
MLW Fusion Episode 71 Results Jimmy Havoc vs LA Park in a New York Street Fight

Promociones Dorado clash, Austin Aries is in action and more on this week’s episode of MLW Fusion!

-Mance Warner cuts a promo to start the show ahead of his match against Ricky Martinez

Ricky Martinez vs Mance Warner

Ricky attacks Mance before he can get into the ring before Mance comes back with knife edge chops and Ricky hits a flat liner for a one count. Ricky slaps Mance before hitting a code breaker for a two count and Mance counters a dive with a headbutt. Mance then hits a running knee into a lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mance Warner defeats Ricky Martinez via pinfall with a lariat.

-After the match Salina de la Renta faces off with Mance before spitting in his face, Mance going to spit beer in her face, but misses and spits it in Ricky’s face before hitting him with a beer can and leaving.

-Marshall Von Erich gives an update on his recovery via a recorded video in Hawaii.

-Salina talks with Konnan backstage.

Ace Austin vs Austin Aries

Austin takes Ace down with a side headlock and they exchange wrist locks before locking in a variation of a million dollar dream and claps his ears. Austin drives Ace into the corner and hits several shoulder tackles before Ace misses a diving leg drop and Austin hits a diving elbow to the back of the neck of Ace for a two count. Ace comes back with forearms before hitting a rolling kick off of the top with Austin in the ropes for a two count. Austin gets a near fall off of a roll up before Ace hits a jumping leg drop for a two count and puts Austin in the tree of woe before choking him from behind. Austin comes back with an open hand palm strike and a Discus fivearm into a rolling, spinning neckbreaker into a suicide dive. Austin then gets low blowed and Ace rolls him up for a near fall before Austin counters The Fold into a brainbuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Austin Aries defeats Ace Austin via pinfall with a brainbuster.

-The next MLW pay-per-view event War Chamber is hyped and the War Chamber match rules explained.

NYC Street Fight Match

Jimmy Havoc vs LA Park

LA goes to hit Jimmy with a chair before Jimmy hits several arm drags and a suicide dive before hitting him with his own chair. Jimmy hits LA with sheet pans and throws plywood at him before hitting him with a chair he gets out from under the ring. Jimmy sets a piece of plywood up on two chairs at ringside before LA throws a trash can at him and they chop each other until LA hits Jimmy with the trash can a second time. LA rolls Jimmy back into the ring and Jimmy hits a diving stomp onto a chair onto LA for a two count before hitting a bulldog onto the plywood board for another two count. LA comes back with a headbutt and a lariat before Jimmy trips him and LA hits several lariats into a shining wizard for a near fall.

LA puts Jimmy in the tree of wor and sets the board against him before hitting a shotgun dropkick into it, LA grabbing another board and setting it up on the chairs at ringside. LA misses a diving stomp through the boards when Jimmy gets out of the way before hitting LA with a piece of the board. Jimmy sets LA on the top turnbuckle and hits a superplex for a near fall before stapling his forehead and piling chairs in the corner. Jimmy hits a drop toe hold into the chairs before LA hits a powerslam into the chairs and a corkscrew moonsault before spearing Jimmy into the chairs for the pin and the win.

Winner: LA Park defeats Jimmy Havoc via pinfall with a spear into a pile of chairs.

-Jimmy Hart versus MJF for the MLW Middleweight Championship is announced for next week’s show as we go off the air.


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