
Myron Reed On MLW’s COVID-19 Protocols, Locker Room Atmosphere During Recent Tapings

With MLW just about ready to broadcast new episodes of Fusion, Myron Reed describes the company’s atmosphere at their most recent tapings.

Reed, the current MLW World Middleweight Champion, recently spoke with Andrew Thompson of Post Wrestling to discuss MLW shortly before its official return. Reed spoke on the promotion’s COVID-19 protocols that were in place during tapings. Reed said everyone present had to stay in the hotel they were staying at as well as test negative for the virus.

“When we were down there, everybody had to [test negative] before they pulled up and then as we were leaving, everybody had to test negative before they went back home. So, everybody was negative while we were there. So, that foremost I feel is — because some shows, they don’t make you test so [you’ll] be like, ‘Uhh, I don’t know about bro I’m wrestling.’ But I mean, I do I feel like I respect the shows that make you test because this virus sh*t ain’t no joke. It’s a serious thing and people gotta go back home to their families and when motherf*ckers are catching the virus, they’re going home to their families where they got kids, girlfriend, mom. They’re risking other people’s life, not just their own and the people they work with. But they definitely did a good job of protocol, with making us wear masks. We couldn’t really leave the hotel. That was kind of one of the rules like, ‘Alright, y’all can kick it but y’all can’t go nowhere. We’re making sure y’all stay safe,’” Reed said.

As far as the locker room’s atmosphere during the tapings, Reed had nothing but positive things to say about it. Reed said it felt like a family reunion and was excited to see his friends again.

“Honestly bro, it was like a little family reunion because for real, we’ve been apart. With the pandemic and everything, we really don’t see each other like we used to. Before the sh*t hit, we were seeing each other almost every weekend. I mean besides Lio [Rush], he was in the E [WWE]. But like, ACH, we were seeing each other all the time. All of us, we were seeing each other all the time, wrestling and then you go six, seven months without seeing your friends and now it’s like once a month I see them or every now and then, every blue moon. So, it’s crazy bro. The locker room was awesome. It was just a lot of catching up, a lot of, ‘What are you doing?’ So those are my bros. I feel like it was love. I love a locker room like that. I don’t want to be in a locker room where I’m with people that I gotta think, ‘Oh man, I don’t want to see this [dude]. You know how he be acting. I don’t even want to go to this show.’ You know how they be acting, but yeah, it was love bro. I’m really excited for people to see The Restart. We worked our ass off that week of [the] tapings,” Reed said.

Reed is set to defend his title against Brian Pillman Jr. on the November 18 episode of Fusion. You can check out the full interview at the top of the page.


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