
MLW Fusion Episode #102 Results Smith, Kross & The Von Erichs vs Team Filthy

Davey Boy Smith Jr teams up with Killer Kross and the Von Erichs to take on Team Filthy in a huge eight man tag!

– We open the show with a video recapping last week’s main event in which Killer Kross defeated Tom Lawlor via disqualification before an eight man tag was set up between The Von Erichs, Killer Kross and Davey Boy Smith Jr against Team Filthy in the main event of this week’s show.

Zenshi vs El Lindaman

Before the match we’re informed of Dynasty attacking Mance Warner at the pay window last week before we’re told that Richard will face a mystery man chosen by Mance with Mance in his corner later tonight. They start things off by locking up before Zenshi gets several quick two counts before hitting a shotgun dropkick and they exchange. They run the ropes before Zenshi flips Lindaman and hits a moonsault for two before hitting a snap suplex and Lindaman hits a flipping senton to the outside. Back in the ring Lindaman stomps Zenshi and chokes him in the corner before Zenshi rolls him up for two. Lindaman takes Zenshi down and locks in a Fujiwara armbar before he gets to the ropes for the break and the Japanese superstar from Dragon Gate stays focused on the now injured arm of the luchador. Zenshi headbutts and sweeps Lindaman before hitting a slingshot senton and a slingshot neckbreaker for two. Lindaman goes for an armbar out of nowhere before Zenshi gets to the ropes and Lindaman hits a northern lights into the corner into a German suplex for two. Zenshi comes back with a Pele kick before they exchange forearms until Zenshi drops Lindaman with a flurry of kicks. Lindaman then hits a blue thunder bomb into a Tiger suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: El Lindaman defeats Zenshi via pinfall.

– After the match we get a graphic for LA Park before we go to a promo between Davey Boy Smith Jr, Killer Kross and the Von Erichs ahead of the eight man tag later tonight. We then go an interview with Mance Warner who says that he has something special in line for MJF whenever he returns before we get an interview with Richard Holliday about his match against Mance’s mystery opponent. We then get a a promo by Josef Samael as we go to commercial.

– We come back with a graphic for King Mo versus Low-Ki on next week’s show as well as Brian Pillman Jr versus Jordan Oliver next week before we get a video of Injustice attacking Brian before they’re ran off by Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Richard Holliday vs The Blue Meanie

They dance and do Meanie’s pose before Richard asks him to do it with him and Richard attacks Meanie from behind when he turns his back on him before stomping Meanie in the corner. Richard clotheslines Meanie and mocks him before covering him for two and Meanie comes back with right hands for two before misses a running splash in the corner, Richard dropping him with a back elbow for two. Richard lays into Meanie with forearms in full mount before Richard focuses on Mance at the commentary table before Richard gets counted out after Mance spits beer in his face and can’t get back into the ring in time.

Winner: The Blue Meanie defeats Richard Holliday via count out.

– After the match Meanie and Mance drink beer in the ring before we go to a graphic for LA Park up next as well as a graphic for our eight man tag team main event as we go to commercial.

– We come back to an interview with Injustice before we get a breakdown of the top ten contenders for the MLW championship by PWI with Alexander Hammerstone at number one before we go to a promo by Low-Ki earlier today before going to a backstage interview with King Mo and Dan Lambert. Mo calls Low-Ki a fraud ahead of their match next week. We then go to a subtitled video where LA Park and his son El Hijo de LA Park cook food.

Team Filthy (Tom Lawlor, Erick Stevens, Dominik Garrini & Kid Osbourne) vs Killer Kross, Davey Boy Smith Jr & The Von Erichs

All eight men brawl as soon as the match starts before it spills out to ringside with everyone pairing off until it’s Ross and Tom in the ring and Ross misses a running dropkick in the corner before he’s isolated by Team Filthy who chain together offense and frequent tags. Killer Kross gets the tag and suplexes everyone except Tom before Tom comes in and they exchange strikes and run the ropes before Tom drops Kross with a spinning heel kick. Kross gets right back up and suplexes Tom before accidentally taking out the referee and Kip low blows Davey and brings a chair into the ring. Marshall then applies the Von Erich Claw before hitting a moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winner: Davey Boy Smith Jr, Killer Kross & The Von Erichs defeat Team Filthy via pinfall.

– After the match Team Filthy attack their opponents with kendo sticks and chairs before Davey puts Kid through a ring board back inside the ring as we go off the air with a run down of next week’s show before all eight men brawl to the back as the show ends with King Mo joining Team Filthy.

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