
New Japan Pro Wrestling on AXS TV 12/16 Three Back To Back Episodes!

AXS TV are ratcheting up their NJPW shows and this week only proves it as we have three episodes of New Japan Pro Wrestling! We are just weeks away from AXS showing Wrestle Kingdom 11 a week after it airs live in Japan so NJPW aren't’t going anyway anytime soon as they have just been renewed for another season! Los Ingobernables are a prime fixture of this week's matches as we have EVIL, SANADA and Tetsuya Naito in all three in action!

Episode 1

EVIL vs Hirooki Goto

They brawl outside before the match even starts, EVIL coming out to the ramp after Goto as they exchange right hands at ringside then forearms as Goto throws EVIL face first into the ring post then in the railing before EVIL reverses it and whips Goto into the railing as we see Hiroshi Tanahashi on commentary then EVIL puts a chair around the head of Goto before hitting him with another chair. They get back into the ring as they move ahead in the match and they run the ropes and counter each other until Goto drops EVIL with a kick then tries again, but EVIL catches one. They run the ropes more and both tease their finishers before Goto hits an ushigaroshi for a quick 2 count. EVIL hits a fisherman’s buster then they try to knock each other over with lariats until EVIL ends up dropping Goto with one then hits Darkness Falls for a very close 2 count. EVIL puts Goto up and hits EVIL for the pin and the win.

Winner: EVIL via pinfall

SANADA vs Kazuchika Okada

They lock up to start the match then exchange locks until they get a clean break then Okada dropkicks the side of SANADA’s head before hitting a springboard senton for a quick 2 count. SANADA hits a dropkick that sends Okada to the outside before whipping Okada into the railing then hits a piledriver on the outside, the two getting in at the last second, SANADA at 17 and Okada at 19 then SANADA hits a shotgun dropkick that sends Okada to the outside again then dives over the ropes and takes Okada out again before rolling him back into the ring. SANADA hits a backdrop suplex for a quick 2 count as we go to commercial.

Okada hits his signature reverse neckbreaker then hits SANADA with a back elbow in the corner into a DDT then hits a sliding back elbow for a quick 2 count. Okada shits a series of shotgun dropkicks for another quick 2 count then hits a scoop slam into an elbow drop off the top rope. Okada goes for RAINMAKER twice and SANADA counters into Skull End, but Okada gets his foot on the ropes, SANADA hits a tiger suplex for a close 2 count then a TKO for another close 2 count, Okada kicking out both times, following up with an attempted moonsault, but Okada rolls out of the way. Okada hits a dropkick then a tombstone then finally a RAINMAKER for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada via pinfall

KUSHIDA vs Jushin Thunder Liger IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship Match

They shake hands before the match starts then Liger puts a series of unique submissions on KUSHIDA including his innovated surfboard stretch before KUSHIDA hits a series of dropkicks and kicks to Liger, focusing on his arm. KUSHIDA stays focused on the left arm of Liger then Liger dropkicks KUSHIDA’s legs out from under him before focusing on KUSHIDA’s legs, evening up the score, his arm is injured so he’ll injure the leg of KUSHIDA. KUSHIDA gets back in at the last second then Liger hits a running shotei and a Liger Bomb for a close 2 count. Liger hits a frankensteiner, but KUSHIDA rolls through for a close 2 count before kicking Liger’s arm repeatedly. KUSHIDA hits a moonsault, but Liger gets his knees up and puts the Hoverboard Lock on KUSHIDA, trying to submit him with his own move then KUSHIDA transitions into an armbar, but Liger gets his foot on the ropes as we go to commercial.

Liger tries for a kneebar then a heel hook, but KUSHIDA gets his foot on the ropes. Liger drops KUSHIDA with a shotei for a close 2 count then Liger hits a brainbuster for another very close 2 count  then KUSHIDA hits a flying armbar, transitioning into a Hoverboard Lock and Liger is forced to tap.

Winner: KUSHIDA via submission

Episode 2

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Michael Elgin & YOSHI-TATSU vs The ELITE (Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks) NEVER Openweight Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match

They brawl as the match starts until there is a triple suplex that sends the ELITE to the outside then YOSHI dives out onto Kenny before Elgin tosses Tana onto the Bucks. YOSHI hits a blue thunder bomb then Elgin hits a dead lift German suplex before Tanahashi goes for a High Fly Flow, but Matt stops him then The ELITE hit Rise of the Terminator as we go to commercial.

The ELITE are in control as we come back and they triple team YOSHI before Elgin comes in only to be sent to the outside again. They keep YOSHI isolated in their corner then Elgin gets tagged in and sends all three members of The ELITE to the outside before hits a sling shot powerslam on Kenny then a falcon arrow onto Nick for a close 2 count. The good guys smash Nick then Tanahashi hits a dragon screw on everyone before putting Kenny in a cloverleaf before Nick hits him, going for a superkick, but Tana puts him in one then Kenny sprays Tana in the face with cold spray. Tana hits Kenny with a series of strikes then Kenny sprays the referee by accident. The Bucks rake at the eyes of the referee then Kenny hits him with a low blow as we go to commercial.

The Bucks set up a table at ringside then a ladder which Kenny sets up in the corner then Elgin powerbombs Matt into said ladder. Kenny powerbombs Elgin through the table at ringside then YOSHI takes out The ELITE, going for the YOSHI Driver, but the Bucks hit him with a superkick then The ELITE hit a triple superkick before Kenny hits the One-Winged Angel for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Elite via pinfall

Katsuyori Shibata vs Yuji Nagata NEVER Openweight Championship Match

They exchange grappling holds early then a series of rolling submissions, everything from a heel hook to a kneebar, to an Achilles lock before getting up for what could be considered a clean break. They lock up again for another clean break then Shibata hits Nagata with a series of forearms before Nagata drops him with a boot. Shibata hits a Russian leg sweep into a kneebar, but Nagata gets to the ropes then Shibata puts a figure four on Nagata, but Nagata rolls him over and the pressure is reversed as Shibata gets to the ropes. Nagata hits a kitchen sink then a series of kicks to Shibata who just tells him to keep it up then Shibata hits a Yakuza kick then a hesitation dropkick in the corner after pummeling Nagata with a series of forearms. Shibata hits a floatover suplex for a quick 2 count then Nagata goes for a Fujiwara armbar, but Shibata transitions into a sleeper hold, Nagata powering out of it and getting to the ropes, but Shibata drops him with a kick before Nagata hits an exploder suplex as we go to commercial.

They exchange forearms in the center of the ring as we come back then they kick each other in the face before Nagata hits an exploder suplex, Shibata getting right up and hitting a German suplex then Shibata reverses another exploder into a variation of an STO. Shibata kicks Nagata repeatedly then Nagata nearly knocks Shibata out with a stiff forearm that makes him collapses backwards to the mat. Nagata hits Shibata with a series of knees then hits a brainbuster for a close 2 count then goes for the Nagata Lock 1, but Shibata gets his feet on the ropes, following up with a dropkick for a quick 2 count. Shibata follows up with a sleeper hold, but Nagata breaks looks and Shibata hits a backdrop suplex for a close 2 count then Nagata blocks a PK before Nagata hits backdrop suplex of his own then Nagata kicks Shibata repeatedly, dropping him then Nagata hits a PK of his own then another backdrop suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Yuji Nagata via pinfall

Episode 3

Tetsuya Naito vs Tomohiro Ishii IWGP Heavyweight Championship Match

They lock up to start the match for a clean break then Naito spits in the face of Ishii before being dropped repeatedly then Naito rolls out of the ring then Ishii puts him back in then Naito immediately rolls back out of the other side. As soon as Naito gets back in Ishii stomps on him then chops him repeatedly before headbutting and stomping on Naito then finally hitting a series of forearms and chops. BUSHI trips Ishii  then Naito hits a dropkick to the side of the head of Ishii before sending him to the outside and whipping him into the railing before EVIL comes out and puts a chair around the head of Ishii then whips him into the ring post. As soon as Ishii gets back in Naito hits Ishii with a series of elbows then stomps in the corner, following up with a dropkick for a quick 2 count then Naito puts on a head scissor submission, but Ishii gets his foot on the ropes as we go to commercial.

Ishii hits a suplex for a quick 2 count then Ishii chops Naito repeatedly before Naito hits a neckbreaker into a dropkick. Naito hits another neckbreaker for a quick 2 count of his own then Ishii starts focusing on the knee of Naito that he’s damaged before rolling into a kneebar, but Naito gets to the ropes then Naito hits a shotgun missile dropkick and a swinging neckbreaker on Ishii, following up by sending Ishii into the referee. EVIL hits Ishii with a chair then Naito hits his signature trip dropkick in the corner then a flatliner into a Koji Clutch, but Ishii gets his foot on the ropes as we go to commercial.

Naito hits a bridging high angle German suplex for a close 2 count then Ishii focuses on the injured leg of Naito, the two exchanging forearms as soon as they get to their feet. Ishii hits an enzuigiri then a powerbomb then transitions into a toe hold and then a kneebar, but Naito gets out then Ishii puts on a variation of a reverse toe hold before Naito grabs the referee’s hair and slams his face into the mat. LIJ come in and EVIL drops Ishii, but Okada comes in and drops EVIL then they fight to the back. Ishii drops Naito with a headbutt then turns him inside out with a lariat for a very close 2 count. Ishii hits a sliding lariat for another close 2 count then Naito hits a DDT as we go to commercial.

Naito goes up top as we come back and hits a missile dropkick to the back of the head of Ishii then sets him on the top rope before hits a frankensteiner for a close 2 count. Naito hits Gloria for another close 2 count then a spinebuster before Ishii counters Destino into a reverse brainbuster for a very close 2 count. Naito hits a dragon suplex for a very close 2 count of his own then hits Ishii with a series of strikes then hits Destino for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tetsuya Naito via pinfall

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