
NJPW ON AXS TV 3/31 Results The Finals Of The G1 Climax 2016 In Back To Back Episodes!

Episode 1 G1 Climax 2016 Part 5 B Block Matches

Katsuyori Shibata vs EVIL

Shibata goes right after EVIL immediately and goes for a sleeper before hitting a suplex and goes for the PK, but EVIL moves, then rolls out of the ring to recover. Shibata goes right out after him and rolls him back into the ring before EVIL clotheslines him off of the apron and to the floor, then EVIL whips him into the railing and wraps his arm around it before kicking it. EVIL hits him with a chair, then focuses on it once they're back in the ring, Shibata countering with an STO as we advance in the match. Shibata hits a double arm suplex for a quick two count, then puts him in a sleeper, trying to prep him for the PK, but EVIL powers out of it and hits a wrist clutch back drop suplex. They take turns trying to drop each other, then EVIL hits a chicken wing half nelson suplex before dropping him with a clothesline and hits Darkness Falls and EVIL for the pin and the win.

Winner: EVIL via pinfall

Kenny Omega vs Tetsuya Naito

Kenny attacks Naito from behind to start the match when Naito keeps turning away from him, then they both roll before Naito does his pose as the crowd erupts. They spit in each other's faces, then Naito beats Kenny drown before Kenny rakes his eyes, the two running the ropes until Naito dropkicks the knee of Kenny. before dropkicking his knee in the corner. Naito follows up by slamming the knee of Kenny into the mat before spitting on him again, then slamming his knee once more. Kenny pokes Naito in the eyes, then sends him out of the ring before diving over the top rope, but Naito isn't there, then Naito dropkicks the knee of Kenny on the outside. Kenny backs Naito into the railing when he lifts him up, then slams him onto the apron before Kenny tries to fix his knee, stretching his leg out.

Kenny hits a neckbreaker once they're back in the ring for a near fall, then starts focusing on the shoulder of Naito before following up with a neckbreaker for another near fall. Kenny hits Naito with a series of knife edge chops to the throat that drops Naito for a quick two count, then drops him before going for a moonsault, but Naito kicks his leg out from under him and sends him to the mat as we go to commercial.

Naito drops Kenny, then dropkicks him before hitting a neckbreaker, then Naito hits his leg sweep dropkick in the corner for a quick two count. Naito locks in a figure four, but Kenny gets to the ropes, then Kenny sends Naito to the outside and goes to powerbomb him again, everyone thinking he'll hit the apron again, but Kenny powerbombs him over the railing and through the announce table at ringside that might be smaller, but is a lot thicker than the WWE announce or the pressed wood tables under the ring. Kenny then hits a springboard cross body over the railing and onto Naito before Naito gets back in at the count of 19. Kenny then hits a dragon suplex on the apron, then another one into a bridge for a near fall. Naito counters a Styles Clash with a DDT, then they exchange forearms in the center of the ring before Naito hits a springboard DDT, then Kenny counters a frankensteiner for a near fall. Naito then hits Gloria for a near fall of his own as we go to commercial.

They exchange strikes once we come back, then they both counter German suplex attempts before Kenny turns him inside out with a clothesline. Kenny hits a V-Trigger, then goes for the One Winged Angel, but Naito counters with a leg lock, Kenny managing to get to the ropes right before he taps. Naito hits a kneebreaker, then Kenny counters with a enzuigiri into a German suplex and a doctor bomb for a near fall. Kenny hits another V-Trigger, then goes for the One Winged Angel, but Naito counters into a reverse DDT before Naito hits a reverse frankensteiner for a near fall. Omega hits Naito with a series of knees, then they exchange kicks before Naito hits an enzuigiri and Kenny catches him in mid-air with a knee before he goes for the One Winged Angel, but Naito counters it again, Kenny countering into a straight jacket German suplex with a bridge for a near fall. Kenny immediately follows up with another attempt at the One Winged Angel and actually hits it that time for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kenny Omega via pinfall

Episode 2 G1 Climax Grand Finals

Kenny Omega vs Hirooki Goto G1 Climax Grand Championship Match

Kenny hypes up the crowd before the match starts, then they lock up before Kenny hits a standing switch, Goto grabbing his arm, but Kenny backs him into the ropes for a clean break. They do some grappling, then get to their feet before Goto drops Kenny, then Kenny sends Goto out of the ring with a huricanrrana. Kenny goes to dive out of the ring, but Goto comes back in and hits a low kick to the knee of Kenny before he can, then locks in a figure four before Kenny gets to the ropes quickly. Goto clotheslines Kenny over the top rope, then whips him into the railing, but Kenny counters and hits a moonsault off of the apron. Kenny slams Goto onto the ring apron like he did Naito in the previous match, then powerbombs him onto the apron. Goto gets back in at the count of 19, then Kenny hits a neckbreaker for a near fall as we go to commercial.

Kenny locks in a half camel clutch, but Goto gets to the ropes for the break, then Kenny stomps on him before chopping him across the throat for a quick two count. Kenny counters a lariat with a bull dog for a quick two count, then they run the ropes until Goto hits Kenny with a lariat that turns him inside out. Goto whips Kenny into the corner and hits a wheel kick and a back suplex before hitting a clothesline in the corner and goes up to the top rope and hits an elbow drop for a near fall. Kenny spits in Goto's face and takes him down, then hits a moonsault for a near fall before hitting a snap dragon suplex that sends Goto out of the ring. Kenny hits a swanton out of the ring, then does something with the railing at ringside as we go to commercial in the middle of it.

Kenny rolls Goto back in the ring, then dropkicks the back of the neck of Goto before he goes for another dragon suplex, but Goto counters with an ushigaroshi.Goto hits an avalanche ushigaroshi for a near fall, then locks in a sleeper hold before Kenny counters an attempt at the GTR, countering with a sleeper of his own, then hits the V-Trigger and a cross legged ushigaroshi. Kenny hits another V-Trigger, then goes for a One Winged Angel, but Goto counters with another sleeper, then Kenny gets on the top rope and falls back off of it to release the hold. Kenny hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall, then looks around in shock as we go to commercial.

Kenny misses a 450 splash, then Goto comes back with a stiff kick for a near fall, then headbutts Kenny before hitting a spinning sit out facebuster for another near fall. Kenny hits another V-Trigger and a dragon suplex for a near fall, then Goto hits the Shoten Kai for a very close near fall. Kenny counters a GTR with a bloody Sunday in honor of Prince Devitt, then a Styles Clash for AJ Styles for another near fall, finishing up with the One Winged Angel for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kenny Omega via pinfall



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