
New Intercontinental Champion Crowned On Raw

Roman Reigns is your new Intercontinental champion.

He scored the championship just now on Raw, defeating the Miz in a back and forth main event. The finish had some interference, but as you'll see, Reigns managed to even the odds to win the match.

Here's our Fightful recap of the final moments of the bout:

Miz gets back in the ring and Reigns drops him with a right, Reigns then propels a charging Miz into the turnbuckle. Miz quickly recovers and he drops Reigns with a knee lift to the midsection, Miz then attacks Reigns with the It Kicks. Reigns recovers and catches Miz with a Samoan drop for a near fall, Reigns sets up for the superman punch and Miz avoids it. Miz trips up Reigns and lands a kick to the head for a near fall, Miz gets angry and he stomps away on Reigns. Miz follows that up by nailing Reigns with a diving clothesline in the corner, Miz then leaps off the top rope and Reigns nails him with a superman punch for a near fall.

Reigns again sets up for the spear and The Bar make their way to the ring, Miz hits a distracted Reigns with a Skull Crushing Finale for a near fall. The Shield come out and brawl with The Bar, Reigns hits Miz with the spear for the three count.

After the show, Reigns talks about becoming a Grand Slam champion:

The Miz held the title for 169 days, winning it back on June 4 at Extreme Rules, defeating Dean Ambrose. Be sure to check our live results by clicking the link above, and also check out our post-Raw podcast here.

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