
MLW Fusion Episode #63 Results Tom Lawlor & the Von Erichs vs Contra Unit

MLW World Heavyweight champion Tom Lawlor teams up with the Von Erichs to take on Contra Unit!

-Jimmy Havoc and Salina de la Renta stand in front of a grave marked for Sami Callihan as we get a recap of his loser leaves MLW match from last week where he lost to Mance Warner.

-Dynasty come out to the ring and MJF joins on commentary before Dynasty attack Teddy Hart and the match between Teddy and Richard Holliday is called off.

Jordan Oliver vs Isaias Velazquez

Jordan rushes Isaias in the corner, but Isaias dodges before Isaias sends Jordan out of the ring with a dropkick and rolls Jordan back into the ring before Jordan catches Isaias up top and hits a tornado DDT for a two count. They go back and forth until Jordan hits a roundhouse for a near fall and Isaias comes back with several clotheslines before he hits a DDT for a near fall. Isaias then misses a diving stomp before Jordan hits a springboard stunner into a diving cutter for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jordan Oliver defeats Isaias Velasquez via pinfall with a diving cutter.

-We get a video package for the Von Erichs before we get recaps of Flamita and Rey Horus as well as Low-Ki and Ricky Martinez from last week.

Low-Ki vs Tom Coffey

Low-Ki immediately knocks Tom out with a running elbow for the referee stoppage.

Winner: Low-Ki defeats Tom Coffey via referee stoppage.

-We get a vignette for Dr.Wagner Jr.

Tom Lawlor & Von Erichs vs Contra Unit

Tom immediately goes after Jacob and tosses him out of the ring before hitting a tope while Ross and Marshall beat brawl with Samael and Simon. The Von Erichs hit double corner clotheslines and lock in a claw submission before Jacob breaks up the hold even after being hit by a chair by Tom. Jacob and Marshall square off before Jacob hits Marshall with a right hand and Marshall drops him with a lariat. Samael and Jacob double team Marshall before Simon come in and they triple team him and Tom locks in a sleeper on Jacob. Simon gets Tom off of Jacob and Marshall suplexes Samael before Tom and Jacob brawl at ringside.

Ross dropkicks Jacob when he comes in the ring with a chair before everyone spills to the outside and brawl at ringside. Tom throws a beer at Jacob and Samael sends Ross into the barricade before Jacob suplexes Tom onto the apron. Simon and Samael tape Tom to the ring post before he’s cut free by an official and Jacob hits a moonsault to Marshall.

Tom then grabs a board from backstage and hits Jacob with it before he hits a low blow and the Von Erichs hit a claw slam into a back suplex into Simon for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Von Erichs and Tom Lawlor defeat Contra Unit via pinfall when the Von Erichs pin Simon with a claw back suplex.

-After the match Contra goes wild and takes out anyone they can get their hands on, including a referee and a producer as we go off the air.

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