
NJPW G1 Climax 30 Day 16 Results: Sanada, Evil, Naito, Sabre Jr. & Kenta Pick Up Wins

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NJPW G1 Climax 30 Day 16. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block Matches

Sanada def. Hiroshi Tanahashi
Evil def. Hirooki Goto
Tetsuya Naito def. Toru Yano
Zack Sabre Jr. def. Juice Robinson
Kenta def. Yoshi-Hashi

Non-Tournament Match

Yota Tsuji def. Yuya Uemura

Yota Tsuji vs. Yuya Uemura

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Uemura and Tsuji, Uemura and Tsuji take turns working over each others arms. Tsuji gets Uemura in a headlock and Uemura gets free to work over his arm, Tsuji gets free and he gets Uemura in a full nelson. Uemura gets free and he goes back to work on the arm of Tsuji, Uemura catches Tsuji in a modified arm bar and Tsuji eventually gets free after landing a power bomb. Tsuji then hits Uemura with a slam followed by a running swanton and a splash for a near fall, Tsuji looks for a Boston crab and Uemura gets to the ropes. Uemura recovers to hit Tsuji with an arm drag before wrenching away on the arm, Tsuji gets free and he gets Uemura in a Boston crab. Uemura eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold, Tsuji stands Uemura up and he nails him with a few strikes. Uemura tries fighting back and Tsuji drops him with a spear, Tsuji follows up with a big swing on Uemura before locking him in the Boston crab to force a tap out.

Winner: Yota Tsuji

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Yoshi-Hashi vs. Kenta

The match begins with Kenta backing Yoshi-Hashi into the ropes before letting him go free, Yoshi-Hashi gets Kenta against the ropes before landing a few strikes. Yoshi-Hashi then drops Kenta with a few shoulder tackles and a Headhunter, Kenta leaves the ring to take a break. Yoshi-Hashi goes after Kenta and Kenta sends him into the ring post, Kenta also sends Yoshi-Hashi shoulder first into the barricade. Kenta gets Yoshi-Hashi back in the ring and he kicks away at the injured shoulder, Kenta keeps Yoshi-Hashi down while getting him in a double wrist lock. Yoshi-Hashi eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Kenta gets Yoshi-Hashi down again while kicking at the injured shoulder. Kenta rolls for an arm bar and Yoshi-Hashi immediately gets to the ropes, Yoshi-Hashi gets up and he gets into a striking exchange with Kenta until Kenta attacks his injured shoulder. Yoshi-Hashi fights back and he drops Kenta with a suplex, Yoshi-Hashi attacks Kenta witn a few strikes before getting him on the top rope and landing a drop kick. Yoshi-Hashi follows up with a basement drop kick for a near fall, Kenta fights back and he nails Yoshi-Hashi with a back body drop.

Kenta follows up by nailing a charging Yoshi-Hashi with a power slam, Kenta then hits Yoshi-Hashi with a tornado DDT into the top rope and a top rope flying clothesline for a near fall. Kenta follows up by a boot to the face of Yoshi-Hashi and a drop kick in the corner, Kenta also nails Yoshi-Hashi with a top rope double stomp for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi recovers and he nails Kenta with a mule kick followed by a super kick, Yoshi-Hashi follows up with a Liger Bomb on Kenta for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi gets Kenta in the Butterfly Lock, Yoshi-Hashi transitions to a sleeper hold afterwards before releasing it. Yoshi-Hashi goes for a double knee strike and Kenta avoids it before trapping the arm of Yoshi-Hashi, Yoshi-Hashi gets to the ropes to avoid any further damage from Kenta. Kenta gets up and he attacks Yoshi-Hashi with a series of kicks, Yoshi-Hashi and Kenta have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Kenta goes for Go To Sleep and Yoshi-Hashi counters with a DDT, Yoshi-Hashi then hits Kenta with a release dragon suplex followed by a Western Lariat for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi also connects with a brain buster on Kenta for another near fall, Yoshi-Hashi goes for Kharma and Kenta counters with an arm trap cross face and the tap out follows.

Winner: Kenta

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Juice Robinson vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

The match begins with Sabre Jr and Robinson taking turns going after each others arms, Robinson gets Sabre Jr down a few times while wrenching away on his arm. Sabre Jr gets free and he cracks Robinson with a European uppercut, Robinson recovers before hitting Sabre Jr with a shoulder block and atomic drop. Robinson then nails Sabre Jr with a side Russian leg sweep, Robinson goes for a senton and Sabre Jr catches him in an arm bar for a short time. Sabre Jr bends the arm of a downed Robinson before stomping away on it, Sabre Jr keeps Sabre Jr down while twisting away at his injured arm. Robinson tries fighting back and Sabre Jr gets him in a Fujiwara arm bar before stomping on the injured arm, Robinson recovers to drop Sabre Jr and land a senton bomb. Robinson follows up by attacking Sabre Jr with a slam, Robinson also nails Sabre Jr with his patented jabs and a spine buster. Robinson gets Sabre Jr on the top rope and he follows him up there, Sabre Jr attacks the injured arm of Robinson to get him off the ropes. Sabre Jr catches Robinson in a jump guillotine choke before transitioning a sleeper hold, Sabre Jr rolls for a kimura next and Robinson gets to the ropes.

Robinson gets up and Sabre Jr nails him with a bunch of European uppercuts, Robinson goes for the Juice Box and Sabre Jr winds up nailing him with a few penalty kicks. Sabre Jr follows up by nailing Robinson with a tornado DDT for a near fall, Sabre Jr rolls for an arm bar and then he transitions to a triangle choke on Robinson. Robinson eventually gets free by nailing Sabre Jr with a power bomb, Robinson follows up by nailing a cornered Sabre Jr with a cannonball. Robinson goes for Pulp Friction and Sabre Jr gets free before eating a Juice Box for a near fall, Robinson goes for the Left Hand Of God and he winds up landing a right. Robinson goes for Pulp Friction and Sabre Jr counters with a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr.

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Toru Yano vs. Tetsuya Naito

The match begins with Naito and Yano playing some mind games with each other, Naito catches Yano in a roll up for a near fall. Yano leaves the ring and Naito blocks him from trying to get back in, Naito stomps away on a downed Yano with he returns to the ring. Yano gets up and Naito nails him with a few strikes, Yano sends a charging Naito to the arena floor a short time later. Naito returns and he tries removing a turnbuckle pad before Yano attacks him, Naito and Yano remove turnbuckle pads before Yano attacks Naito with one. Naito leaves the ring and Yano follows him while grabbing some tape, Naito fights back and he sends Yano into the barricade. Yano recovers and he sends Naito into the barricade before spraying him with a water bottle, Yano then tapes Naito’s arm to Yota Tsuji’s arm before returning to the ring. Naito makes Tsuji get into the ring with him and Yano attacks both of them, Naito and Tsuji stay taped together while fighting back against Yano. Naito gets free and he slams Tsuji onto a downed Yano, Naito goes for the ref and Yano low blows him before attempting a roll up. Naito responds with his own low blow and roll up for a three count.

Winner: Tetsuya Naito

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Hirooki Goto vs. Evil

The match begins with Evil getting Goto in a headlock after landing a kick to the midsection, Goto gets free and he gets Evil in a headlock. Evil gets free and Goto drops him with a shoulder tackle, Goto drops Evil again before kicking him in the back. Dick Togo interferes and he gets Goto out of the ring, Goto goes after Togo and Evil attacks him before sending him into the barricade. Evil grabs a steel chair and he wraps it around the head of Goto before hitting it with another chair, Evil gets Goto back in the ring and he sends him into the exposed corner a few times. Evil follows up by nailing Goto with a slam for a near fall, Goto fights back and he sends a charging Evil into the exposed corner. Goto follows up by nailing Evil with a back drop driver, Goto traps Evil in the corner before landing a spin kick and bulldog for a near fall. Evil fights back and he rakes the eyes of Goto before landing a thrust kick to his midsection, Evil follows up with a fisherman buster suplex on Goto for a near fall. Evil sets up for Darkness Falls and Goto escapes to land a ushigoroshi, Goto then hits Evil with a corner clothesline. Goto goes to the top rope and Evil attacks him before throwing him off to the mat below, Evil follows up by nailing Goto with a lariat for a near fall.

Evil then nails Goto with Darkness Falls for another near fall, Goto fights back and he nails Evil with a modified neck breaker. Goto then hits Evil with a few strikes before knocking him out of the ring with a clothesline, Goto follows up by nailing Evil and Togo with a dive. Evil fights back and he exchanges clothesline attempts with Goto, Togo interferes and Goto nails him with a GTR. Goto then drops Evil with a headbutt, Goto backs up and he nails a kneeling Evil with a mid kick before landing an inverted GTR for a near fall. Evil blocks a second GTR attempt and he nails Goto with Everything Is Evil for a three count.

Winner: Evil

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Sanada

The match begins with a lot of chain wrestling between Sanada and Tanahashi, Tanahashi and Sanada take turns working over each others arm. Tanahashi gains control by getting Sanada down with a headlock, Sanada gets free and he gets Tanahashi in a head scissors. Tanahashi gets free and Sanada goes for a pin after a failed bow & arrow attempt from Tanahashi, Sanada trips up Tanahashi and Tanahashi manages to roll him up before landing a drop kick to his knee. Tanahashi keeps Sanada down while working over his injured leg, Tanahashi holds Sanada down in an Indian death lock. Sanada gets free and he nails Tanahashi with a few strikes before Tanahashi attacks his injured leg, Sanada fights back and he nails Tanahashi with a dragon screw leg whip. Tanahashi gets up and Sanada knocks him out of the ring with a drop kick, Sanada follows up by nailing Tanahashi witha dive. Sanada catches Tanahashi in the Paradise Lock before freeing him by landing a basement drop kick, Tanahashi fights back and he drop kicks Sanada in the knee before landing a dragon screw leg whip. Sanada falls out of the ring and Tanahashi waits for him to get up before landing a High Fly Flow, Sanada gets back in the ring and Tanahashi nails him with more dragon screw leg whips.

Tanahashi keeps Sanada down before getting him in a cloverleaf, Sanada eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Sanada tries fighting back and Tanahashi nails him with a series of Twist & Shouts, Sanada recovers and he hits Tanahashi with a rope assisted neck breaker. Sanada follows up by nailing Tanahashi with a TKO for a near fall, Sanada follows up by nailing Tanahashi with a springboard drop kick. Sanada goes for a moonsault and Tanahashi gets out of the way, Tanahashi then hits Sanada with a sling blade for a near fall. Tanahashi follows up with a straight jacket suplex on Sanada for a near fall, Tanahashi goes to the top rope and Sanada blocks the High Fly Flow by getting his knees up. Sanada goes for Skull End on Tanahashi and Tanahashi fights his way free, Sanada reapplies the hold and Tanahashi gets free by attacking his injured leg. Sanada goes for Skull End again and he releases the hold before failing at a moonsault attempt, Tanahashi gets up and he nails Sanada with more dragon screw leg whips. Tanahashi gets Sanada in the cloverleaf again and Sanada eventually gets to the ropes. Tanahashi goes for a roll up and Sanada escapes while looking for Skull End, Tanahashi eventually counters by nailing Sanada with a slam.

Tanahashi follows up by dropping Sanada again with a sling blade, Tanahashi goes to the top rope and Sanada countesr his High Fly Flow with a cutter for a near fall. Sanada then hits a downed Tanahashi with multiple moonsaults for a three count.

Winner: Sanada

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