
NJPW New Japan Cup ’20 Day 8 Results: Kazuchika Okada & Evil Advance To The Finals

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NJPW New Japan Cup ’20 Day 8. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & Sho) def. Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Bushi & Shingo Takagi)

Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Taichi, Zack Sabre Jr. & El Desperado) def. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kota Ibushi, Yuji Nagata & Gabriel Kidd

NJPW New Japan Cup ’20 Semi-Final Round Matches

Kazuchika Okada def. Hiromu Takahashi
Evil def. Sanada

Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Taichi, Zack Sabre Jr. & El Desperado) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kota Ibushi, Yuji Nagata & Gabriel Kidd

The match begins with Taichi backing Tanahashi into the ropes so Sabre Jr can attack him, Ibushi hits the ring and he attacks Taichi. Tanahashi and Ibushi double team Taichi so Tanahashi can get a near fall on a pin attempt, Taichi gets a wire and he chokes Tanahashi with it. Sabre Jr attacks Ibushi and that starts a brawl between both teams that spills all over the arena, Sabre Jr locks Ibushi in an abdominal stretch and Taichi throws Tanahashi into the barricade. Taichi gets Tanahashi back in the ring and he works over his leg, Suzuki tags in and he stomps away on the injured leg of Tanahashi. Suzuki keeps Tanahashi down while wrenching away on his leg, Desperado tags in and he gets Tanahashi in a single leg crab until Kidd breaks it up. Desperado then nails Tanahashi with a splash to the injured leg, Sabre Jr tags in and he stretches the leg of Tanahashi while Taichi attacks Ibushi. Sabre Jr and Suzuki double team Tanahashi while the referee was distracted, Tanahashi fights back and he nails Sabre Jr with a Twist & Shout. Ibushi tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Sabre Jr goes for a triangle choke on Ibushi and Kidd quickly breaks it up. Ibushi goes for a few strikes on Sabre Jr and Sabre Jr quickly gets him in an octopus stretch, Ibushi gets free and Sabre Jr gets him in an ankle lock for a short time.

Sabre Jr attacks Ibushi with strikes and Ibushi drops him with a head kick, Nagata and Suzuki get tagged in and they immediately have a striking exchange. Nagata ends the exchange by nailing Suzuki with an exploder suplex, Kidd tags in and he attacks Suzuki with a few strikes. Suzuki lights Kidd up with a slap before tagging Desperado in, Kidd fights back to drop both Desperado and Suzuki. Kidd then nails a charging Desperado with a drop kick, Kidd then trips up Desperado before getting him in a Boston crab. Everybody from both teams hit the ring and a massive brawl breaks out, Desperado nails Kidd with the Angel’s Wings for a three count.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Taichi, Zack Sabre Jr. & El Desperado)

Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & Sho) vs. Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Bushi & Shingo Takagi)

The match begins with Takagi and Sho exchanging shoulder tackles and strikes, Sho eventually drops a charging Takagi with a shoulder block. Sho drops Takagi again before kicking him in the back, Ishii tags in and he attacks a cornered Takagi with strikes. Takagi fights back and a striking exchange breaks out with Ishii, Ishii drops Takagi with a shoulder tackle after some interference from Sho. Naito interferes to attack Ishii and that instigates a brawl between both teams that spills all over the place, Takagi nails Sho with a DDT on the arena floor. Naito tags in and he attacks Ishii with a bunch of strikes, Bushi tags in and he chokes Ishii with his shirt for a short time. Bushi keeps Ishii down while applying a chin lock to him, Ishii fights back and he quickly gets double teamed by LIJ. Naito tags back in and he applies a kravat to Ishii, Naito and Ishii get into a brief striking exchange that ends when Ishii suplexes Naito. Goto tags in and he quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Naito fights back to drop Goto and land a basement drop kick afterwards. Naito misses a charge in the corner and Goto drops him with a shoulder tackle, Bushi hits the ring and he double teams Goto with Naito.

Takagi and Sho are tagged in by their respective partners, Takagi quickly gains control by nailing Sho with a knee strike and suplex. Sho fights back and he drops Takagi with a suplex of his own, Takagi and Sho quickly get into a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Sho ends the exchange by nailing Takagi with multiple German suplexes, Takagi recovers and he drops Sho with a lariat. Bushi tags in and he nails Sho with an enziguri followed by a DDT, Ishii hits the ring and he lands a few headbutts before Bushi knocks him back out of thee ring. Members from both teams start brawling on the arena floor, Bushi goes for MX and Sho avoids it by getting out of the way. Everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out, Bushi then cracks Sho with a rebound kick. Sho recovers to hit Bushi with a lariat and power back stabber for a near fall. Sho then hits Bushi with a package pile driver for a three count.

Winners: Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & Sho)

After the match, Sho argues with Shingo Takagi before nailing him with a spear.

– Master Wato, formerly Hirai Kawato, hits the ring to say a few words when Douki attacks him from behind with his lead pipe.

NJPW New Japan Cup ’20 Semi-Final Round Match
Evil vs. Sanada

The match begins with Sanada and Evil both looking for their finishers, Sanada gets Evil in a headlock and Evil gets free to land a shoulder tackle. Sanada fights back and he knocks Evil out of the ring with an arm drag, Evil gets back in the ring and he quickly knocks Sanada out of it. Evil goes after Sanada and he throws him into the barricade a few times, Evil wraps a chair around the head of Sanada and he sends him into the ring post. Evil gets Sanada back in the ring and he quickly drops him, Evil keeps Sanada down while holding him in a chin lock. Sanada gets free and he nails Evil with a drop kick to the knee, Sanada knocks Evil back out of the ring before nailing him with a dive. Sanada gets Evil back in the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Evil fights back and he uses a ref distraction to nail Sanada with a thrust kick. Evil traps Sanada in the ropes next before landing a stomp for a near fall, Evil and Sanada have a back and forth until Sanada lands a rope assisted neck breaker for a near fall. Sanada looks for a TKO next and Evil uses another ref distraction to land a one man Magic Killer, Sanada and Evil then have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Evil ends the exchange by nailing Sanada with a clothesline followed by Darkness Falls for a near fall, Sanada fights back and he nails Evil with a drop kick followed by a tiger suplex for a near fall.

Sanada goes for the Skull End and Evil escapes to nail him with a lariat, Sanada fights back and he nails Evil with a sliced bread for a near fall. Sanada again goes for Skull End and Sanada releases the hold, Sanada goes for a moonsault and Evil gets his knees up. Evil gets up and he sends Sanada into the referee before landing a low blow, Evil leaves the ring and he brings some chairs back into it. Evil wraps a chair around the head of Sanada before hitting it with another chair, Evil follows up by nailing Sanada with another low blow. Evil then hits Sanada with Everything Is Evil for a three count.

Winner: Evil

NJPW New Japan Cup ’20 Semi-Final Round Match
Kazuchika Okada vs. Hiromu Takahashi

The match begins with Okada backing Takahashi into the ropes before letting him go free, Takahashi backs Okada into the ropes before landing a clothesline. Takahashi follows up by dropping Okada with a hurricarana, Okada fights back and he gets Takahashi in the cobra clutch. Takahashi eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Takahashi leaves the ring and Okada follows him out there to land a DDT on the arena floor. Okada gets Takahashi back in the ring and he quickly drops him, Takahashi tries fighting back and Okada drops him with a neck breaker. Takahashi fights back to drop Okada and land a basement drop kick, Takahashi follows up by knocking Okada out of the ring with a drop kick. Takahashi then knocks Okada through the barricade with a missile drop kick from the ring apron, Takahashi gets Okada back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Takahashi looks for a suplex and Okada defends before eating a super kick, Takahashi follows up by finally landing the suplex on Okada for a near fall. Okada recovers and he nails a charging Takahashi with a flapjack, Okada follows up by nailing Takahashi with a flying back elbow strike and DDT for a near fall. Okada goes to the top rope and Takahashi causes him to leap off, Takahashi then hits Okada with a release German suplex.

Takahashi and Okada get into a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Okada ends the exchange by nailing Takahashi with a shotgun drop kick. Okada places Takahashi on the top rope next before landing a drop kick that sends him to the arena floor, Okada leaves the ring to first throw Takahashi into the barricade and then to clothesline him over it. Okada then nails Takahashi with an elevated DDT on the arena floor, Okada gets Takahashi back in the ring before landing a missile drop kick for a near fall. Okada follows up by nailing Takahashi with another drop kick, Okada misses the next drop kick and Takahashi nails him with a shotgun drop kick. Takahashi gets Okada on the top rope and he follows him up there, Takahashi gets off the ropes before landing a drop kick that sends Okada to the arena floor. Takahashi then nails Okada with a sunset bomb on the arena floor, Takahashi gets Okada back in the ring to land a Dynamite Plunger for a near fall. Okada fights back and he nails a charging Takahashi with a drop kick, Okada follows up by nailing Takahashi with a tombstone pile driver. Okada keeps Takahashi down while holding him in a cobra clutch, Takahashi gets free and he nails Okada with a death valley driver into the corner.

Okada fights back and Takahashi nails him with a Rainmaker for a near fall, Takahashi follows up by nailing Okada with a Time Bomb for a near fall. Okada tries fighting back and Takahashi catches him in a guillotine choke, Okada looks to get free and Takahashi rolls him up for a near fall. Okada looks to get free again and Takahashi nails him with a flat liner, Okada recovers and he nails Takahashi with a drop kick. Takahashi gets right up and he drops Okada with a clothesline, Takahashi looks for Time Bomb #2 and Okada counters with a tombstone pile driver. Okada reapplies the cobra clutch to a downed Takahashi, Okada releases the hold and he nails Takahashi with a Rainmaker. Okada reapplies the cobra clutch and he releases it a short time later, Okada nails Takahashi with a few more Rainmakers. Okada locks Takahashi back in the cobra clutch and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada

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