
NJPW Lions Gate Project 6 Results: Team Nagata Faces Team Kojima In The Main Event, Plus Yoshi-Hashi In Action!

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for NJPW Lions Gate Project 6. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

Satoshi Kojima & Ayato Yoshida def. Yuji Nagata & Tomoyuki Oka

Yoshi-Hashi def. Yuma Aoyagi

Manabu Nakanishi def. Katsuya Kitamura

Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Tiger Mask IV def. Dinosaur Takuma & Takuya Nomura

Chaos (Gedo & Jado) def. Syota Umino & Hirai Kawato

El Desparado def. Tetsuhiro Yagi

Match By Match Recap

El Desparado vs. Tetsuhiro Yagi

The match begins with Desparado doing a little work on the arm of Yagi, Yagi fights back by working on the arm of Desparado. Desparado takes Yagi down with a headlock while still working on his arm, Desparado releases the hold and he wrenches away on the leg of Yagi. Yagi break free and he briefly locks Desparado in the arm bar. Desparado escapes and he traps Yagi in the stump puller, Desparado then locks Yagi in a modified abdominal stretch. Desparado releases the hold so he can stomp away on the injured leg of Yagi, Yagi gets up and Desparado drops him with chops. Desparado traps the leg of Yagi in the ropes while wrenching away on it again, Desparado catches Yagi with a dragon screw leg whip for a near fall.

Desparado twists and rips on the legs of Yagi until Yagi gets to the ropes, Yagi tries fighting back and Desparado kicks his injured leg. Yagi recovers and he drops a charging Desparado with a drop kick, Yagi then catches Desparado with a running back elbow strike followed by a rolling neck breaker for a near fall. Yagi then transitions to a single leg crab on Desparado, Yagi lets Desparado up and he clobbers him with a few strikes, Desparado recovers o nail Yagi with a spine buster into a modified trailer hitch. Desparado then applies the horse collar to Yagi and Yagi taps out.

Winner: El Desparado

Chaos (Gedo & Jado) vs. Syota Umino & Hirai Kawato

The match begins with Kawato catching Jado with a few forearm strikes, Jado quickly drops a charging Kawato with a shoulder tackle. Umino tags in and Gedo gets the tag as well, Gedo kicks Umino before simply ripping away at his eyes. Gedo nails Umino with a slam before he tags Jado into the match, Jado traps Umino in the corner before assaulting him with chops. Umino falls down and that allows Jado to just stomp away on him, Umino tries fighting back and Gedo interferes to stop him. Gedo tags back in and he rakes the eyes of Umino again, Umino fights back by nailing Gedo with a few chops. Gedo gets angry and he just drops Umino before standing on his face, Gedo backs up before nailing Umino with a fist drop.

Gedo tosses Umino out of the ring and Jado assaults him with a chair, Umino is tossed back in the ring so Gedo can get a near fall on him. Gedo slows things down by holding Umino in a chin lock, Umino tries fighting back and Gedo drops him with a back elbow strike. Umino eventually recovers and he drops a charging Gedo with a drop kick, Kawato gets the tag and he drops Gedo with a forearm strike. Kawato then nails Gedo with a springboard drop kick for a near fall, Gedo recovers and rolls up Kawato for a few near falls. Kawato gets back up and he drops a charging Gedo with a drop kick of his own, Umino and Jado get the tags from their respective partners. Umino catches Jado with a series of running back elbow strikes, Umino then drops Jado with a flying forearm.

Umino slams Jado and he looks for a Boston crab, Jado tries fighting back and Umino locks him in a single leg crab instead. Jado eventually gets to the ropes so he can break the hold, Jado recovers and drops a charging Umino with a clothesline. Jado picks up Umino before dropping him with a series of chops, Jado locks Umino in the cross face t force a submission.

Winners: Chaos (Gedo & Jado)

Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Tiger Mask IV vs. Dinosaur Takuma & Takuya Nomura

The match begins with Tenzan working over the arm of Takuma, Tenzan releases the hold to nail Takuma with some kicks to the midsection. Takuma fights back to drop Tenzan with a shoulder tackle, Nomura and Mask IV get tagged in by their respective partners. Mask IV and Nomura go through a series of reversals until Mask IV gets the edge, Mask IV then drops Nomura with a shoulder tackle. Nomura drops Mask IV before kicking him directly in the spine, Takuma tags in and Mask IV quickly takes him down before landing a knee drop. Tenzan tags back in and he mauls Takuma with strikes in the corner, Tenzan also attacks Takuma with some Mongolian chops.

Tenzan slows things down by holding Takuma in a chin lock, Tenzan releases the hold so he can tag Mask IV back into the match. Mask IV drops Takuma before kicking him right in the back, Mask IV then locks Takuma in the figure four leg lock. Yakuma eventually rolls to the ropes so the referee can break the hold, Takuma tries fighting back and Mask IV assaults him with strikes. Takuma eventually drops a charging Mask IV with a face buster, Nomura tags back in and he attacks Mask IV with a series of kicks. Mask IV slows down a charging Nomura with a knee strike. Nomura drops Mask IV and he applies the arm bar to him, Nomura continues working on the arm of mask IV. Nomura then attacks the injured arm of Mask IV with a variety of kicks, Mask IV recovers and he drops Nomura with a tiger bomb for a near fall.

Tenzan tags back in and he attacks Nomura with some Mongolian chops, Tenzan traps Nomura before nailing him with a plethora of headbutts. Tenzan then plants Nomura with a brain buster for a near fall, Nomura and Tenzan then get into a striking exchange in the middle of the ring until both go down. Takuma tags in as a four way brawl erupts inside of the ring, Mask IV knocks Nomura out of the ring as Tenzan hits Takuma with an exploder suplex. Takuma recovers to nail both of his opponents with a spear, Takuma then hits Tenzan with a death valley driver for a near fall. Tenzan recovers to drop Takuma with a spinning heel kick for another near fall, Tenzan then locks Takuma in the anaconda vice to force a tap out.

Winners: Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Tiger Mask IV

Final bouts are on Page Two…

Manabu Nakanishi vs. Katsuya Kitamura

The match begins with Kitamura holding Nakanishi in a head lock, Kitamura tries dropping Nakanishi with shoulder tackles and he fails. Nakanishi joins in and both wrestlers nail each other with shoulder tackles with nobody going down, Kitamura and Nakanishi have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Nakanishi eventually drops Kitamura with a double chop to the upper body, Nakanishi attacks Kitamura with several blows to the neck. Nakanishi gets Kitamura to his knees before just kicking him in the face, Kitamura gets up and he attacks Nakanishi with chops. Nakanishi gets angry and he drops Kitamura with a throat thrust, Nakanishi looks for a suplex and Kitamura winds up catching him with one.

Kitamura then drops Nakanishi with a shoulder tackle for a near fall, Kitamura then nails a charging Nakanishi with a spear. Kitamura gets Nakanishi up in the torture rack and Nakanishi quickly escapes, Kitamura and Nakanishi have a chopping exchange in the middle of the ring. Nakanishi gets angry and he levels Kitamura with a few clotheslines for a near fall, Nakanishi locks Kitamura in the torture rack and a tap out follows.

Winner: Manabu Nakanishi

Yoshi-Hashi vs. Yuma Aoyagi

The match begins with the competitors locking up and nobody gains an advantage, Aoyagi drags Yoshi-Hashi to the mat while working over his arm. The wrestlers go through a series of reversals and Yoshi-Hashi gets a small advantage, Yoshi-Hashi then drops Aoyagi with a shoulder tackle. Aoyagi recovers and he nails a charging Yoshi-Hashi with a drop kick, Aoyagi picks up Yoshi-Hashi and he locks him in a kravat followed by a leg drop for a near fall. Aoyagi allows Yoshi-Hashi to stand up so he can attack him with a variety of strikes, Yoshi-Hashi recovers to drag Aoyagi out of the ring. The two competitors have a striking exchange on the arena floor, Yoshi-Hashi gains the advantage by assaulting Aoyagi with a plethora of strikes.

Yoshi-Hashi eventually sends an attacking Aoyagi into the ring post, Yoshi-Hashi brings Aoyagi back into the ring so he can simply slam him. Aoyagi gets up and Yoshi-Hashi continuously drops him with chops, Yoshi-Hashi slows things down by holding Aoyagi in a chin lock. Yoshi-Hashi transitions into the camel clutch against Aoyagi, Yoshi-Hashi releases the hold so he can stomp away on Aoyagi. Yoshi-Hashi follows that up by clobbering Aoyagi with a running clothesline in the corner, Aoyagi recovers to catch Yoshi-Hashi with a high cross body followed by a back elbow strike. Aoyagi then drops Yoshi-Hashi again with a flying forearm strike, Aoyagi goes to the top rope so he can hit Yoshi-Hashi with another high cross body for a near fall.

Yoshi-Hashi recovers and he attacks Aoyagi with some more chops, Yoshi-Hashi follows that up by nailing Aoyagi with a suplex into a single leg crab. Aoyagi eventually makes it to the ropes to break the submission hold, Yoshi-Hashi and Aoyagi have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Aoyagi catches Yoshi-Hashi with a fisherman suplex for a near fall, Aoyagi follows that up by catching Yoshi-Hashi with a German suplex for another near fall. Yoshi-Hashi recovers and drops a charging Aoyagi with a shoulder tackle for a near fall, Yoshi-Hashi then locks Aoyagi in a modified rings of saturn to force a tap out.

Winner: Yoshi-Hashi

Yuji Nagata & Tomoyuki Oka vs. Satoshi Kojima & Ayato Yoshida

The match begins with Oka and Yoshida going through a little chain wrestling, Oka then drops Yoshida with a shoulder tackle. Oka and Yoshida have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Yoshida gets the advantage by nailing Oka with chops. Kojima and Nagata get the tags from their respective partners, Nagata and Kojima work over each others arms with neither gaining much of an advantage. Nagata and Kojima have a striking exchange of their own in the middle of the ring, Kojima then drops Nagata with a shoulder tackle. Nagata gets up and he kicks Kojima right in the face, Yoshida tags in and he attacks Nagata with kicks on the corner. Kojima and Yoshida nail Nagata with a double shoulder block for a near fall, Yoshida then hits Nagata with some forearm strikes.

Yoshida and Nagata have a striking exchange of their own in the middle of the ring, Nagata eventually drops Toshida with a kick to the upper body. Nagata starts focusing his attack on the arm of Yoshida, Oka tags in and he wrenches away on the arm of Yoshida. Oka just uses his knee to put pressure on the injured arm of Yoshida, Nagata tags back in and he nails the injured arm of Yoshida with more strikes. Nagata drops Yoshida and he applies the Fujiwara arm bar to him, Yoshida tries fighting back and Nagata goes back to work on his arm. Nagata then nails Yoshida with a kick to the arm before tagging Oka in, Oka applies the arm bar to Yoshida and Yoshida quickly gets to the ropes.

Yoshida eventually drops Oka with a forear strike and he tags Kojima into the match, Kojima assaults Oka with a plethora of chops in the corner. Kojima follows that up by dropping Oka with a forearm strike and then a top rope elbow drop for a near fall, Kojima then decides to just stomp away on a downed Oka. Yoshida tags in and he applies the chin lock to Oka, Kojima tags back in and he stomps away on Oka once more. Kojima then drops Oka with a neck breaker before knocking Nagata off the ring apron, Yoshida tags back in and he chokes Oka in the corner. Yoshida then catches Oka with a running knee strike followed by a penalty kick for a near fall, Oka recovers by nailing Yoshida with a spine buster.

Nagata tags back in and he attacks Yoshida with a plethora of kicks, Yoshida recovers to nail Nagata with a few strikes. Nagata and Yoshida have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Nagata drops Yoshida with a knee left followed by an exploder suplex. Nagata again attacks Yoshida with a series of kicks, Yoshida recovers and drops a charging Nagata with a kick to the face. Kojima tags in and he has a striking exchange with Nagata, Kojima eventually drops Nagata with a roaring elbow to the face, Nagata recovers to put Kojima in the Nagata Lock. Yoshida hits the ring to break up the Nagata Lock, Nagata assaults Yoshida with strikes before knocking him out of the ring.

Oka tags in and he clobbers Kojima with some forearm strikes and an avalanche in the corner, Oka then hits Kojima with a power slam for a near fall. Oka follows that up by locking Kojima in the Boston crab, Yoshida hits the ring to break up the Boston crab. Nagata and Oka then start double teaming Kojima inside of the ring, Kojima eventually recovers and he drops Oka with a DDT. Kojima follows that up by nailing Oka with a Koji Cutter for a near fall, Kojima then hits Oka with a lariat for the three count.

Winners: Satoshi Kojima & Ayato Yoshida

After the match, Nagata and Yoshida get into a brief scuffle. 

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