
NJPW G1 Climax 30 Day 1 Results: Ibushi, White, Ospreay, Taichi & Suzuki Notch Wins

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NJPW G1 Climax 30 Day 1. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

NJPW G1 Climax 30 A Block Matches

Kota Ibushi def. Kazuchika Okada
Jay White def. Shingo Takagi
Minoru Suzuki def. Tomohiro Ishii
Taichi def. Jeff Cobb
Will Ospreay def. Yujiro Takahashi

Non-Tournament Match

Yuya Uemura def. Yota Tsuji

Yota Tsuji vs. Yuya Uemura

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Tsuji and Uemura, Uemura gets Tsuji in a headlock and Tsuji gets free. Uemura starts working over the arm of Tsuji and Tsuji trips him up before wrenching away on his leg, Uemura gets free and he looks for the arm bar on Tsuji. Tsuji gets up and he takes Uemura back down with a headlock, Uemura gets free and he gets Tsuji in a head scissors. Tsuji gets free and Uemura gets him in a headlock, Tsuji gets free again and he winds up getting Uemura in a headlock. Uemura gets free and Tsuji nails him with a shoulder tackle, Uemura recovers to land an arm drag on Tsuji and he works the arm over afterwards. Uemura goes for a kimura and Tsuji gets to the ropes, Uemura looks for a slam and Tsuji winds up landing one on him instead. Uemura and Tsuji have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Tsuji ends the exchange by nailing Uemura with a back body drop and suplex for a near fall. Tsuji looks for a Boston crab and Uemura makes his way to the ropes, Tsuji quickly corners Uemura and attacks him with chops. Tsuji nails Uemura with an avalanche and Uemura recovers quickly to hit him with a dop kick, Uemura then hits Tsuji with a belly to belly suplex for a near fall. Uemura gets Tsuji in the Boston crab and a tap out follows.

Winner: Yuya Uemura

NJPW G1 Climax 30 A Block Match
Will Ospreay vs. Yujiro Takahashi

The match begins with Ospreay backing Takahashi into the ropes and letting him go free, takahashi takes advantage and he nails Ospreay with some strikes. Ospreay recovers and he sends Takahashi out of the ring with a huracanrana, Takahashi returns and Ospreay gets him back out of the ring. Ospreay misses a dive and Takahashi rakes his eyes afterwards, Ospreay recovers and he trades shots into the barricade with Takahashi. Takahashi then nails a dazed Ospreay with a reverse DDT on the arena floor, Ospreay gets back in the ring and Takahashi corners him before landing more strikes. Ospreay fights back and Takahashi nails him with a multitude of elbow strikes, Takahashi sends Ospreay into the opposite corner before landing a boot to the head. Ospreay goes down and Takahashi nails him with a basement drop kick for a near fall, Takahashi follows up with a slam for another near fall on Ospreay. Ospreay fights back again and Takahashi misses a basement drop kick event, Takahashi manages to bite the hand of Ospreay before eating a handspring enziguri.

Ospreay then hits Takahashi with an inverted atomic drop and standing shooting star press for a near fall, Ospreay follows up with a springboard forearm strike on Takahashi. Ospreay looks for Stormbreaker and Takahashi counters with a forearm strike, Ospreay lands another enziguri before Takahashi nails him with an Angle Slam. Takahashi traps Ospreay in the ropes before landing a boot to the face, Takahashi follows up with an inverted Angle Slam for a near fall. Takahashi looks for Pimp Juice and Ospreay counters with a roll up before eating a clothesline, Takahashi looks for a pile driver and Ospreay counters with a Hidden Blade followed by Stormbreaker for a three count.

Winner: Will Ospreay

NJPW G1 Climax 30 A Block Match
Jeff Cobb vs. Taichi

The match begins with Taichi using the ropes to avoid Cobb, Taichi goes for a kick and Cobb blocks it before landing some chops. Cobb then knocks Taichi out of the ring after landing a drop kick, Cobb follows Taichi out of the ring and Taichi attacks him with the ring bell hammer. Taichi traps Cobb’s injured leg in the barricade while wrenching away on it, Taichi gets Cobb back in the ring and he stomps away on his injured leg. Taichi pulls back on Cobb’s injured leg and Cobb gets to the ropes, Cobb fights back and Taichi chokes him. Taichi gets up and he stands on the injured leg of the downed Cobb, Cobb fights back again and he eventually drops Taichi with a clothesline. Cobb follows up by nailing Taichi with multiple shoulder tackles, Cobb corners Taichi before landing shoulder thrusts. Cobb follows up by nailing Taichi with a leaping back elbow strike and a running back suplex for a near fall, Taichi fights back and he rakes the eyes of Cobb before attacking the injured leg. Cobb misses a charge into the corner and Taichi nails him with a head kick, Taichi goes for another head kick and Cobb blocks it before a striking exchange breaks out.

Cobb eventually drops Taichi with a forearm strike to end the exchange, Taichi gets up and he nails a swinging Cobb with an enziguri. Taichi goes for a super kick and Cobb avoids it before landing a death valley driver and standing moonsault for a near fall, Taichi surprises Cobb with a small package from out of nowhere. Cobb eats another head kick and Taichi follows up with a back drop driver on him, Taichi then cracks Cobb with a lariat for a near fall. Taichi looks for Black Mephisto and Cobb counters with multiple gut wrench suplexes, Taichi gets free and Cobb nails him with a spinning back suplex. Cobb goes for Tour Of The Islands and Taichi avoids it before landing an enziguri and super kick, Taichi then hits Cobb with Black Mephisto for a three count.

Winner: Taichi

NJPW G1 Climax 30 A Block Match
Tomohiro Ishii vs. Minoru Suzuki

The match begins with an immediate striking exchange between Ishii and Suzuki, Suzuki backs Ishii into the corner while landing a ton of forearm strikes. Ishii recovers and he does the same thing to Suzuki, Suzuki and Ishii both look for their finishers and neither pulls it off. Suzuki and Ishii get into another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Ishii misses a charge in the corner and Suzuki gets him in a rope assisted arm bar. Suzuki drags Ishii out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade, Suzuki focuses his attack on the right shoulder and arm of Ishii. Suzuki traps Ishii’s arm in the barricade while nailing him with more strikes, Suzuki waits for Ishii to return to the ring before another striking exchange breaks out. Suzuki corners Ishii before cracking him with some more strikes and a running boot to the face, Ishii recovers and he nails a charging Suzuki with a power slam. Ishii looks for a back drop driver and he eventually nails Suzuki with it, Suzuki gets up and another striking exchange breaks out with Ishii until Ishii goes down. Suzuki gets Ishii to a seated position before attacking him with multiple penalty kicks, Ishii gets up and he drops Suzuki with a forearm strike.

Suzuki nails Ishii with multiple boots to the face before eating a release German suplex, Suzuki and Ishii get into another striking exchange in the middle of the ring until Suzuki goes down. Suzuki avoids a clothesline from Ishii while looking for a pile driver, Ishii manages to hit Suzuki with a kryptonite crunch and a sliding lariat for a near fall. Ishii looks for a brain buster and Suzuki avoids it before eating an enziguri, Suzuki avoids a lariat from Ishii and he briefly gets him in a sleeper hold. Suzuki goes for the pile driver again and Ishii counters with a back body drop, Suzuki recovers and crushes Ishii with a forearm strike. Suzuki then hits a seated Ishii with a running boot to the face, Ishii gets up and he nails Suzuki with a clothesline. Suzuki gets up and Ishii drops him with a headbutt, Ishii then crushes Suzuki with a running lariat. Ishii looks for a brain buster next and Suzuki rolls through before landing a Gotch style pile driver for a three count.

Winner: Minoru Suzuki

NJPW G1 Climax 30 A Block Match
Shingo Takagi vs. Jay White

The match begins with White immediately leaving the ring to avoid Takagi, White gets back in the ring and he gets Takagi in a headlock. Takagi gets free and White takes him down with another headlock, Takagi gets free and he drops White with a shoulder block. Takagi corners White before landing a few corner clotheslines and a slam, Takagi climbs the ropes and White leaves the ring. Takagi goes after White and he throws him into the ring post, Gedo distracts Takagi and Takagi still manages to land strikes on White. Takagi gets White back in the ring and Gedo distracts him again so White can knock him back to the arena floor, White leaves the ring and he sends Takagi into the barricade multiple times. White follows up by sending Takagi back first into the ringside edge, Takagi gets back in the ring and White traps him in the ropes before pulling back on his head. White then hits Takagi with a neck breaker for a near fall, White keeps Takagi down while holding him in a chin lock. White follows up by nailing Takagi with multiple knee strikes and multiple hair pulls, Takagi fights back and he nails White with a short clothesline from behind.

Takagi follows up by dropping White with multiple hair pulls, Takagi uses a clothesline to send White out of the ring. Takagi follows him out there before attacking White with a plethora of drops, Takagi also sends White into the barricade before landing a DDT on the arena floor. Takagi gets White back in the ring before landing a suplex on him for a near fall, White recovers and he drops a swinging Takagi. White then hits Takagi with a running European uppercut and a DDT, White follows up with a Blade Buster on Takagi for a near fall. White attacks Takagi with multiple European uppercuts before getting sent face first to the mat below, Takagi gets up and he nails White with a wheelbarrow slam. Takagi keeps White down while attacking him with some elbow strikes, White fights back and Takagi quickly drops him. White uses a ref distraction to hit Takagi with a flat liner and release German suplex, White follows up by hitting Takagi with a uranage for a near fall. White looks for a head and arm suplex and Takagi blocks it, Takagi nails White with a headbutt that sends them both to the mat below. Takagi and White gets up before Takagi attacks White with multiple forearm strikes, White goes down and Takagi nails him with a sliding lariat.

White tries fighting back and Takagi nails him with a gut buster for a near fall, White goes for a roll up on Takagi and he gets a near fall. Takagi looks for a lariat and White nails him with a head and arm suplex, White follows up with a Kiwi Crusher on Takagi for a near fall. White looks for the Switchblade and Takagi avoids it before landing Made In Japan for a near fall, Gedo interferes and Takagi lays him out. Takagi then cracks White with a lariat after avoiding another Switchblade attempt, Takagi gets White up and White knocks the ref down just before Last Dragon is landed. White recovers and he nails Takagi with a low blow, White then hits Takagi with a bridging suplex for a near fall. White follows up by nailing Takagi with a brain buster and Switchblade for a three count.

Winner: Jay White

NJPW G1 Climax 30 A Block Match
Kazuchika Okada vs. Kota Ibushi

The match begins with Ibushi wrenching away on the arm of Okada, Ibushi trips up Okada next before getting him in a headlock. Okada gets free and he gets Ibushi in a headlock of his own, Ibushi gets free and he knocks Okada out of the ring after landing a huracanrana. Ibushi misses a baseball slide drop kick and Okada knocks him to the arena floor afterwards, Okada then throws Ibushi right into the barricade. Okada follows up by nailing Ibushi with a DDT on the arena floor, Ibushi gets back in the ring and Okada nails him with a basement drop kick. Ibushi and Okada have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Okada ends the exchange by nailing Ibushi with a neck breaker. Ibushi fights back and he nails a charging Okada with a drop kick, Ibushi follows up by nailing Okada with a flying mid kick. Ibushi drops Okada again before landing a standing moonsault for a near fall, Okada recovers and he nails Ibushi with a clothesline. Okada corners Ibushi before landing a flying back elbow strike and DDT for a near fall, Ibushi recovers and he nails Okada with an overhead kick. Okada goes for thee cobra clutch and Ibushi kicks him in the midsection, Okada quickly recovers and he nails Ibushi with a modified neck breaker.

Okada follows up by nailing Ibushi with a side Russian leg sweep, Okada keeps Ibushi down while applying the cobra clutch to him. Ibushi eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold, Ibushi leaves the ring and Okada follows him out there before getting him with a middle rope moonsault. Ibushi gets Okada back in the ring before landing a springboard drop kick, Ibushi gets Okada on the top rope and he follows him up there. Okada looks for a super tombstone pile driver and Ibushi avoids it before landing a super huracanrana for a near fall, Ibushi and Okada have a back and forth until Okada lands a tombstone pile driver. Ibushi and Okada have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Ibushi eventually drops Okada to end the exchange. Ibushi sets up for a knee strike and Okada manages to avoid it before eating a head kick, Okada recovers and he nails Ibushi with a second tombstone pile driver. Okada immediately locks Ibushi in the cobra clutch, Ibushi eventually gets free and Okada nails him with a low drop kick. Okada looks for another tombstone pile driver and Ibushi avoids it before landing a head kick followed by a knee strike, Ibushi sets up for another knee strike and Okada nails him with a series of drop kicks.

Okada looks for a Rainmaker and Ibushi counters with a sit out power bomb into a knee strike, Ibushi follows up with another knee strike for a three count.

Winner: Kota Ibushi

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