
MLW Fusion Episode 46 Results Rey Horus vs Aerostar, Mance Warner Debuts

The luchadore of MLW take center stage, Mance Warner makes his MLW debut and Rich Swann takes on Lance Anoa’i on this week’s episode of MLW Fusion!

Lance Anoa’i vs Rich Swann

Rich mocks Lance and dances before Lance hits a Samoan drop and Rich rolls out of the ring. Lance hits a flipping senton to the outside and rolls Rich back into the ring before chopping him in the corner and Rich sends Lance into the middle turnbuckle. Rich hits a running kick and rakes the eyes and back of Lance before dropping him with a boot and pulling on his face and nose. Rich pulls Lance’s hair before Lance comes back with strikes only for Rich to rake his eyes and lock in abdominal stretch. Lance comes back with a huricanrrana and a running hip attack in the corner before hitting a standing moonsault for a near fall. 

They exchange forearms until Rich hits a hand spring cutter for a surprising one count before Rich misses a 450 and drops Lance with a superkick. Lance then kicks Rich when he’s upside down before Lance misses a 450 and Rich rolls him up while holding the ropes for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann defeats Lance Anoa’i via pinfall with a leverage pin.

-We have a video where the MLW World Heavyweight Championship Tom Lawlor talks about his upcoming cage match with Low-Ki at Intimidation Games.

-MJF and Robert Holliday address their attack on Teddy Hart last week before we get a video package for Rey Horus.

Jimmy Yuta vs Mance Warner

Mance drives Jimmy into the corner and chops him while hitting him with right hands before Jimmy punches and slaps him. Mance hits a wrist lock headbutt for a two count and they exchange chops until Mance hits a open handed chop and a headbutt. Jimmy sends Mance out onto the apron before Mance DDTs him onto the apron. Mance pokes Jimmy in the eyes before Jimmy sends him into the railing and hits a suicide dive before rolling Mance back into the ring. Jimmy then hits a fireman’s suplex for a near fall before Mance headbutts him for a near fall and hits a running knee into a lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mance Warner defeats Jimmy Yuta via pinfall with a lariat.

Rey Horus vs Aerostar

They take each other down several times with arm drags and trips until they up up to their feet and Rey kicks Aero in the midsection before Rey gets out of the ring and Aero hits a suicide dive. Aero rolls Rey back into the ring and hits a diving cross body before hitting a back stabber for a two count. Rey hits a corkscrew arm drag off of the second rope that sends Aero out of the ring before hitting a flipping senton over the top rope. Rey rolls Aero back into the ring and hits several running clotheslines in the corner and a basement dropkick for a two count. Aero comes back with an enzuigiri into a springboard code breaker for a near fall before Aero hits a dive and kicks Rey in the corner. Rey suplexes Aero into the corner for a two count before slamming him down and Aero catches him up top before Aero hits a flipping senton to the outside. Back in the ring Rey hits a standing Spanish fly before hitting a sunset flip off of the top for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rey Horus defeats Aerostar via pinfall with a sunset flip powerbomb off of the top turnbuckle.

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