
New WWE United States Champion Crowned At Payback

Bobby Lashley is now a two-time United States champion.

Defeating Apollo Crews at WWE Payback with the Full Nelson, Bobby Lashley once again captured the United States Championship on behalf of the Hurt Business.

WWE United States Championship
Apollo Crews (c) vs. Bobby Lashley w/MVP & Shelton Benjamin

The match begins with Lashley backing Crews into the corner before letting him go free, Lashley scores a takedown on Crews and Crews gets up before getting taken down again. Crews gets Lashley in a headlock and Lashley gets free before landing a shoulder block, Crews recovers and he nails Lashley with a drop kick. Lashley fights back and he nails Crews with a knee strike to the midsection, Lashley corners Crews before grinding his face. Crews gets free and he knocks Lashley out of the ring, Crews gets to the ring apron and he nails Lashley with a moonsault. MVP and Benjamin block Crews from attacking Lashley further, Lashley returns and Crews gets him back in the ring. Lashley corners Crews again before dropping him on the top rope to send Crews crashing to the arena floor, Lashley goes after Crews and he sends him face first into the ring post. Lashley gets Crews back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Lashley keeps Crews down while applying a chin lock to him. Lashley transitions to a reverse bear hug on a downed Crews, Lashley gets up and he nails Crews with a fall away slam. Lashley corners Crews again before landing a corner spear, Crews recovers and he nails Lashley with an enziguri.

Lashley quickly recovers and he nails Crews with the Dominator for a near fall, Lashley goes for a spear and Crews sends him out of the ring. Lashley gets back in the ring and Crews nails him with a middle rope cross body block, Crews gets up first and he corners Lashley before landing shoulder thrusts. Crews follows up by nailing Lashley with an avalanche and a spine buster, Crews then hits Lashley with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Lashley escapes the grasp of Crews and Crews still sends him into the corner, Crews then hits Lashley with a few release German suplexes. Crews goes to the top rope and he lands a frog splash on Lashley for a near fall, Crews gets Lashley into the corner while landing a ton of strikes. Lashley recovers and he nails a charging Crews with a spine buster, Lashley gets Crews in the Full Lashley and a tap out follows.

Winner: Bobby Lashley w/MVP & Shelton Benjamin, your new WWE United States Champion

After the match, Apollo Crews attacks Bobby Lashley.

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