
NJPW Super Junior Tag League 2019 Day 2 Results: Chaos Members Collide In The Main Event

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NJPW Super Junior Tag League 2019 Day 2. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Super Junior Tag League 2019 Matches

Suzuki-Gun (Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desparado) def. Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori & El Phantasmo)

Volador Jr. & Titan def. TJP & Clark Connors

Roppongi 3K (Sho & Yoh) def. Birds Of Prey (Will Ospreay & Robbie Eagles)

Ryusuke Taguchi & Rocky Romero def. Tiger Mask IV & Yuya Uemura 

Non-Tournament Matches

Bullet Club (Jay White, Kenta & Yujiro Takahashi) def. Toa Henare & Chaos (Tomohiro Ishii & Hirooki Goto)

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi, Evil & Sanada) def. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Taichi, Douki & Zack Sabre Jr.)

Tomoaki Homna & Karl Fredericks def. Jushin “Thunder” Liger & Yota Tsuji

Jushin “Thunder” Liger & Yota Tsuji vs. Tomoaki Homna & Karl Fredericks

The match begins with Tsuji and Fredericks working over each others arms, Tsuji then gets Fredericks in a headlock. Tsuji releases the hold before dropping Fredericks with a shoulder tackle, Fredericks recovers to hit Tsuji with a cross body block and slam. Fredericks misses a charge in the corner and Tsuji nails him with a slam, Liger tags in and he tosses Fredericks out of the ring before landing a baseball slide drop kick. Tsuji gets Fredericks in the ring so Liger can lock him in a submission hold, Fredericks gets to the ropes and Liger tags Tsuji in. Tsuji then holds Fredericks in the kravat before applying a chin lock, Fredericks gets free and he exchanges strikes with Tsuji. Liger tags in and he attacks Fredericks with some chops, Liger then smashes the knee of Fredericks on the mat below. Fredericks recovers and he drops Liger with a shoulder tackle, Homna tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Homna corners Liger while landing a bunch of strikes, Homna nails Liger with a back elbow strike and bulldog before missing a kokeshi.

Liger attacks Homna with a few elbow strikes before landing a swinging neck breaker, Liger follows that up by nailing Homna with a suplex. Liger looks for a power bomb and Homna blocks it before lading a flying kokeshi, Fredericks and Tsuji are tagged in. Tsuji immediately nails Fredericks with a drop kick followed by a hip toss and splash for a near fall, Tsuji then gets Fredericks in the single leg crab and Homna breaks it up before eating a spear. Fredericks shocks Tsuji with a few roll ups for a few near falls, Fredericks then hits Tsuji with a spine buster before applying a single leg crab and a tap out follows.

Winners: Tomoaki Homna & Karl Fredericks

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi, Evil & Sanada) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Taichi, Douki & Zack Sabre Jr.)

The match begins with Naito knocking Taichi off the ring apron, Naito then hits Douki with an arm drag before landing a basement drop kick in the corner. Sanada tags in and he attacks Douki with a few strikes, Sanada goes for a Paradise Lock and Sabre Jr jumps him from behind. A brawl breaks out between both teams and it spills all over the arena, Taichi grabs a steel chair and he attacks Naito with it. Douki gets a near fall on Sanada when they return to the ring and then he tags Suzuki in, Suzuki and Sabre Jr take turns applying submissions to Sanada. Sabre Jr tags in and he applies the kravat to a downed Sanada, Taichi tags in and he he nails Sanada with a spinning heel kick to the midsection. Taichi then hits Sanada with an enzaguri before applying a stretch muffler, Naito interferes and he nails Taichi with an enzaguri. Sabre Jr tags in and he reapplies the kravat to Sanada, Sanada gets free and he nails a charging Sabre Jr with a drop kick to the knee. 

Suzuki tags in and Sanada nails him with a dragon screw leg whip, Evil tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Evil corners Suzuki before landing a bronco buster for a near fall, Suzuki fights back and a striking exchange breaks out. Evil uses a ref distraction to nail Suzuki with a thrust kick, Takagi tags in and Suzuki gets him in a sleeper hold before tagging Douki in. Douki corners Takagi while attacking his injured shoulder, Suzuki-Gun quadruple teams Takagi so Douki can get a near fall on him. The majority of both teams have a brawl on the arena floor, Takagi recovers and drops Douki with a combination. Takagi then hits Douki with a Pumping Bomber for a three count.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi, Evil & Sanada)

Toa Henare & Chaos (Tomohiro Ishii & Hirooki Goto) vs. Bullet Club (Jay White, Kenta & Yujiro Takahashi)

The match begins with Henare and Chaos jumping Bullet Club and a brawl spills all over the arena, Goto grabs White and throws him into a wall. Ishii grabs an umbrella and he attacks Kenta with it, Goto gets White in the ring and he follows him in there. Goto and White exchange some forearm strikes in the ring, Goto then hits White with a bulldog for a near fall. Goto corners White while landing a bunch of forearm strikes, White looks to escapes before dropping Goto neck first on the top rope. White gets back in the ring and he propels Goto out of the ring before another brawl breaks out, White grabs a shirt and he chokes Goto with it. White gets Goto back in the ring before tagging Takahashi in, Takahashi keeps Goto grounded while attacking him with strikes. Takahashi follows that up by nailing Goto with a basement drop kick, White tags in and he drops Goto before landing a basement drop kick for a near fall. White slows things down further by applying a chin lock, Goto gets free and he drops White with a spinning clothesline. Kenta tags in and he gets Goto in a sleeper hold, Goto gets free and he drops Kenta with a back suplex. 

Ishii tags in and he goes right after Kenta with a bunch of strikes, Kenta ends the exchange by dropping Ishii with a DDT. Ishii gets up and a striking exchange breaks out with Kenta, Kenta and Ishii also exchange some power slams. Takahashi and Henare are tagged in by their respective partners, Henare nails Takahashi with a corner clothesline and a Samoan drop. Takahashi gets up and Henare drops him with a clothesline for a near fall, White interferes and that instigates another brawl between the teams. Takahashi eventually nails Henare with a fisherman buster suplex for a near fall, Takahashi then hits Henare with Pimp Juice for a three count.

Winners: Bullet Club (Jay White, Kenta & Yujiro Takahashi)

Ryusuke Taguchi & Rocky Romero vs. Tiger Mask IV & Yuya Uemura

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Romero and Uemura, Romero and Uemura also take turns working over each others arms. Romero and Uemura also exchange a few strikes, Uemura then drops Romero with a shoulder tackle. Taguchi and Mask IV are tagged in and Mask IV causes Taguchi to tire himself out while running the ropes, Mask IV eats a few kicks before taking Taguchi down with an arm drag. Uemura tags in and he attacks Taguchi with a few strikes, Taguchi regains control for his team and he tags Romero into the match. Romero drops Uemura and lands a basement drop kick for a near fall, Taguchi tags in and he goes after Uemura with hip attacks. Romero tags in and he hits Uemura with hip attacks, Romero corners Uemura before landing Forever Clotheslines. Uemura fights back and he nails a charging Romero with a drop kick, Mask IV tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Mask IV drops for a knee bar and Romero and Taguchi breaks it up, Mask IV knocks Taguchi out of the ring before tagging Uemura in.

Mask IV and Uemura double team Romero so Uemura can get a near fall on him, Romero recovers and he drops Uemura before tagging Taguchi in. Taguchi attacks Uemura with a series of suplexes, Taguchi goes to the top rope and Mask IV interferes to nail him with a super double un derhook suplex. Uemura gets Taguchi in the Boston crab and Taguchi eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold, Uemura then hits Taguchi with a German suplex for a near fall. Romero returns and he works with Taguchi to land several double hip attacks, Romero then takes out Mask IV with a suicide dive. Uemura catches Taguchi in a few roll ups for a few near falls, Taguchi recovers and drops Uemura with a hip attack for a near fall. Taguchi then nails Uemura with a Shodan for a three count.

Winners: Ryusuke Taguchi & Rocky Romero

TJP & Clark Connors vs. Volador Jr. & Titan

The match begins with TJP and Volador Jr doing some chain wrestling, Volador Jr and TJP both attempt head scissors takedowns on each other before missing drop kicks. Titan and Connors are tagged in by their respective partners, Titan and Connors have a chain wrestling sessions until Connors nails Titan with a drop kick. TJP tags in and Titan fights back against both opponents, Volador Jr and Titan double team TJP after Connors is knocked out of the ring. Titan then hits TJP with a top rope splash after Volador Jr tags  in, Volador Jr holds TJP down while wrenching away on his arm. Titan tags in and he attacks TJP with a few strikes, Connors makes a blind tag and he nails Titan with a shoulder tackle. Connors corners Titan before landing a series of shoulder thrusts, TJP tags in and he nails Titan with a slingshot swanton bomb for a near fall. TJP then applies a sharp shooter before transitioning to a Muta Lock, Titan gets free from TJP and he tags Volador Jr into the match. Volador Jr cleans house against the opposing team before getting a near fall on TJP, Titan tags in and he kicks TJP in the face. 

Titan then hits TJP with a springboard leg drop for a near fall, TJP fights back and he knocks Volador Jr out of the ring after crotching Titan on the top rope. TJP nails Titan with a superplex before landing a modified Go To Sleep for a near fall, Connors tags in and he nails Titan with a spear for a near fall. Connors gets Titan in the Boston crab and Volador Jr breaks it up, Titan knocks TJP to the arena floor so Volador Jr can nail him with a suicide dive. Connors then attacks Titan with a plethora of strikes, Titan recovers to land a clothesline and slingshot drop kick. Titan also hits Connors with a springboard double stomp for a three count.

Winners: Volador Jr. & Titan

Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori & El Phantasmo) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desparado)

The match begins with Suzuki-Gun jumping Bullet Club before the bell sounds, Phantasmo knocks Desparado out of the ring before double teaming Kanemaru with Ishimori. Ishimori tags in and he rakes the back of a trapped Kanemaru, Phantasmo tags in and he continues raking the back of Kanemaru. Phantasmo walks the ropes until Desparado distracts him so Kanemaru can knock him to the arena floor, Desparado attacks Phantasmo on the arena floor before getting him back in the ring. Desparado tags in and he rakes the back of Phantasmo, Phantasmo and Desparado go after each others eyes. Ishimori distracts Desparado so Phantasmo can nail him with a drop kick, Ishimori tags in and he hangs Desparado upside down in the corner while standing on his groin. Phantasmo tags in and he stands on the groin of Desparado alongside ishimori, Ishimori tags back in and he nails Desparado with a few strikes. Kanemaru drags Ishimori out of the ring and a brawl between both teams spills all over the arena. Suzuki-Gun attacks their opponents with chair shots and umbrella shots, Kanemaru tags in and he works over a downed Ishimori in the ring.

Kanemaru then nails Ishimori with a release front suplex for a near fall, Desparado tags in and he stomps away on a downed Ishimori. Kanemaru and Desparado exchange tags while nailing Ishimori with slams and suplexes, Kanemaru stays in the ring to get a near fall on Ishimori. Phantasmo hits the ring and Desparado knocks him back out of it, Ishimori then drops Kanemaru with a boot to the face. Phantasmo and Desparado are tagged in by their respective partners, Phantasmo cleans house against the opposing team. Phantasmo nails Desparado with a springboard splash for a near fall, Desparado recovers and he nails Phantasmo with a spine buster for a near fall. Desparado gets Phantasmo in Numero Dos and Ishimori breaks it up, Ishimori tags in and he nails Desparado with a series of double knee strikes. Phantasmo then hits Desparado with a moonsault afterwards. Kanemaru gets in the ring and Ishimori uses a super kick to knock him out of the ring, Phantasmo goes for a dive and Kanemaru gets out of the way. Ishimori nails Desparado with a handspring enzaguri for a near fall, Ishimori then hits Desparado with an elevated double knee strike for a near fall.

Kanemaru returns to the ring and both teams exchange low blows, Phantasmo grabs a title belt and Kanemaru low blows him before Desparado nails him with the belt. Kanemaru spits beer in the eyes of Ishimori before Desparado nails him with the belt, Desparado nails Ishimori with an angel’s wings for a three count.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desparado)

Roppongi 3K (Sho & Yoh) vs. Birds Of Prey (Will Ospreay & Robbie Eagles)

The match begins with Sho taking Eagles down while wrenching away on his legs, Eagles gets up and Sho gets him in a hammerlock. Eagles gets free and he briefly gets Sho in a head scissors, Eagles and Sho also exchange some shoulder tackles until Eagles goes down. Ospreay and Yoh get tagged into the match, Ospreay backs Yoh into the ropes and Yoh does the same to him. Yoh takes both opponents down with arm drags and drop kicks, Eagles tags in he propels Yoh into a back kick from Ospreay. Ospreay battles Sho on the arena floor while Eagles works over Yoh in the ring, Eagles then hits Yoh with a knee strike for a near fall. Ospreay tags in and Ospreay works over Yoh before tagging Eagles back in, Eagles corners Yoh before landing a bunch of strikes. Yoh fights back and he nails Eagles with a dragon screw leg whip, Ospreay tags in and Yoh takes out both opponents with a double rana. Sho tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Sho gets Eagles out of the ring after nailing him with a drop kick.

Ospreay and Sho battle until Ospreay drops him with a kick, Ospreay and Sho have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Ospreay drops Sho before leveling him with a series of Kawada Kicks, Sho fights back and he eventually drops Ospreay. Sho gets Ospreay up and he attacks him with a plethora of forearm strikes, Ospreay recovers to hit Sho with a hook kick. Sho fights back and he levels Ospreay with a clothesline, Yoh and Eagles are tagged in by their respective partners. Yoh quickly drops Eagles and gets him in a figure four leg lock, Eagles eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold. Eagle clears the ring a short time later and then he takes out both opponents with a suicide dive, Eagles gets Yoh in the ring and he nails him with a sliced bread for a near fall. Eagles the gets Yoh in the Ron Miller Special and Sho eventually breaks it up, Ospreay hits the ring to work with Eagles to hit Yoh with a power bomb/sliced bread combination. Yoh knocks Ospreay to the arena floor while Sho gets Eagles on his shoulders, Yoh hits Eagles with a top rope knee strike for a near fall. Ospreay then battles both opponents before eating a double knee strike, Sho and Yoh then double team Eagles.

Sho and Yoh look for 3K and Eagles fights back against both, Eagles drops Yoh on his head for a near fall. Yoh catches Eagles in a roll up before landing a super kick, Eagles recovers and nails Yoh with kicks of his own. Eagles and Yoh exchange roll ups until Yoh gets a three count.

Winners: Roppongi 3K (Sho & Yoh)

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