
NJPW G1 Climax 27 Day 14 Results: Several Upsets Put Block B Into Disarray

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for NJPW G1 Climax 27 Day 14. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Evil def. Kazuchika Okada

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Juice Robinson def. Kenny Omega

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Michael Elgin def. Minoru Suzuki

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Satoshi Kojima def. Sanada

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Toru Yano def. Tama Tonga

Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & Yoshi-Hashi) def. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kota Ibushi & David Finlay

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Hiromu Takahashi & Bushi) def. Togi Makabe, Tiger Mask IV & Hirai Kawato

Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale & Yujiro Takahashi) def. Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Tomoyuki Oka

Suzuki-Gun (Zack Sabre Jr., Taichi & El Desparado) def. Yuji Nagata, Tetsuhiro Yagi & Syota Umino

Chase Owens def. Katsuya Kitamura

Match By Match Recap

Katsuya Kitamura vs. Chase Owens

The match begins with Owens raking the eyes of Kitamura, Kitamura recovers and drops a charging Owens with a shoulder block. Owens lands a few shots before Kitamura drops him again with a shoulder tackle, Owens knocks Kitamura out of the ring before nailing him with a drop kick. Owens gets Kitamura back into the ring before just stomping away on him, Kitamura fights back and Owens drops him with a drop kick. Owens slows things up further by holding Kitamura in a chin lock, Owens releases the hold and Kitamura catches him with a back body drop.

Kitamura then nails Owens with an avalanche followed by a spear, Kitamura would also attack Owens with a gut wrench suplex for a near fall. Owens regains control after nailing Kitamura with a trio of bicycle kicks and a shining wizard, Kitamura misses a charge in the corner and eats a kick to the face. Owens then hits Kitamura with an angel dust followed by a package pile driver for the three count.

Winner: Chase Owens

Yuji Nagata, Tetsuhiro Yagi & Syota Umino vs. Suzuki-Gun (Zack Sabre Jr., Taichi & El Desparado)

The match begins with Taichi slamming Yagi and then kicking him in the back a few times, Taichi gets mad and just stomps away on a downed Yagi. Yagi misses a drop kick and catches Taichi on the second attempt, Yagi then tags Nagata in after nailing Taichi with a slam. Sabre Jr gets the tag as well and he does some chain wrestling with Nagata, Nagata would then drop Sabre Jr with a shoulder tackle. Sabre Jr recovers and briefly locks Nagata in the octopus stretch, Nagata and Sabre Jr have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Nagata eventually drops Sabre Jr with a series of kicks, Nagata traps Sabre Jr in the corner before landing a running boot to the face.

Sabre Jr goes for a guillotine choke and Nagata counters with an overhead release suplex, Sabre Jr recovers and locks Nagata in another octopus stretch. Desparado tags in and he stomps away on a downed Nagata, Nagata drops Desparado and he tags Umino into the match. Umino drops Desparado with a running forearm strike followed by a slam, Desparado in then triple teamed by the opposing team. Four of the competitors in the match brawl on the arena floor, Umino locks Desparado in the Boston crab until Taichi breaks it up. Desparado gets up and he cracks a charging Umino with a spine buster, Desparado then locks Umino in the horse collar and Umino taps out.

Winner: Suzuki-Gun (Zack Sabre Jr., Taichi & El Desparado)

Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Tomoyuki Oka vs. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale & Yujiro Takahashi)

The match begins with Tenzan attacking Fale with some shoulder tackles, Tenzan eventually drops Fale to a knee by landing headbutts and Mongolian chops. Oka and Takahashi then get the tags from their respective partners, Oka nails Takahashi with a few forearm strikes before applying the headlock. Oka would then catch a charging Takahashi with a hip toss, Oka misses a charge into the corner and Takahashi nails him with a drop kick afterwards. Fale and Tenzan start brawling with each other on the arena floor, Takahashi traps Oka in the corner before landing some kicks. Oka fights back and Takahashi assaults him with some chops, Fale tags in and he nails Oka with a slam followed by a butt drop for a near fall.

Takahashi tags back in and he catches Oka with a running leg drop for a near fall, Oka eventually drops Takahashi before tagging Tenzan in. Tenzan immediately starts cleaning house on the opposing team, Fale eventually jumps Tenzan from behind and Tenzan uses a drop kick to get him back out of the ring. Tenzan would then drop Takahashi to get a near fall, Oka tags back in and he double teams Takahashi with Tenzan. Oka would then catch Takahashi with a power slam for a near fall, Fale returns to the ring and Tenzan attacks him with Mongolian chops until he is back out of the ring. Tenzan follows Fale out of the ring to continue their brawl, Oka then catches Takahashi with a suplex from out of nowhere. Takahashi recovers to hit Oka with a fisherman buster suplex followed by Pimp Juice for the three count.

Winners: Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale & Yujiro Takahashi)

Togi Makabe, Tiger Mask IV & Hirai Kawato vs. Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Hiromu Takahashi & Bushi)

The match begins with Naito attacking Makabe with a few forearm strikes, Takahashi and Mask IV get the tags from their respective partners. Mask IV catches Takahashi with a few arm drags before eating a drop kick, Takahashi tries ripping the mask off of the face of Mask IV until Kawato makes the save. Bushi tags in and he attacks Mask IV with a missile drop kick, Bushi would then take his shirt off and choke Mask IV with it. Takahashi returns and he nails Mask IV with a clothesline in the corner followed by a drop kick, Mask IV recovers by nailing a charging Takahashi with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker.

Naito hits the ring and Mask IV catches him with a tiger driver, Makabe tags in and he immediately cleans house on the opposing team. Makabe mounts Naito in the corner and he assaults him with punches, Makabe then catches Naito with a northern lights suplex for a near fall. Naito recovers to trap Makabe in the corner and land a modified back breaker, Naito would also catch Makabe with a slingshot drop kick. Naito would then cracks Makabe with an enzaguri before eating a lariat, Kawato and Bushi get the tags from their respective partners. Kawato catches an interfering Takahashi with a hurricarana, Kawato then hits Bushi with a drop kick for a near fall. Takahashi jumps Kawato from behind before nailing Mask IV with a super kick, Makabe hits the ring to lay out Takahashi and Naito with a double clothesline.

Bushi would then hit Kawato with a code breaker for a near fall, Bushi then locks Kawato in the Boston crab to force a tap out.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Hiromu Takahashi & Bushi)

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kota Ibushi & David Finlay vs. Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & Yoshi-Hashi)

The match begins with Tanahashi backing Ishii into the ropes before landing a few strikes, Tanahashi then pops Ishii with some forearm strikes in the middle of the ring. Ishii backs Yoshi-Hashi into the corner before assaulting him with strikes, Ishii then drops Yoshi-Hashi with a running clothesline. Yoshi-Hashi tags in and he mauls Tanahashi with some strikes as well, an all out brawl breaks out all over the place after Tanahashi nails Ishii with a cheap shot. Ishii gets angry and he assaults Tanahashi with strikes in the corner, Goto tags in and he works over Tanahashi until Yoshi-Hashi tags back in. Yoshi-Hashi goes for a suplex and Tanahashi nails him with a spinning neck breaker, Ishii interferes and Tanahashi nails him with a flying forearm strike.

Ibushi tags in and he immediately drops Yoshi-Hashi with a kick, Ibushi follows that up by nailing Yoshi-Hashi with a series of strikes followed by a standing moonsault. Yoshi-Hashi recovers and drops Ibushi with a rolling neck breaker, Ibushi recovers to drop Yoshi-Hashi with a hurricarana. Finlay and Goto get the tags from their respective partners, Finlay then catches Goto with a leapingEuropean uppercut. Finlay goes to the middle rope before catching Goto with another European uppercut, Goto gets back up and he clobbers Finlay with a lariat. The members from each team hit the ring and take each other out, Goto nails Finlay with a modified neck breaker followed by the GTR for the three count.

Winners: Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & Yoshi-Hashi)

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Toru Yano vs. Tama Tonga

The match begins with Tonga appearing behind Yano during his entrance and chasing him around the ring, Tonga then goes under the ring before jumping an unsuspecting Yano. Tonga throws Yano into the barricade before tapping his hand to the barricade, Yano gets his hand free to make it back in the ring before the 20 count. Tonga gets on top of Yano before mauling him with forearm strikes, Yano removes a turnbuckle pad and he attacks Tonga with it. Yano gets out of the ring and Tonga chases him around it again, Tonga grabs the ring hammer and he chases Yano back into the ring with it. Yano gets the ring hammer and the referee gets it from him, Yano low blows Tonga as the referee was getting rid of the hammer and Yano rolls him up for the three count.

Winner: Toru Yano

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Satoshi Kojima vs. Sanada

The match begins with Kojima going to work on the arm of Sanada, Kojima then uses a headlock to drag Sanada to the ground and Sanada eventually breaks free. Kojima catches Sanada with an elbow strike before applying the kravat, Kojima follows that up by dropping Sanada with a shoulder tackle. Kojima would then catch Sanada with a dragon screw leg kick, Sanada recovers and he locks Kojima in the paradise lock before landing a drop kick. Sanada and Kojima have a forearm strike exchange in themiddle of the ring, Sanada traps Kojima in the corner while attacking him with chops. Sanada misses a charge into the corner and Kojima nails him with machine gun chops, Kojima then drops Sanada with a forearm strike.

Sanada gets up and kicks the ropes into the balls of Kojima as he was leaving the ring, Kojima quickly recovers and drops Sanada with a DDT. Sanada gets back up and he eventually drops Kojima with a springboard DDT, Sanada and Kojima have a chopping exchange in the middle of the ring. Kojima eventually wins that battle before catching Sanada with a Koji Cutter, Kojima follows that up by catching Sanada with a brain buster for a near fall. Sanada looks for the Cold Skull and he winds up nailing Sanada with a suplex instead, Sanada then hits Kojima with a TKO for a near fall. Sanada then locks Kojima in the Cold Skull, Sanada releases the hold and misses themoonsault as Kojima got out of the way.

Sanada goes for a second moonsault and Kojima gets out of the way again before landing a lariat, Kojima goes for the lariat and he winds up nailing Sanada with an elevated reverse DDT for a near fall. Kojima goes for the lariat and he nails Sanada on the second attempt, Kojima crushes Sanada with a third lariat for the three count.

Winner: Satoshi Kojima

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Michael Elgin vs. Minoru Suzuki

The match begins with El Desparado attacking Elgin so Suzuki can jump him from behind, Elgin attacks Desparado and then takes Suzuki out of the ring. Elgin attacks Suzuki with forearm strikes before tossing him back into the ring, Suzuki catches Elgin in an arm bar as he got back in the ring. Elgin returns to the outside of the ring and he brings Suzuki with him, Desparado distracts Elgin and that allows Suzuki to throw him into the barricade. Suzuki finds a chair and he attacks Elgin’s arm with it, Suzuki then wraps the chair around the arm of Elgin while pulling the arm backwards. Desparado and Taichi attack Elgin while Suzuki distracts the referee, Suzuki returns and throws Elgin back into the barricade.

Suzuki grabs the chair again and he attacks Elgin with it again, Suzuki wraps the chair around the injured arm of Elgin before smashing the arm into the ring post. Suzuki brings Elgin back into the ring and he further attacks his injured arm, Elgin recovers and nails a charging Suzuki with a power slam. Elgin then catches Suzuki with a flying forearm strike followed by a slingshot splash.

(Note: My internet feed died at this moment, when the internet connection returned, Elgin was standing victorious in the ring.)

Winner: Michael Elgin

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Kenny Omega vs. Juice Robinson

The match begins with Robinson quickly catching Omega with an arm drag, Omega backs Robinson into the corner before taunting him. Robinson follows Omega around the ring while peppering him with jabs, Robinson then catches a charging Omega with a monkey flip before knocking him out of the ring. Robinson follows Omega out of the ring and he throws him into the barricade, Robinson throws Omega back into the ring before catching him with a top rope high cross body. Omega kicks a charging Robinson in the face before suplexing them both out of the ring, Omega then takes the injured leg of Robinson and smashes it into the ring post.

Omega follows that up by applying a figure four on Robinson while using the ring post, Omega grabs Robinson and he slams him onto the time keepers table. Omega waits for Robinson to return to the ring before applying a knee bar onto the injured leg, Omega releases the hold before attacking Robinson with chops in the corner. Robinson recovers and catches a swinging Omega with an inverted DDT, Robinson waits for Omega to get up before attacking him with some strikes. Robinson would then catch Omega with a spine buster for a near fall, Omega recovers to injure the knee of Robinson before landing a Finlay roll. Omega goes for the moonsault and Robinson gets his knees up in time, Robinson follows that up by nailing Omega with a cannonball.

Robinson goes for a power bomb and Omega escapes to just eat a lariat instead, Robinson then hits Omega with a leg lariat for a near fall. Omega recovers and he catches Robinson with a snap dragon suplex, Omega looks for the V Trigger and Robinson catches him with another leg lariat. Omega recovers and he nails Robinson with a V Trigger, Robinson gets back up and he clobbers Omega with a left. Omega catches Robinson with a reverse hurricarana after a series of reversals for a near fall, Omega then crushes Robinson with a V Trigger. Omega goes for the One Winged Angel and Robinson rolls him up from out of nowhere for the three count.

Winner: Juice Robinson

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Kazuchika Okada vs. Evil

The match begins with Evil dropping Okada with a shoulder tackle, Okada works a headlock on Evil until dropping him with a shoulder tackle. Okada drops Evil after kicking him in the face, Okada then nails Evil with a slingshot drop kick to the face. Okada follows that up by nailing Evil with a neck breaker for a near fall, Okada slows things down further by applying the scarf hold to Evil. Okada goes to the ring apron to set up a move and Evil knocks him off the ring apron to the barricade, Evil proceeds to then throw Okada into the barricade. Evil wraps a chair around the head of Okada before nailing him with another chair, Evil waits for Okada to get back into the ring before grinding away on his face with his elbow.

Evil decides to slow things down further by holding Okada in a chin lock, Evil releases the hold and misses the follow up senton bomb attempt. Okada gets back up and he attacks Evil with a flying forearm strike followed by a flying back elbow strike, Okada would then hit Evil with a DDT for a near fall. Okada starts focusing his attack on the injured neck of Evil, Evil recovers and he nails a charging Okada with a sidewalk slam. Okada recovers quickly as well to nail Evil with a flapjack, Okada follows that up by nailing Evil with a modified neck breaker before going to the top rope.

Okada then catches Evil with a top rope elbow drop, Okada looks for the Rainmaker and Evil finds a way to escape. Okada then places Evil on the top rope before attacking him with a drop kick that sends Evil to the arena floor, Okada then throws Evil over the barricade and near the crowd. Okada charges at Evil and Evil destroys him with a chair throw, Evil starts piling chairs in the aisle before dragging Okada down that aisle. Evil would then crush Okada with a sit out power bomb onto the pile of chairs, Evil gets back into the ring and Okada eventually gets back in their as well. Evil would then drop Okada to get a near fall on him, Evil then hits Okada with a modified tiger driver for a near fall.

Evil follows that up by catching Okada with a spinning clothesline in the corner, Evil then places Okada on the top rope before following him up there. Okada knocks Evil off the ropes before catching him with a missile drop kick, Okada would then catch a downed Evil with a few more drop kicks. Okada gets angry and he charges at Evil to only eat a monstrous lariat, Evil gets up and he clobbers Okada with another lariat for a near fall. Okada would then catch Evil with the Rainmaker from out of nowhere, Okada then hits Evil with another Rainmaker. Evil escapes the next Rainmaker attempt to catch Okada with a headbutt, Evil goes for an STO and Okada nails him with a German suplex. Evil counters another Rainmaker with the STO for the three count.

Winners: Evil

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