
New Ring of Honor World Champion Crowned

Dalton Castle is the new Ring of Honor World champion.

He defeated Cody in the main event of Final Battle tonight to win the championship for the first time. Our live report has the final moments of the bout:

Dalton hits a release Northern lights suplex before beating Cody to a bloody pulp only for Cody to send him out of the ring and hit a springboard enzuigiri. Dalton hits a bridging German suplex onto the floor before they get back in the ring and counter each other's finishers. The referee is taken out before Cody counters the Bang-A-Rang into Cross Rhodes for a very close near fall. Cody then hits the Disaster Kick before Dalton hits the Bang-A-Rang for the pin and the win.

Cody had come out with a new look, dying his hair blonde. It ended up being a bloody battle, and after the match sat on the steps near the ring despondent. He had been champion since June 23, defeating Christopher Daniels at Best in the World in Lowell, Massachusetts. He had held the title for 175 days.

Cody will still face Kota Ibushi at Wrestle Kingdom 12, but it will now be a singles match.

Check out the link above for our full live coverage of the event, covering every match in detail. You can also check out our post-show podcast that runs down the show here.

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