round
Ricky Starks vs. Matt Cross

The match begins with Starks getting Cross in a headlock, Cross gets free and Starks nails him with a shoulder tackle. Cross recovers and he drop kicks Starks out of the ring, Cross drops Starks with a kick before landing an elbow drop from the ring post to the arena floor. Cross gets Starks back in the ring before going to the top rope, Cross gets off the ropes and Starks nails him with a sit out face buster for a near fall. Starks gets Cross in the corner while landing a few strikes, Starks then hits Cross with a neck breaker followed by a basement drop kick for a near fall. Cross fights back and he drops Starks with multiple clotheslines, Cross then hits Starks with a handspring elbow and springboard cross body block for a near fall. Cross follows up by tripping up Starks and landing a double stomp for another near fall, Cross then nails Starks with a springboard cutter. Cross goes to the top rope and he leaps off onto his feet, Starks then nails Cross with The Stroke for a three count.

Winner: Ricky Starks

– Dave Marquez brings out Tim Storm, who thanks the NWA family for all that they have done in recent months. Storm says that he heard that Ken Anderson won’t be here tonight, Storm says he doesn’t want an easy way to a victory and it is what it is. Storm says he will take the win and go to the next round, Storm says he wants to be the NWA TV Champion.

– Stu Bennett leaves the announce table to say that he has some breaking news, Bennett says he wants to thank the BPB Studios for hosting their first two pay-per-view events. Bennett says the next pay-per-view is happening this April, Bennett reveals the Crocket Cup and that is what the next pay-per-view will be for.

NWA World Tag Team Championships
Rock N Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) (c) vs. The Wildcards (Thomas Latimer & Royce Isaacs) w/Kamilla vs. Eli Drake & James Storm

The match begins with Isaacs distracting Morton so Latimer can attack him, Drake joins in and he nails Latimer with a neck breaker. Drake and Morton double team the rocked Latimer, Drake gets Morton in a headlock before dropping Latimer with a shoulder tackle. Isaacs tags in and he gets double teamed by Morton and Drake, Storm and Gibson tag in and they double team Isaacs. Latimer interferes and he gets taken out by Gibson and Storm, Isaacs recovers before knocking Storm into Gibson. Isaacs corners Storm while stomping away on him, Latimer interferes and he throws Gibson into the ring post. Latimer tags in and he nails Storm with a short arm clothesline before applying a chin lock, Storm gets free and he nails Storm with a back elbow strike. Isaacs tags in and he nails Storm with more strikes, Isaacs then nails a charging Storm with a power slam for a near fall. Latimer tags in and he nails a cornered Storm with more strikes, Latimer keeps Storm down while applying a chin lock.

Kamilla continues attacks Gibson while he is trapped on the arena floor, Storm fights back and he nails Latimer with a back body drop. Storm gets a tag in the referee doesn’t see it, Isaacs interferes and he nails Storm with a cheap shot. Latimer and Storm go down after taking each other out with a double drop kick, Isaacs tags in and he attacks Gibson with a clothesline. Storm recovers and he nails Isaacs with a Code Breaker, Latimer and Drake tag in and immediately fight each other. Drake nails Latimer with a side Russian leg sweep and power slam, Drake then hits Latimer with an elbow drop for a near fall. Isaacs interferes and that allows Latimer to nail Drake with a power bomb, Morton tags in and he attacks Latimer before getting nailed in the throat. Kamilla interferes and distracts Gibson so Latimer can take him out, Morton then hits Latimer with a destroyer. Storm grabs the leg of Morton and that allows Drake to land a kryptonite krunch on him for a three count.

Winners: Eli Drake & James Storm, your new NWA World Tag Team Champions

After the match, Eli Drake and James Storm go to Dave Marquez, Drake says that he promised to win an NWA Title and that goal was accomplished. Storm says that he and Drake prefer beer and liquor, Drake says their team name doesn’t matter because they are the champs.

NWA Worlds Women’s Championship
Allysin Kay (c) vs. Thunder Rosa

The match begins with Rosa and Kay exchanging a ton of strikes, Kay gets Rosa in the corner before landing more strikes. Rosa fights back and Kay nails her with a northern lights suplex for a two count, Kay gets Rosa back in the corner before landing more strikes. Kay drops Rosa before applying a chin lock to her, Rosa fights her way free and Kay nails her with a neck breaker for a near fall. Rosa leaves the ring and Kay suplexes her back in it for a near fall, Kay gets Rosa up and they exchange some more strikes. Rosa fights back and she nails Kay with a drop kick, Rosa keeps Kay down while landing a bunch of strikes. Rosa drags Kay to the middle rope before choking her on it, Rosa corners Kay before landing a bunch of strikes and stomps. Rosa follows up by nailing Kay with a suplex and Kay exits the ring a short time later, Rosa then hits Kay with a baseball slide drop kick. Rosa leaves the ring and she attacks the arm of Kay before throwing her into the ring post, Rosa gets Kay back in the ring before attacking her injured arm.

Rosa holds Kay down before applying the Yes Lock to her, Kay gets free and she nails Rosa with more strikes. Kay follows that up by getting Rosa in a guillotine choke until Rosa gets to the ropes, Rosa recovers and she drapes the arm of Kay on the middle rope. Kay fights back and she gets nailed in the injured arm by Rosa, Rosa keeps Kay down while pulling back on her arm. Rosa releases the hold and she kicks the injured arm of Kay, Kay fights back and the two exchange a bunch of strikes. Rosa drags Kay back to the mat while pulling back on her arm again, Rosa releases the hold to smash Kay’s arm on the mat below. Kay recovers and she nails Rosa with a release German suplex for a near fall, Kay gets Rosa in the corner while landing some strikes. Rosa recovers and she nails Kay with her own release German suplex for a near fall, Rosa goes to the top rope and Kay exits the ring. Rosa goes to the ring apron and Kay catches her as she leaps off, Kay then hits Rosa with a power bomb onto the edge of the ring.

Kay gets Rosa back into the ring and she follows her in there to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Kay sets up for AK47 and Rosa rolls through before landing a knee strike. Rosa goes to the top rope and she looks for a double knee strike, Kay blocks it and she looks for a pile driver before Rosa rolls her up for a near fall. Rosa quickly gets Kay into the octopus stretch and Kay gets free to land a tombstone pile driver for a near fall, Kay corners Rosa before getting her on the top rope. Kay follows Rosa up there and Rosa knocks her off the ropes, Rosa then hits Kay with a missile drop kick. Rosa gets Kay up and Rosa is thrown back into the corner, Kay then hits Rosa with an AK47 for a near fall. Rosa and Kay have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Rosa catches Kay in a jump guillotine choke and Kay gets free. Rosa climbs the ropes while continuing to battle Kay, Kay follows her up the ropes and Rosa gets her off with a sunset flip bomb for a near fall. Kay gets up and she nails Rosa with a head kick before missing a charge in the corner, Rosa gets Kay down and she pulls back on her arm.

Kay powers her way to her feet and Rosa nails her with the Thunder Driver for a three count.

Winner: Thunder Rosa, your new NWA Worlds Women’s Champion

After the match, Melina and Marti Belle come out to celebrate with Thunder Rosa. 

– Marty Scurll comes to the announce table before the next match, Scurll says he is here because he wants his shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Scurll says he will not stop bothering Nick Aldis until he gets another shot at the gold, Scurll wonders why Aldis isn’t defending the title against Flip Gordon tonight. Aldis eventually comes out and he says he is flabbergasted by what Scurll is saying, Aldis says he has the stroke and he makes it a hot ticket wherever he is headlining. Aldis says he will defend the title against Gordon, Aldis says that all future business with Ring Of Honor is done on his terms only and Scurll cannot be in the building when it happens. Security comes out and Scurll leaves peacefully. 

NWA Television Title Tournament Semi-Finals
Trevor Murdoch vs. Dan Maff

The match begins with Murdoch and Maff exchanging some strikes, Murdoch gains control and Maff drops him with a spear from out of nowhere. Maff stomsp away on a downed Murdoch before leaving the ring to land more strikes, Maff gets back in the ring and he nails Murdoch with more strikes. Maff also rakes the back of Murdoch before biting him in the forehead, Maff keeps Murdoch cornered before landing an avalanche for a near fall. Murdoch starts fighting back and Maff fires back with strikes of his own, Maff misses a charge in the corner and Murdoch nails him with a top rope bulldog for a three count.

Winner: Trevor Murdoch

NWA Television Title Tournament Semi-Finals
Tim Storm vs. Ricky Starks

The match begins with Storm backing Starks into the rope before letting him go free, Starks gets Storm in a headlock and Storm gets free before landing a shoulder block. Storm goes for a hip toss and Starks lands on his feet, Storm then nails Starks with a series of strikes. Starks and Storm exchange a bunch of chops in the corner, Storm ends the exchange by nailing Starks with a spine buster for a near fall. Storm drops Starks before landing a boot to the face for a near fall, Storm gets Starks up before landing a few elbow strikes. Starks fights back and he nails Storm with a drop kick, Starks misses a middle rope stomp and Storm lands a back breaker afterwards for a near fall. Starks fights back to hit Storm with a jaw breaker, Storm recovers and he nails a charging Starks with the Perfect Storm. Starks rolls to the ring apron and Storm gets him back in the ring before getting rolled up for a near fall, Starks then hits Storm with a modified Styles Clash for a near fall. Starks escapes the Perfect Storm and he rolls up Storm for a three count.

Winner: Ricky Starks

NWA National Championship
Aron Stevens (c) w/The Question Mark vs. Scott Steiner

The match begins with Stevens going to work on the arm of Steiner and Steiner does the same to him, Steiner backs Stevens into the ropes before landing a few strikes. Steiner then nails Stevens with a hip toss and Stevens leaves the ring a short time later, Stevens gets in the ring again and Steiner gets him in a headlock. Stevens gets free and Steiner drops him with a shoulder tackle, Stevens leaves the ring and Steiner gets him back in. Steiner then hits Stevens with a belly to belly suplex, Stevens leaves the ring and Steiner follows him out there. Steiner grabs Stevens and he rams him into the ring post and TV title table, Steiner also sends Stevens face first into the ring steps. Steiner gets Stevens back in the ring and he nails Stevens with more strikes, Stevens fights back and he pokes Steiner in the eyes. Steiner recovers and he nails Stevens with a belly to belly suplex, Steiner corners Stevens again before landing a spinning belly to belly suplex for a near fall. 

Stevens fights back and he rolls up Steiner with his foot on the ropes for a near fall, Stevens goes to the middle rope and Steiner catches him as he leaps off to land a flat liner. Steiner gets Stevens in the Steiner Recliner and The Question Mark interferes to cause a DQ

Winner: Scott Steiner, by DQ

After the match, Scott Steiner gets The Question Mark in the Steiner Recliner. 

NWA World Heavyweight Championship
Nick Aldis (c) vs. Flip Gordon

The match begins with Gordon cornering Aldis before landing a plethora of strikes, Aldis fights back and he cracks Gordon with strikes of his won. Gordon recovers and he nails Aldis with more strikes, Gordon then nails Aldis with a drop kick and Aldis leaves the ring. Gordon follows Aldis out of the ring to land more strikes, Gordon looks for a suplex on the announce table and Aldis blocks it. Gordon gets Aldis back in the ring and Aldis scores a takedown a short time later, Gordon recovers and he wrenches away on the arm of Aldis. Aldis gets free and Gordon gets him in a headlock, Aldis gets free and Gordon nails him with an enziguri. Aldis blocks a springboard move from Gordon before exiting the ring, Gordon responds by nailing Aldis with a suicide dive. Gordon gets back in the ring and Gordon gets him in an arm bar, Aldis powers his way free by nailing Gordon with a power bomb. Aldis follows that up by nailing Gordon with a belly to belly suplex, Aldis then nails Gordon with a fall away slam.

Aldis gets Gordon on the top rope before nailing him with a super fall away slam for a near fall, Aldis keeps Gordon down while applying a chin lock. Gordon gets free and Aldis nails him with a delayed vertical suplex, Gordon gets up and Aldis cracks him with more strikes. Aldis attacks the knee of Gordon before applying a figure four leg lock, Gordon reverses the figure four leg lock and Aldis gets to the ropes. Gordon fights back some more and he drops Aldis before landing a spin kick to the head, Aldis fights back and Gordon nails him with a springboard spear followed by strikes. Gordon drops Aldis again before kicking him in the back and landing a missle rope moonsault for a near fall, Gordon then gets Aldis in the corner while landing a few strikes, Gordon goes to the top rope and Aldis crotches him. Aldis goes to the top rope and Gordon lands on his feet during a super release German suplex attempt.

Aldis then nails Gordon with a tombstone pile driver and top rope elbow drop for a near fall, Gordon fights back and he nails Aldis with an overhead kick. Gordon gets Aldis down and he applies the cross face, Aldis eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold. Aldis and Gordon exchange some strikes in the middle of the ring, Aldis trips up Gordon and he looks for a cloverleaf as Gordon breaks the hold. Gordon then hits Aldis with a super kick and two Star Spangled Stunners for a near fall, Aldis recovers and he gets Gordon on the top rope. Gordon goes for a victory roll and Aldis counters with his own roll up for a three count.

Winner: Nick Aldis, still the NWA World Heavyweight Champion

NWA Television Title Tournament Finals
Trevor Murdoch vs. Ricky Starks

The match begins with Starks landing on his feet during a release German suplex from Murdoch, Murdoch quickly drops Starks with a boot to the face. Murdoch keeps Starks down while attacking him with strikes, Starks fights back and he nails Murdoch with a shoulder tackle followed by a sliding lariat for a near fall. Murdoch goes for a test of strength against Starks before landing a knee strike and side Russian leg sweep, Murdoch grabs Starks and he gets him on the ring apron. Murdoch then knocks Starks to the arena floor and he follows him out there to land more strikes, Starks recovers to nail Murdoch with a sliding kick. Starks leaps off the ring apron and Murdoch nails him with a strike, Starks recovers and he nails Murdoch with strikes. Murdoch ends that by throwing Starks right into the ring steps, Murdoch gets in the ring and he stomps away on Starks when he gets back in the ring.

Starks starts fighting back and Murdoch dumps him back out of the ring, Starks gets in the ring and Murdoch nails him with a high angle suplex for a near fall. Starks looks for a tornado DDT and Murdoch escapes before landing a lariat for a near fall, Murdoch keeps Starks down before applying a camel clutch. Murdoch releases the hold and he gets Starks on the top rope before following him up there, Starks fights back and he gets free to land a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Starks looks for The Stroke and Murdoch gets free before eating a spear for a near fall, Starks eventually nails Murdoch with The Stroke for a three count.

Winner: Ricky Starks, your new NWA Television Champion

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