
NJPW G1 Climax 27 Day 3 Results: Tetsuya Naito vs. Yoshi-Hashi Headlines & Bullet Club Members Collide

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for NJPW G1 Climax 27 Day 3. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block A: Tetsuya Naito def. Yoshi-Hashi

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block A: Hiroshi Tanahashi def. Bad Luck Fale by count out

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block A: Kota Ibushi def. Zack Sabre Jr.

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block A: Tomohiro Ishii def. Togi Makabe

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block A: Hirooki Goto def. Yuji Nagata

Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima & Michael Elgin def. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Toru Yano & Gedo)

Bullet Club (Kenny Omega & Yujiro Takahashi) def. Bullet Club (Tama Tonga & Chase Owens)

Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Taichi) def. Los Ingobernables (Bushi & Sanada)

Los Ingobernables (Hiromu Takahashi & Evil) def. David Finlay & Juice Robinson

Match By Match Recap

David Finlay & Juice Robinson vs. Los Ingobernables (Hiromu Takahashi & Evil)

The match begins with Takahash jumping Rbinson from behind so Evil can gain the advantage, Takahash tags in and Robinson takes out both opponents with a cross body. Finlay tags in and he nails Takahash with a leaping European uppercut, Evil trips up Finlay and Takahash nails him with a drop kick. Evil then brawls with Robinson on the arena floor, Takahash drops Fnlay before catching him with another drop kick. Evil tags in and he crushes Finlay with a senton bomb, Takahash tags in and he works with Evil to hit Finlay with a double under hook suplex. Finlay recovers and he drops a charging Takahash with a clothesline, Robinson and Evil tag in so they can start brawling right away.

Robinson eventually drops Evil with a running clothsline, Robinson misses the follow up cannonball in the corner. Evil then hits Robinson with a running clothesline in the corner, Robinson recovers and catches Evil with a spine buster. Finlay tags in and he catches an interfering Takahash with a drop kick, Finlay then hits Evil with a diving European uppercut. Finlay and Robinson double team Evil for a near fall, Finlay then hits Evil with a uranage back breaker for a near fall. Takahash interferes to double team Finlay with Evil for a near fall, Evil locks Finlay in the Banshee Muzzle and a tap out follows.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Hiromu Takahashi & Evil)

Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Taichi) vs. Los Ingobernables (Bushi & Sanada)

The match begins with Suzuki brawling with Sanada on the arena floor while Taichi and Bushi battle on the inside, Suzuki drags Sanada into the crowd. Taichi and Bushi battle on the arena floor as well, Taichi chokes Bushi with an object in the crowdand Suzuki does the same to Sanada. Taichi throws Bushi into the ring and continues working over him, Taichi tries ripping the mask off the face of Bushi. Sanada grabs Suzuki and he throws him into the barricade, Bushi gets his shirt off and he immediately starts choking Taichi with it. Sanada tags into the match and Suzuki does the same as well, Suzuki and Sanada have a wild striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Suzuki nails Sanada with a running boot to the face followed by a penalty kick, Sanada recovers and he nails Suzuki with a low drop kick.

Sanada goes for a paradise lock and Suzuki briefly catches him in an arm bar, Sanada then looks for the Skull End and Suzuki locks him in a rear naked choke instead. Suzuki looks for the Gotch Style Pile Driver and Sanada blocks it from happening, Bushi and Taichi get the tags from their respective partners. Taichi quickly catches Bushi with a rope assisted kick to the face, Taichi places Bushi on the top rope while trying to rip his mask off again. Bushi gets Taichi off the top rope before landing a missile drop kick, Bushi and Sanada then connect with some double team moves on Taichi. Suzuki and Sanada go back to brawling on the arena floor, Taichi stops Bushi from hitting MX by pushing the referee in the way. El Desparado hits the ring and he distracts the referee, Taichi hits Bushi with the microphone stand and rolls him up for the three count.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Taichi)

After the match, Taichi rips the mask off of the face of Bushi.

Bullet Club (Kenny Omega & Yujiro Takahashi) vs. Bullet Club (Tama Tonga & Chase Owens)

The match begins with Takahashi and Tonga crisscrossing until Takahashi gets tired, Owens and Omega get the tags from their respective partners. Omega quickly goes to work on the arm of Owens, Owens gets to the ropes and he goes to work on the arm of Omega as well. Owens accidentally goes to work on the injured knee of Omega and that angers Omega, Tonga tags in and he drops Omega before kicking away at his injured knee. Tonga then nails the injured leg of Omega with a DDT, Owens tags in and he goes to work on Omega’s injured knee again. Tonga tags back in and he does an atomic drop on the injured knee of Omega, Owens tags in and he drops a charging Omega with a clothesline.

Owens then stomps away on the injured leg of Omega, Tonga hits the ring and Omega lays both opponents out. Takahashi tags in and he cleans house on both members of the opposing team, Owens stops Takahashi by nailing him with a few chops. Owens knocks Omega off the ring apron as Tonga takes out Takahashi with a neck breaker, Owens and Tonga hit Takahashi with a fireman’s carry neck breaker for a near fall. Tonga and Omega start brawling on the arena floor. Omega hits the ring and he nails Owens with a super kick, Tonga then hits Omega with a Gun Stun from out of nowhere. Takahashi then catches Owens with Pimp Juice for the three count.

Winners: Bullet Club (Kenny Omega & Yujiro Takahashi)

Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima & Michael Elgin vs. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Toru Yano & Gedo)

The match begins with Yano playing his tricks against Kojima, Tenzan jumps Yano from behind and that allows Kojima to get the advantage. Tenzan and Kojima start attacking Yano with some double team moves, Kojima traps Yano in the corner before assaulting him with a plethora of chops. Gedo jumps Kojima from behind and Kojima winds up nailing him with a bunch of chops as well, Yano removes the turnbuckle pad before sending a charging Kojima into the exposed corner. Okada tags in and he nails Kojima with a few chops as well, Okada drops Kojima and then catches him with a slingshot swanton bomb. Gedo tags in and he catches Kojima with a few strikes, Okada hits the ring to double team Kojima with Gedo.

Yano tags in and he stomps away on a downed Kojima, Kojima eventually recovers and he drops Yano with a Koji Cutter. Elgin and Okada get the tags from their respective partners, Elgin uses his power to drop Okada multiple times. Elgin catches a leaping Okada to nail him with a German suplex for a near fall, Okada escapes an Elgin Bomb and Elgin decides to crack him with a forearm strike. Okada recovers and drops Elgin before going to the top rope, Okada laps off the ropes and Elgin catches him before landing a release German suplex. Tenzan tags in and he nails Okada with a shoulder tackle, Tenzan also catches Okada with some Mongolian chops. Okada eventually drops Tenzan and he tags Gedo into the match, Gedo drops Tenzan with a drop kick to get a near fall.

Tenzan recovers and he throws Gedo into the exposed corner before landing a suplex for a near fall, Yano interferes and that brings Kojima into the ring. Kojima and Tenzan then crush Gedo with a 3-D for a near fall, Tenzan locks Gedo in the anaconda vice and a tap out follows.

Winners: Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima & Michael Elgin

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block A: Yuji Nagata vs. Hirooki Goto

The match begins with Nagata attacking Goto with a variety of kicks, Nagata drops Goto and they do some chain wrestling. Goto backs Nagata into the ropes before attacking him with chops, Nagata quickly drops Goto in response before working over his arm. Goto breaks free and he attacks Nagata with some more chops, Nagata responds by attacking Goto with more kicks until he is dropped with a clothesline. Goto drags Nagata to the arena floor before throwing him into the barricade a few times, Goto throws Nagata back into the ring before applying a single leg crab to him. Nagata eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold, Goto then traps Nagata in the corner before nailing him with a running clothesline.

Goto kicks away at Nagata and Nagata gets up while very angry, Goto then traps Nagata in the corner before attacking him with many forearm strikes. Nagata recovers and he drops Goto before kicking him a ton of times, Nagata and Goto get into a forearm strike exchange in the middle of the ring. Nagata knocks Goto into the corner by nailing him with a kick to the upper body, Nagata then nails Goto with a running boot to the face followed by an exploder suplex for a near fall. Goto recovers and he nails Nagata with a spinning heel kick followed by a Saito suplex for a near fall, Goto then hits Nagata with a modified neck breaker for a near fall. Goto just starts to stomp away on a downed Nagata, Nagata trips up Goto and he quickly locks him in the Fujiwara arm bar.

Goto eventually breaks the arm bar by reaching the bottom rope, Nagata starts focusing his attack on the injured arm of Goto. Nagata then catches Goto with a rope assisted neck breaker, Nagata follows that up by nailing Goto with a suplex for a near fall. Nagata then cracks Goto with an enzaguri followed by a belly to back suplex for a near fall, Goto recovers and he nails Nagata with a bulldog. Nagata and Goto get into another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Goto eventually drops Nagata with a spinning clothesline, Nagata gets back up and he drops Goto with a spinning heel kick. Goto escapes the clutches of Nagata and he locks him in a sleeper hold, Goto releases the hold to nail Nagata with a headbutt followed by a GTR for the three count.

Winner: Hirooki Goto

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block A: Togi Makabe vs. Tomohiro Ishii

The match begins with Ishii attacking Makabe with some shoulder tackles, Makabe eventually does the same against Ishii. Makabe and Ishii then have a forearm strike exchange in the middle of the ring, Makabe eventually drops Ishii with a shoulder tackle. Ishii goes to the ring apron and Makabe knocks him right off then into the barricade, Makabe then throws Ishii into the barricade a few times. Ishii recovers and he tosses Makabe into the barricade a few times as well, Ishii waits for Makabe to return to the ring and he nails Makabe wit a few headbutts. Makabe tries fighting back and Ishhi assaults him with chops, Makabe gets angry and he pops Ishii with some strikes of his own.

Makabe then drops a charging Ishhi with a clothesline, Makabe traps Ishii in the corner and he nails him with a bunch more punches. Ishii recovers and he chops Makabe right in the throat a few times, Makabe then drops a charging Ishii with a clothesline. Makabe catches Ishii with a northern lights suplex for a near fall, Makabe again attacks Ishii with a bunch of forearm strikes. Ishii eventually drops Makabe and they both go down, Ishii brings Makabe to the top rope before nailing him with a superplex for a near fall. Ishii ducks a clothesline from Makabe and he nails him with a belly to back suplex, Makabe then drops Ishii again with a clothesline. Makabe then catches Ishii with a power bomb for a near fall, Makabe continues dropping Ishii with multiple clotheslines for a near fall.

Makabe traps Ishii in the corner before nailing him with a running clothesline, Makabe then places Ishii on the top rope before following him up there. Makabe and Ishii exchange strikes on the top rope, Makabe then nails Ishii with an overhead release suplex from the top rope. Makabe goes for the King Kong Knee Drop and Ishii gets out of the way, Makabe and Ishii exchange more clotheslines until they both go down. Ishii then hits a downed Makabe with a sliding lariat for a near fall, Ishii eats a knee strike before nailing Makabe with an enzaguri. Makabe drops Ishii with a German suplex for a near fall, Ishii then drops Makabe with a headbutt followed by a clothesline. Ishii then drops Makabe with a lariat for a near fall, Makabe follows up by nailing Makabe with a brain buster for the three count.

Winner: Tomohiro Ishii

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block A: Kota Ibushi vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

The match begins with Sabre Jr dragging Ibushi to the ground and doing a little chain wrestling, Ibushi comes forward and he attacks Sabre Jr with a few kicks. Ibushi and Sabre Jr get tangled up on the ground as Sabre Jr goes for a knee bar, Ibushi gets mad and he drops Sabre Jr with a single chop. Ibushi and Sabre Jr exchange a bunch of snap mares until Sabre Jr catches him with an ankle lock from out of nowhere, Sabre Jr stands on a downed Ibushi while pulling away at his leg. Sabre Jr then locks Ibushi in a head scissors while pulling back on his arm, Sabre Jr releases that hold to lock Ibushi in a single leg crab.

Sabre Jr keeps Ibushi grounded while pulling back on both of his arms, Ibushi escapes and Sabre Jr nails him with European uppercuts. Sabre Jr drops Ibushi again before locking him in the strangle hold, Ibushi escapes and he drops a charging Sabre Jr with a kick. Ibushi picks up Sabre Jr and he attacks him with a few forearm strikes, Ibushi then attacks a standing Sabre Jr with a variety of kicks. Sabre Jr recovers and he somehow catches Ibushi in a triangle choke, Sabre Jr releases the hold and he nails Ibushi with a few European uppercuts. Ibushi gets mad and he clobbers Sabre Jr with a snap German suplex, Sabre Jr drops a leaping Ibushi and then gets him in a pinning combination for a near fall.

Sabre Jr quickly applies the octopus hold to Ibushi, Ibushi escapes and he nails a downed Sabre Jr with a double stomp. Ibushi continues attacking Sabre Jr with a variety of kicks, Sabre Jr eventually trips up Ibushi and catches him with a penalty kick afterwards. Sabre Jr attacks Ibushi with more strikes as Ibushi gets angrier and angrier, Ibushi and Sabre Jr get into a striking exchange as well. Ibushi goes for a pele kick and Sabre Jr locks in the ankle lock, Sabre Jr transitions into an STF against Ibushi. Sabre Jr releases the hold to nail Ibushi with a German suplex for a near fall, Ibushi blocks a penalty kick from Sabre Jr to nail him with a lariat.

Ibushi goes for a back slide on Sabre Jr before nailing him with a knee strike to the face, Sabre Jr recovers and he catches Ibushi in another triangle choke. Ibushi power out and he nails Sabre Jr with a sit out power bomb for a three count.

Winner: Kota Ibushi

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block A: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Bad Luck Fale

The match begins with Tanahashi catching Fale with a roll up for a near fall, Fale uses his strength to out power Tanahashi and hold him down. Tanahashi tries fighting back and Fale just nails him with a slam, Tanahashi gets up and he attacks Fale with a few drop kicks. Tanahashi then catches Fale with a small package for a near fall, Fale goes to the ring apron before dropping Tanahashi arm first along the top rope. Fale drags Tanahashi out of the ring and he throws Tanahashi into the barricade, Fale grabs the arm of Tanahashi and he stretches it along the barricade. Fale again throws Tanahashi arm first into the barricade, Fale goes back into the ring and he chokes Tanahashi on the bottom rope when he returns to the ring.

Fale traps Tanahashi in the corner and he assaults him with a plethora of strikes, Tanahashi tries fighting back and he eventually nails Fale with a release German suplex. Tanahashi backs Fale into the corner by nailing him with a bunch of strikes, Tanahashi goes for a slam and Fale falls on top of him for a near fall. Fale then goes for a splash and Tanahashi gets out of the way, Tanahashi goes for a sunset flip and fale sits on him for another near fall. Fale follows that up by nailing Tanahashi with a splash for a near fall, Fale goes for the Grenade and Tanahashi counters with a spinning neck breaker. Fale knocks Tanahashi over the ropes and Tanahashi skins the cat to get back in the ring, Fale then crushes Tanahashi with a spear.

Fale then crushes Tanahashi with an avalanche in the corner, Fale goes for the Bad Luck Fall and Tanahashi counters with a modified sling blade. Fale rolls to the arena floor and Tanahashi nails him with a High Fly Flow, Tanahashi then nails Fale with a sling blade on the ring apron. Tanahashi beats the 20 count back into the ring and Fale doesn’t, so he is counted out and the match ends.

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi, by count out

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block A: Yoshi-Hashi vs. Tetsuya Naito

The match begins with Naito backing Yoshi-Hashi into the ropes before popping him with a few strikes, Yoshi-Hashi recovers and drops Naito with a shoulder tackle. Yoshi-Hashi then nails Naito with a back elbow strike followed by a slam, Naito gets up and Yoshi-Hashi nails him with some chops. Naito recovers to drop Yoshi-Hashi with an arm drag followed by a drop kick, Naito then nails Yoshi-Hashi with a rope assisted neck breaker. Naito drags Yoshi-Hashi out of the ring and he attacks him with some more chops, Naito then throws Yoshi-Hashi right into the barricade. Naito waits for Yoshi-Hashi to get back in the ring before working him over in the corner, Naito then cracks Yoshi-Hashi with a neck breaker for a near fall.

Naito traps Yoshi-Hashi in the ropes before pulling back on his head, Naito continues the focus of his attack on the neck of Yoshi-Hashi. Yoshi-Hashi recovers and he catches Naito with a rolling neck breaker, Yoshi-Hashi grabs Naito and he attacks him with a few strikes. Yoshi-Hashi traps Naito in the corner before nailing him with a running chop, Yoshi-Hashi then places Naito on the top rope before landing a drop kick. Naito recovers to drop Yoshi-Hashi with an inverted back breaker and then landing a drop kick, Naito then drop kicks the head of Yoshi-Hashi into the turnbuckle. Yoshi-Hashi and Naito go through a series of reversals until Yoshi-Hashi lands a double stomp, Yoshi-Hashi then cracks Naito with a shoulder breaker.

Yoshi-Hashi then catches Naito with a power bomb into a pinning combination for a near fall, Yoshi-Hashi goes for Kharma and Naito counters by landing an enzaguri followed by a release German suplex. Yoshi-Hashi recovers and he nails Naito with a spinning mule kick, Yoshi-Hashi follows that up by cracking Naito with a neck breaker. Yoshi-Hashi goes to the top rope and Naito eventually meets him up there, Naito then drops Yoshi-Hashi with a middle rope hurricarana. Naito then cracks Yoshi-Hashi with another move to get a near fall, Naito goes for Destino and Yoshi-Hashi counters with a F-5. Yoshi-Hashi and Naito exchange strikes in the middle of the ring, Yoshi-Hashi then catches a leaping Naito with a pinning combination for a near fall.

Yoshi-Hashi then goes for the butterfly lock against Naito, Naito escapes and Yoshi-Hashi locks him in a sleeper hold. Yoshi-Hashi then crushes Naito with a lung blower before landing a swanton bomb for a near fall, Yoshi-Hashi reapplies the butterfly lock to Naito. Naito eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission hold, Yoshi-Hashi then cracks Naito with a knee strike to the back. Yoshi-Hashi goes for Kharma and Naito blocks it before nailing Yoshi-Hashi with a rolling kick, Yoshi-Hashi gets right back up to nail Naito with a lariat for as near fall. Yoshi-Hashi goes for Kharma and Naito counters with a modified Destino for a near fall, Naito nails Yoshi-Hashi with another Destino for the three count.

Winner: Tetsuya Naito

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