
MLW Fusion Episode 32 Results MLW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Low-Ki defends his MLW World Heavyweight Championship against Shane Strickland on this week’s episode of MLW Fusion!

Trey Miguel vs Kotto Brazil

They mock each other before Kotto shoves Trey and Trey drops him with a shoulder block before Kotto hits a huricanrrana and a dropkick. Trey catches Kotto up top before stomping him in the corner and hits a low dropkick for a quick two count. Trey takes Kotto down with a side headlock before hitting a PK for a quick two count and chokes him, Kotto coming back with a spiking huricanrrana. Kotto rocks Trey with a series of strikes before dropkicking him out of the ring and hitting two suicide dives and a flipping senton to the outside before hitting a springboard headbutt for a quick two count. Trey then hits a springboard cutter for a near fall before Kotto hits a Salida del Sol for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kotto Brazil defeats Trey Miguel via pinfall with a Salida del Sol

-Kotto is attacked by MJF backstage after his match as we go to commercial.

-The Hart Foundation cut a promo backstage on Tommy Dreamer.

Gringo Loco vs Marko Stunt

Gringo mocks Marko before Marko comes back with several huricanrranas and a suicide dive, Marko following up with a flying huricanrrana off of the top and to the outside. Back in the ring Loco comes back with a moonsault and a double underhook sit-out facebuster for a quick two count before he misses a corkscrew senton off of the top. Marko then counters a double underhook powerbomb into a huricanrrana for a near fall before countering a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker into a code breaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Marko Stunt defeats Gringo Loco via pinfall with a code breaker.

MLW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Low-Ki (c) vs Shane Strickland

Low-Ki takes Shane down repeatedly and shows off his grappling skills before locking in a camel clutch, Shane getting to his feet and sending Low-Ki out of the ring and chopping him at ringside. Shane tosses Low-Ki back into the ring gets a one count off of a crucifix pin before choking him in the corner and driving his shoulder into his midsection before hitting a gut buster. Low-Ki counters a suplex and tosses Shane across the top rope before tossing him out of the ring and headbutting him. Back in the ring Low-Ki hits a float over suplex for a quick two count before Shane counters a camel clutch into a jawbreaker and chops Low-Ki in the corner. Low-Ki hits a mule kick for a quick two count and locks in a variation of an abdominal stretch before dropping him with a question mark kick.

Shane comes back with a forearm and a huricanrrana that sends Low-Ki face first into the middle turnbuckle before hitting a running knee in the corner into a Saito suplex for a near fall. Shane kicks Low-Ki in the midsection repeatedly before reverse falcon arrow for a near fall before Low-Ki hits a shotgun dropkick for a near fall of his own. Low-Ki misses a diving move and takes out the referee before Shane hits a series of kicks and drops Low-Ki across the railing before hitting a diving stomp for a near fall when a new referee runs down to the ring. Low-Ki then pulls pulls the hair out of Shane’s head and he screams in pain before Low-Ki pins him for the win.

Winner: Low-Ki retains his MLW World Heavyweight Championship by defeating Shane Strickland via pinfall. 

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