
NFL Star Emulates People’s Elbow After Touchdown; Rock Responds

When you score a touchdown in the NFL, it's cause for a celebration. In fact, it's a bit surprising you don't see more pro wrestling celebrations on the gridiron. But one celebration recently emulated a move from one of pro wrestling's greatest.

Detroit Lions star Golden Tate ended up using the People's Elbow in a touchdown celebration this past Sunday afternoon when the Lions faced the New Orleans Saints (which, interestingly, play in the same arena where WrestleMania 34 will take place): 

It got some buzz on social media, leading to The Rock himself giving some thoughts on the matter:

Unfortunately, NFL cameras weren't able to capture everything, Tate replied:

The Lions ended up losing the game, 52-38. But hey, at least one of the touchdowns they did make that night made for a cool moment!

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