
NJPW Lion’s Break Collision Episode 1 Report: Jeff Cobb & Rocky Romero vs. TJP & Karl Fredericks

– Kevin Kelly interviews Karl Fredericks, who says he misses interacting with everybody due to the coronavirus pandemic. Fredericks says he is ready to be back after suffering a shoulder injury, Fredericks says he has been given the green light to break out of his shell as a LA Dojo student. Fredericks talks about not being able to compete in this year’s New Japan Cup, Fredericks says he wants to make a statement tonight against Jeff Cobb and Rocky Romero.

Clark Connors vs. Alex Coughlin

The match begins with Coughlin scoring a takedown on Connors, Connors backs Coughlin into the corner before letting him go free. Connors trips up Coughlin before wrenching away on his leg, Coughlin gets free and he briefly gets Connors in a single leg crab. Coughlin then focuses his attack on the arm of Connors, Connors also works over the arm of Coughlin. Connors traps the legs of Coughlin while pulling back on them, Connors transitions to an STF on a downed Coughlin. Connors then gets Coughlin in a bow and arrow stretch for a few moments, Coughlin gets free and he attacks the arm of Connors. Coughlin drags Connors to the ground while working over his arm, Coughlin applies a short arm bar to Connors and Connors gets to the ropes. Coughlin continues working over the arm of Connors while looking for the anaconda vice, Connors gets free and he drops Coughlin with a headlock takedown. Coughlin gets free and he gets Connors in a head scissors, Connors gets free and Coughlin gets him in a kravat. Coughlin drops Connors before applying a chin lock to him, Connors gets free and he drops Coughlin with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Connors attacks Coughlin with more strikes before landing shoulder thrusts in the corner, Connors also exchanges some chops with Coughlin.

Connor gets Coughlin out of the corner with a hip toss for a near fall, Connors looks for a slam and Coughlin defends to land one of his own for a near fall. Coughlin follows up with a bridging fall away slam on Connors for another near fall, Coughlin keeps Connors down while stretching his arms and legs until Connors gets to the ropes. Coughlin follows up by nailing Connors with a few strikes, Connors recovers and he catches Coughlin in a power slam. Connors gets Coughlin in a Boston crab, Connors transitions to a single leg crab and Coughlin gets to the ropes. Connors and Coughlin exchange some strikes in the middle of the ring, Connors goes for a spear and Coughlin avoids it to land a gut wrench suplex for a near fall. Coughlin attacks Connors with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall as the bell sounds to end the match.

Match Result: Time Limit Draw

– Clark Connors post-match comments, Connors talks about his record with Alex Coughlin and he says both of them want to move onto the next level. Connors says that he doesn’t want to be the last LA Dojo Young Lion from the first class to graduate.

Jeff Cobb & Rocky Romero vs. TJP & Karl Fredericks

The match begins with TJP getting Romero to the ground while working over his arm, Romero gets free and he works over TJP’s arm. TJP gets free and he exchanges drop kick attempts with Romero, Romero trips up TJP before wrenching away on his leg. TJP gets Romero down with a head scissors takedown, Romero recovers and he drops TJP with a hurricarana. TJP recovers and he injures the shoulder of Romero, Fredericks tags in and he double teams Romero with TJP for a near fall. Romero tries fighting back and Fredericks slams him before kicking him in the back, Fredericks also takes the opportunity to attack Cobb a few times. Cobb distracts Fredericks and Romero nails him with a knee strike, Cobb hits the ring and he gets into a striking exchange with Fredericks. Cobb drops Fredericks with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Cobb then drops Fredericks with a back elbow strike for a near fall. Romero tags in and he stomps away on a downed Fredericks, Fredericks and Romero have a striking exchange until Romero drop kicks him in the knee. Romero corners Fredericks next before landing shoulder thrusts, Cobb tags in and he works with Romero to hit Fredericks with a double suplex. Cobb also corners Fredericks to land shoulder thrusts, Romero tags in and he nails Fredericks with a top rope axe handle smash to the back.

Romero then cracks Fredericks with a few strikes before Fredericks fights back and he nails Romero with a spine buster, TJP tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Cobb hits the ring and TJP manages to drop both opponents, TJP then hits Romero with a gut buster for a near fall. Romero recovers and he drops TJP with a rewind kick, Romero follows up by nailing TJP with Forever Clotheslines. TJP fights back and he drops Romero, Cobb tags in and he blocks TJP tornado DDT before eating a jumping head kick. Fredericks tags in and he immediately attacks Cobb with strikes, Fredericks then drops a charging Cobb with a drop kick. Fredericks then nails Cobb with a modified neck breaker for a near fall, Fredericks corners Cobb before landing more strikes. Cobb recovers and he nails Fredericks with a drop kick of his own, Romero tags in and he double teams Fredericks with Cobb. Romero nails Fredericks with a running sliced bread for a near fall, TJP hits the ring and he knocks Cobb out of it before landing a drop kick. Romero then drop kicks TJP out of the ring, Romero then nails Fredericks with a knee strike after a failed sliced bread attempt. Romero looks for sliced bread again and Fredericks catches him with a roll up for a three count.

Winners: TJP & Karl Fredericks

After the match, Jeff Cobb and Karl Fredericks have a brief physical encounter.

– Karl Fredericks post-match interview, Fredericks says that Rocky Romero is no longer a member of the LA Dojo because he is a part of Chaos. Fredericks hints that he may never join a faction in NJPW because he doesn’t want to follow anybody else’s lead, Fredericks says he will stand on his own two feet.

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