Mustafa Ali vs. Austin Theory Was Nixed From May 23 Raw, Moved To Following Week
The May 23 edition of WWE Raw was slated to have a little bit more on the show.
We’re told that WWE United States Champion Theory and Mustafa Ali were set for a segment on WWE Raw, but it ended up getting nixed before the show. The reason that we were given was due to time constraints, and there were no alternative plans made for Ali for the program. There was a mention of Theory possibly helping the beatdown on Cody, but that didn’t end up happening.
We were told that there are still creative plans to continue the Miz/Mustafa Ali on WWE Raw. The Theory/Ali segment was not listed on the rundown as of 7:25 EST, so it would appear the segment was cut before then.
Those that we’ve heard from say Mustafa Ali’s return has been smooth sailing so far with both sides working together well.
The match ended up happening the following week.
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