
MLW Fusion Episode 51 Results MLW World Middleweight Championship Match

The MLW World Middleweight Championship is on the line, Ricky Martinez takes on the promising new comer Air Wolf and more on this week’s episode of MLW Fusion!

Daga vs Ariel Dominguez

They shake hands before the match and Ariel tries to take Daga down with a single leg, but he just headbutts him away and puts Ariel in a headlock. Ariel gets free only for Daga to dropkick him in the face and hit a snap suplex for a two count. Daga whips Ariel into the corner and stomps on him before hitting several running moves in opposite corners for a two count. Daga hits an enzuigiri into a superkick and a lariat for a near fall before hitting a shining wizard into a standing shooting star press for another near fall. Daga hits a snapmare into a PK for a two count before Ariel comes back with a back elbow and a superkick into a tornado DDT for a near fall.

Ariel sends Daga out of the ring and hits a springboard cross body to the outside before rolling him back into the ring. Daga then counters a German suplex and hits a Pele kick before hitting a release German suplex into a brainbuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Daga defeats Ariel Dominguez via pinfall with a brainbuster.

Ricky Martinez vs Air Wolf

Air immediately hits several huricanrrana and a dropkick before hitting a springboard dropkick that sends Ricky out of the ring. Air hits a cross body to the outside before he’s distracted by Salina momentarily, Air ready for Ricky though and hitting him with a right hand. Ricky sends Air into the railing and rolls him back into the ring before smashing his face into the mat repeatedly for a two count. Air kicks the legs of Ricky before Ricky hits a slingshot suplex and a high knee before Air catches a kick and rocks Ricky with a right hand. Ricky hits a jumping neckbreaker for a near fall before Air comes back with a rolling enzuigiri and a 619 into a springboard snap DDT for a near fall.

Ricky then sends Air off of the top before hitting a pop-up bicycle knee for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ricky Martinez defeats Air Wolf via pinfall with a pop-up high knee strike.

-We get a video package for Contra before The Dynasty cut a promo backstage and we’re shown the rules for the Battle Riot match.

MLW World Middleweight Championship Match

Teddy Hart (c) vs Myron Reed

They get up on the top turnbuckle and play to the crowd before Myron rolls out of the ring, Brian stalking him at ringside until he gets back into the ring. Teddy puts Myron in a side headlock before immediately transitioning into a Fujiwara armbar. Myron gets free and they exchange wrist locks before Teddy drops Myron with a shoulder tackle and rocks him with several right hands into a scoop slam. Teddy hits a powerbomb into a lung blower and a springboard corkscrew senton for a two count before he punches and stomps Myron on the mat. Myron comes back with kicks and stomps the taped ribs of Teddy before playing to the crowd and whipping Teddy into the opposite corner sternum first.

Myron counters a German suplex before hitting a slingshot code breaker for a two count before tossing Teddy out of the ring. Myron gets out of the ring and sends Teddy into the railing before rolling him back into the ring and hitting a frog splash for a near fall. Myron hits a springboard frankensteiner for a near fall before missing a springboard 450 and Teddy locks in a double wrist lock before turning it into a hammer lock DDT for a near fall. Teddy hits a neckbreaker before he goes for an Asai moonsault, but Myron gets his knees up for a near fall. Teddy then pins Myron with a back slide when he’s busy arguing with the official for the pin and the win.

Winner: Teddy Hart retains his MLW World Middleweight Championship when he defeats Myron Reed via pinfall.

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