
NJPW G1 Climax 30 Day 8 Results: Sanada, Evil, Tanahashi, Robinson & Sabre Jr. Get Victories!

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NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block

Sanada def. Tetsuya Naito
Evil def. Kenta
Hiroshi Tanahashi def. Yoshi-Hashi
Zack Sabre Jr. def. Hirooki Goto
Juice Robinson def. Toru Yano

Non-Tournament Match

Yota Tsuji fought Gabriel Kidd to a time limit draw

Yota Tsuji vs. Gabriel Kidd

The match begins with Kidd working over the arm of Tsuji, Tsuji gets free and he does some damage to the arm of Kidd. Kidd gets Tsuji down to a knee while wrenching away on his arm, Tsuji gets Kidd down for a moment while looking for a pin. Kidd gets Tsuji down again while working over his arm, Tsuji gets free and he gets Kidd in a head scissors. Kidd escapes and he gets a downed Tsuji in a headlock, Tsuji gets free and he trips up Kidd while working over his legs. Kidd eventually gets to the ropes to get free of Tsuji’s submission attempts, Tsuji gets Kidd down again and Kidd immediately goes to the ropes. Kidd then attacks Tsuji with a series of strikes before cornering him and landing more shots, Kidd scores a takedown on Tsuji and he gets him in a chin lock afterwards until Tsuji gets to the ropes. Kidd misses a charge into the corner and Tsuji nails him with a slam, Tsuji lands a follow up slam on Kidd before wrenching away on his leg. Tsuji applies a single leg crab to Kidd and Kidd makes it to the ropes, Kidd fights back and he nails Tsuji with a slam. Kidd sends Tsuji into the corner a few times while looking for a suplex, Kidd eventually drops Tsuji with a forearm strike for a near fall. Kidd looks for a butterfly suplex and Tsuji counters with a power slam, Tsuji follows up by nailing Kidd with a running drop kick for a near fall.

Tsuji looks for a Boston crab and Kidd gets to the ropes, Kidd recovers and he nails Tsuji with a hip toss before applying the Boston crab to him and Tsuji eventually gets to the ropes. Kidd looks for his butterfly suplex and he winds up catching Tsuji in a roll up for a near fall, Tsuji fights back and he nails Kidd with a back body drop. Tsuji locks Kidd in a Boston crab and Kidd escapes to roll up Tsuji for a near fall, Kidd then nails a charging Tsuji with a drop kick. Tsuji quickly recovers and he nails Kidd with a spear from out of nowhere, Tsuji and Kidd have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Tsuji and Kidd exchange pin attempts as the bell sounds for a time limit draw.

Match Result: Time Limit Draw

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Juice Robinson vs. Toru Yano

The match begins with Yano giving Robinson a shirt and Yano rolls him up as Robinson puts it on, Yano sprays water in the eyes of Robinson before rolling him up again. Robinson leaves the ring and Yano follows him out there, Robinson grabs a water bottle and he hits Yano with it. Robinson and Yano beat the count as they get back into the ring, Robinson corners Yano while landing some strikes. Yano tries removing a turnbuckle pad and Robinson attacks him, Yano removes another turnbuckle pad and Robinson rolls him up for a near fall. Robinson gets the turnbuckle pad from Yano and he swings it at him as he leaves the ring, Robinson follows Yano out of the ring and Yano trips him up before taping his legs together. Robinson gets back in the ring after Yano and he hits him with a full nelson slam, Robinson then untapes his legs. Robinson follows up by attacking Yano with his patented jabs, Yano shocks Robinson with a roll up for a near fall. Yano gets tied up with the ref before Robinson nails him with a Left Hand Of God, Yano looks for a roll up and Robinson counters with one of his own for a three count.

Winner: Juice Robinson

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Hirooki Goto vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Sabre Jr and Goto, Sabre Jr gets Goto down with a flying arm bar and Goto gets to the ropes. Sabre Jr keeps Goto down while stomping and kicking away at him, Goto fights back and he attacks Sabre Jr with chops. Sabre Jr recovers and he catches Goto in the octopus lock, Goto gets free and Sabre Jr nails him with kicks to his arms and legs. Sabre Jr then hits Goto with a penalty kick and Goto responds by dropping him a short time later, Goto follows up with a ushigoroshi on Sabre Jr. Sabre Jr gets to his knees and Goto nails him with a mid kick, Goto goes for a GTR and Sabre Jr counters with a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr.

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Yoshi-Hashi

The match begins with Tanahashi dropping Yoshi-Hashi with a drop toe hold, Tanahashi keeps Yoshi-Hashi down while working over his arm. Yoshi-Hashi gets up and he does some work on the arm of Tanahashi, Yoshi-Hashi then cracks Tanahashi with a series of strikes. Tanahashi fights back and he nails Yoshi-Hashi with a middle rope cross body block, Yoshi-Hashi blocks a kick before nailing Tanahashi with a dragon screw leg whip. Yoshi-Hashi keeps Tanahashi down while driving his knee into the mat below, Yoshi-Hashi then wrenches away on the injured leg of Tanahashi. Yoshi-Hashi goes for a knee bar on Tanahashi and Tanahashi gets to the ropes, Tanahashi fights back and he exchanges a few strikes with Yoshi-Hashi. Tanahashi goes for a drop kick and Yoshi-Hashi gets out of the way, Tanahashi recovers and he drops Yoshi-Hashi with a flying forearm strike. Tanahashi follows up by nailing Yoshi-Hashi with a dragon screw leg whip, Tanahashi then lands a middle rope swanton bomb on Yoshi-Hashi for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi recovers and he attacks Tanahashi with a plethora of chops, Yoshi-Hashi looks for a neck breaker and Tanahashi avoids it before eating a mule kick followed by a super kick.

Yoshi-Hashi nails Tanahashi with a sit out power bomb for another near fall, Tanahashi recovers and he hits Yoshi-Hashi with a German suplex for a near fall. Tanahashi follows up by nailing Yoshi-Hashi with a sling blade, Tanahashi goes for a High Fly Flow and Yoshi-Hashi gets his knees up. Yoshi-Hashi and Tanahashi have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Yoshi-Hashi ends the exchange by nailing Tanahashi with a clothesline for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi immediately gets Tanahashi in the Butterfly Lock, Yoshi-Hashi transitions to a sleeper hold before landing a back stabber on Tanahashi. Yoshi-Hashi goes for Kharma and Tanahashi counters with a Twist N’ Shout, Tanahashi then hits Yoshi-Hashi with a dragon screw leg whip. Yoshi-Hashi catches Tanahashi in a roll up for a near fall, Tanahashi gets one of his own on Yoshi-Hashi before landing another dragon screw leg whip. Yoshi-Hashi recovers to hit Tanahashi with a dragon suplex and running double knee strike for a near fall, Yoshi-Hashi then spikes Tanahashi on his head for another near fall. Yoshi-Hashi looks for Kharma and Tanahashi defends before eating some chops, Tanahashi surprises Yoshi-Hashi with a sling blade for a near fall.

Tanahashi climbs the ropes and he nails Yoshi-Hashi with a High Fly Flow, Tanahashi goes back to the top rope and he lands a second High Fly Flow for a three count.

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Kenta vs. Evil

The match begins with Kenta immediately leaving the ring before entering and exiting it once more, Evil gains control by attacking Kenta with some strikes. Kenta knocks Evil out of the ring after landing a boot to the face, Kenta follows him out there before throwing him into the barricade a few times. Kenta keeps Evil down while stomping away on him, Kenta follows up by sending Evil face first into the ring post. Kenta gets Evil back in the ring before kicking him right in the back a few times, Kenta follows up with a neck breaker on Evil for a near fall. Evil gets up and Kenta spikes him with a DDT for a near fall, Dick Togo interferes by dragging Kenta out of the ring. Evil goes after Kenta and he throws him into the barricade, Evil wraps a chair around the arm of Kenta before sending him into the ring post. Evil gets back in the ring and he removes a turnbuckle pad from the corner, Kenta gets back in the ring and Evil attacks his injured shoulder. Evil follows up by sending Kenta shoulder first into the exposed corner, Evil then hits Kenta with a slam before wrenching away on the injured shoulder.

Kenta fights back and he nails Evil with a few boots to the face followed by a power slam, Kenta then hits Evil with a back suplex for a near fall. Kenta follows up with a tornado DDT onto the top rope before landing a top rope clothesline on Evil for a near fall, Evil gets to the ring apron and he attacks the injured shoulder of Kenta. Evil then hits Kenta with a corner clothesline and suplex for another near fall, Kenta fights back and he accidentally takes the ref out before dropping Evil. Kenta grabs his briefcase and he immediately attacks Togo with it, Kenta brings the briefcase in the ring and he attacks Evil with it. Kenta then hits Evil with a top rope double stomp followed by a knee strike for a near fall, Evil recovers to send Kenta into the exposed corner before landing Darkness Falls for a near fall. Evil follows up by cracking Kenta with a lariat for a near fall, Kenta fights back and he nails Evil with a series of strikes. Togo interferes and Kenta sends him into the ring, Kenta tries to hit Togo with a Go To Sleep before Evil nails him with a low blow. Evil then hits Kenta with Everything Is Evil for a three count.

Winner: Evil

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Tetsuya Naito vs. Sanada

The match begins with Naito dropping Sanada before working over his leg, Sanada gets free and he looks for an arm bar on Naito. Sanada settles for a head scissors and Naito gets free, Sanada goes to work on the arm of Naito before getting him in a headlock. Naito fights back and he sends Sanada out of the ring, Sanada drags Naito out of the ring before faking a dive attempt a short time later. Naito gets back in the ring and he attacks Sanada with a few strikes, Sanada fights back and Naito nails him with a drop kick. Naito gets Sanada out of the ring before sending him into the barricade and ring apron, Naito waits for Sanada to get back in the ring to stomp away on him. Naito follows up by applying a chin lock to Sanada, Naito drops Sanada before getting him in a leg assisted full nelson. Sanada eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission up, Naito drops Sanada in the corner before landing a slingshot leg drop. Naito gets Sanada in a kravat and Sanada quickly escapes before eating more strikes, Naito looks for a neck breaker and Sanada escapes to land a drop kick. Sanada gets up and he nails Naito with some strikes before landing a another drop kick, Naito leaves the ring and Sanada nails him with a dive.

Sanada gets Naito back in the ring and he follows him in there, Naito avoids a leaping Sanada before dropping him and landing a basement drop kick. Naito lands a few more strikes and then a neck breaker on Sanada for a near fall, Sanada avoids a clothesline from Naito before landing a rope assisted neck breaker on him. Sanada looks for a dragon suplex and Naito defends while landing an arm drag, Naito then hits Sanada with a tornado DDT. Naito gets Sanada on the top rope and he follows him up there, Sanada gets free and he drop kicks Naito into the ring post. Sanada climbs the ropes again and he nails Naito with a super modified neck breaker, Sanada then hits Naito with a tiger suplex for a near fall. Sanada goes for Skull End and Naito defends against it before landing a spine buster, Naito corners Sanada before landing a few elbow strikes. Naito gets Sanada out of the corner while attacking him with more elbow strikes, Naito gets Sanada on the top rope before landing a super huracanrana on him for a near fall. Naito looks for Gloria and Sanada defends before eating a modified Destino, Naito nails Sanada with another modified Destino. Naito goes for a third Destino and Sanada counters with a TKO, Sanada and Naito have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Sanada ends the exchange by going for Skull End on Naito, Naito gets free and Sanada reapplies the hold to him. Naito gets free again and Sanada goes for the move for a third straight time, Sanada releases the hold and he misses the moonsault attempt on Naito. Naito goes for Destino again and he finally lands it on Sanada for a near fall, Sanada blocks Destino again and he gets Naito in the Skull End. Naito gets free and Sanada nails him with a knee strike to avoid a suplex, Naito then hits Sanada with an enziguri. Sanada recovers and he nails Naito with Destino for a near fall, Sanada goes to the top rope and he nails Naito with a moonsault. Sanada goes back up and he nails Naito with a second moonsault for a three count.

Winner: Sanada

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