
MLW Fusion Episode 105 Results Alex Hammerstone vs Laredo Kid for the Openweight Championship

The MLW National Openweight Championship is on the line on this week’s episode of MLW Fusion!

– We open the show with a run-down of tonight’s card featuring Alex Hammerstone defending his National Openweight Championship against Laredo Kid and a tag team match between Mance Warner and Savio Vega and Pagano and Mortiz.

Tijuana Street Fight Match

Mance Warner & Savio Vega vs Pagano & Mortiz

Savio and Pagano start the match off by exchanging before Savio accidentally hits Mance and all four men brawl before it spills out of the ring. Mance hits Mortiz with a chair before Savio chokes him with it and Mance hits Pagano with a beer before Pagano comes back with strikes to Mance back in the ring. Vega stabs Pagano with a skewer before Mortiz drags him and Mance out of the ring and Pagano hits a tope. Mortiz hits a suicide dive and sends Mance and Savio through a board at ringside before Mortiz hits Mance with a board and tosses him back into the ring. Pagano wedges a chair in the corner before whipping Mance into the corner, but he stops himself, rips it out and throws it at Pagano for a near fall that Mortiz breaks up.

Mortiz and Mance hit each other in the head with a chair before Savio powerbombs Mortiz onto a board in the ring and Mance lays Pagano out with a chair shot to the head. Savio and Pagano go at it at ringside as Mortiz sets a table up in the ring and lights it on fire before Mance puts Mortiz through it. Pagano and Mance hit each other with doors before setting them up in separate corners and Pagano spears Mance through one of the doors for a near fall. Mance puts Pagano through the other door for a near fall of his own before they exchange strikes until Alex Hammerstone comes in and lays Mance out with a bicycle kick. Mortiz then hits a diving splash to Mance through a table before Pagano hits Savio with a running blockbuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Pagano and Mortiz defeat Savio Vega and Mance Warner via pinfall.

– We then go to a promo by Tom Lawlor in his home where he says that he and Dominic Garrini are going to enter the Super Series before its announced that they will face Puma King and Extreme Tigre next week as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a video of Alex and Gino of The Dynasty hung over after a night of partying before we are told about Injustice being suspended for attacking Brian Pillman Jr. We then go to an interview with Davey Boy Smith Jr where he’s asked about Brian before he talks about lobbying Court Bauer for a world title shot. We then go to Konnan having a confrontation with Injustice before giving them a shot at the AAA Six-Man Tag Team Championship, and warns them to be careful while in Tijuana. We then go to a promo by Psycho Clown who challenges LA Park to a match next week where he says that he plans to humiliate Park and his sons.

MLW National Openweight Championship Match

Alex Hammerstone (c) vs Laredo Kid

They lock up and Alex shoves Kid away before they lock up again for the same result for Kid before Kid tries to chop Alex down with leg kicks. Kid sends Alex out of the ring and hits a diving cross body before rolling Alex back into the ring and Alex catches him coming off of the top turnbuckle and hits a spinning sit-out uranage for two. Alex chokes Kid in the corner and plays to the crowd before whipping him into the opposite corner and choking him in the ropes. Alex hits the Spinal Countdown for two before tossing Kid out of the ring and hitting him with forearms at ringside. Alex sends Kid into the crowd before tossing him back into the ring and Kid catches him coming in before hitting an enzuigiri into a missile dropkick.

Alex rolls out of the ring and Kid hits a suicide dive before hitting a running forearm in the corner into a snap German and a pair of moonsaults for two. Alex comes back momentarily before he’s hit with a superkick and Alex hits a burning hammer for two and goes for the Nightmare Pendulum, but Kid counters into a roll up for a near fall. Alex turns Kid inside out with a lariat before setting him on the top turnbuckle and Kid fights him off before hitting a 450 for a near fall. Alex hits a bicycle kick before accidentally taking out the referee and Kid hits a Spanish fly off of the top, but the referee is still incapacitated. Kid then rolls the referee back into the ring before Alex hits a powerbomb into the Nightmare Pendulum for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alex Hammerstone defeats Laredo Kid via pinfall to retain his MLW National Openweight Championship.

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