
More On NWA 74 Talent Meeting

Fightful Select learned more about the talent meeting at the recent NWA tapings, as reported by PWInsider

The recounting among the roster have varied heavily, showing the contrast in reactions. There were several veterans that felt like the meeting wasn’t necessary and was a waste of time, especially in the sense of being told to clean up in the locker room. There were a lot of extras there, and several veterans we heard from felt like it was more directed towards them. Luke Hawx spoke about that aspect of things, and it turned some people off, but others saw where he was coming from because he’s in promotional business with NWA for the upcoming Hard Times taping. Despite that “turning some people off” there wasn’t said to be any heat, just some veterans thinking they didn’t need to waste their time with the meeting.

One veteran however, said that nothing newsworthy really happened during the meeting, and it wasn’t unlike anything else they’ve experienced. They just felt like it caught some people off guard because almost nobody there was contracted full time, and they’re around for one weekend every couple of months.

Jay Bradley, Sal Rinauro, Caprice Coleman and Luke Hawx spoke at the meeting, which NWA management didn’t seem to be involved with. Pat Kenney arrived towards the end of the meeting, which several talent said was “overblown” in how it was relayed to media initially.

One wrestler claimed they walked out of the meeting towards the end, but nobody that we spoke to seemed to notice that, so it didn’t seem to come off to anyone else as particularly disrespectful.

There was one talent who reached out and seemed annoyed by the whole thing. They even implied they thought it happened because AEW had a talent meeting days before. However, everyone else we spoke to greatly downplayed it and said it was no big deal.

This article first appeared on our premium service, Fightful Select and was republished here on Fightful. If you complain about it being “old news,” you have to recruit a new offensive coordinator for the Bengals. Subscribe to get exclusive news every day, and a half-dozen weekly podcasts.

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