
MLW Fusion on Thanksgiving Results Contra Reigns Supreme, Tom Lawlor Betrays The Von Erichs

The MLW World Heavyweight Championship is on the line, Injustice face Gringo Loco and Zenshi in an elimination tag match and more!

-We open the show with a vintage Thanksgiving video before we get a video package for Contra Unit ahead of the MLW World Heavyweight Championship match between the champion, Contra Unit’s Jacob Fatu and Ross Von Erich.

Survivor Elimination Tag Team Match

Injustice (Kotto Brazil & Jordan Oliver) w/Myron Reed vs Zenshi & Gringo Loco

Myron is ejected from ringside before the match starts and Zenshi drops Jordan before sending Kotto out of the ring. Zenshi hits a scoop slam to Jordan before Gringo hits a slingshot senton for a quick two count and Zenshi and Gringo hit a double spine buster into a double monkey flip. Gringo hits a split legged moonsault for a two count before Zenshi dodges both Kotto and Jordan before teasing a tope and Gringo hits a flipping senton to the outside. Zenshi hits a delayed slingshot senton before Gringo slams Jordan and hits a cartwheel standing moonsault for a two count. Injustice come back and double up on Gringo, Kotto hitting a back stabber for a one count to Gringo before locking in a chin bar/straight armbar combo. Kotto locks in a front headlock before hitting an assisted 450 for a two count before hitting a float over suplex for another two count. Gringo tosses Kotto across the ring when he goes for a shiranui before Zenshi hits a 450 clothesline into a sit-out cutter off of the top. Zenshi hits a double Pele kick into a double standing shooting star press and Gringo hits a swanton bomb for a near fall before Zenshi hits a somersault coast to coast dropkick for a very close near fall. Kotto hits a running shiranui for the pin and the elimination of Zenshi. Gringo eliminates Kotto with a tombstone piledriver before hitting a Michinoku driver for a near fall and Jordan fakes an injury before Myron comes back and hits him from ringside. Jordan then hits a diving cutter off of the distraction for the pin, elimination and the win.

Winner: Injustice defeats Gringo Loco and Zenshi via pinfall.

-We get promo by King Mo ahead of his MLW in ring debut up next before Priscilla Kelly attacks an interviewer backstage.

King Mo vs Ricky Martinez

Ricky rocks Mo with strikes and hits a jumping neckbreaker before stomping Mo who goes for a heel hook, but Ricky is quick to the ropes for the break. Ricky goes for a dive and Mo spears him in mid-air before hitting a running splash in the corner into a sit-out piledriver before locking in a heel hook for the pin and the win.

Winner: King Mo defeats Ricky Martinez via submission with a heel hook.

-We get a recap of the Falls Count Anywhere Match from last week’s show between Mance Warner and Jimmy Havoc before Mance cuts a promo and sets up yet another match between the two, repeating over and over that it’s an eye for an eye.

-We get a video package MLW World Heavyweight champion Jacob Fatu ahead of his title defense against Ross Von Erich in tonight’s main event as we go to commercial.

-We return to the announcement of a battle royal on next week’s show and the return of Salina de la Renta before Alex finally reveals the gift he’s giving Richard and MJF before a very tall man named Groken walks up and Alex announces him for the stable. Alex then says that he’s entered him into the battle royal next week.

-Tom Lawlor meets with Ross Von Erich backstage and says that he’s going to be there for Ross.

MLW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Jacob Fatu (c) w/Josef Samael vs Ross Von Erich w/Tom Lawlor

They lock up and Jacob backs Ross into the corner for a clean break before they lock up again and Jacob swings Ross around before tossing him across the ring. Ross hits Jacob with forearms and dropkicks him before Jacob drops Ross with a stiff right hand. Jacob misses a senton and a bronco buster before Ross hits a cannonball in the corner for a quick two count. Jacob superkicks Ross and drops him with a right hand before hitting several falling headbutts and rocks him with a chop to the throat. Jacob hits a running clothesline and splash in the corner before dropping Ross with a headbutt. Jacob bites Ross before Josef boots him at ringside and Jacob chops Ross at ringside before rolling him back into the ring and locking in a nerve hold. Jacob drops Ross with a back elbow when he gets free before reapplying the nerve hold, Ross getting to his feet and running at Jacob who catches him. Jacob hits a gut wrench sit-out powerbomb for a two count before they run into each other with a cross body and Ross dropkicks Jacob, but he won’t go down. Ross finally drops Jacob with two sling blades and climbs to the top rope before hitting a missile dropkick and Jacob rolls out of the ring before Ross hits a suicide dive. Back in the ring Ross applies the Iron Claw before they tumble over the top rope and down onto the floor. Jacob sends Ross into chairs at ringside before chopping him and playing to the crowd before Jacob accidentally chops the ring post. Ross rolls Jacob back into the ring and they accidentally take out the referee before Jacob suplexes Ross into the corner. Jacob attacks the referee and hits him with a running hip attack in the corner before hitting a high angle Samoan drop into a hand spring moonsault. Jacob misses a running splash before Ross hits a diving cross body and Josef brings a chair into the ring before Ross dropkicks it into his face. Tom then grabs the chair and hits Ross with it before saying f*ck Contra and f*ck the Von Erichs before leaving Jacob hits a moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jacob Fatu retains his MLW World Heavyweight Championship by defeating Ross Von Erich with a moonsault.

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