
The Miz On Why SmackDown Is Better Than Raw

The Miz was interviewed recently by Spanish language site Planeta Wrestling.

You can watch the interview in the video above or read a few submitted highlights below.

Why Smackdown Live ia better than Raw: 

“I feel people are correct when people say SmackDown Live is the better show, because it is. We as a collective group – I feel like SmackDown Live or SmackDown blue side has always been known as the second show, it’s not the baby. I feel like RAW has always been the coveted one. With the talent WWE brought over to SmackDown Live, everyone looked at that and said you know what? We’re gonna make that this show the most talked about, must see, that people want to see what will happen next, we’re gonna have water cooler talk, and that’s exactly what we set out to do. And that’s exactly what we’ve done. People have stepped up like myself, you look at guys like Baron Corbin who was a blimp on the radar screen when he came go SmackDown Live. Now he’s someone to be reckoned with. A main event calibre type of talent. You look at Dolph Ziggler and I had that entire program for what felt like forever, stepping up to the plate and giving us opportunities. And whenever you give opportunities we’ll knock a home run with it, and I think that’s exactly what all the Superstars are doing on SmackDown Live. Look at the year AJ Styles has had. He’s been here for one year. One year. It feels like he’s been here forever but he’s been here for one year and he’s already been the WWE Champion, has main evented countless pay-per-views (PPVs), and has been doing a spectacular job.”

What's his favorite match on WWE Network: 

“All my memorable matches? The one I can’t remember, the one at Wrestlemania 27. I also like any other match I did with Dolph for the Intercontinental Championship was something special for me, because I was making that title what I wanted it to be. Prestigious, relevant, the matches are captivating, the story is there. It’s just one of those situations that it was so much fun to do.”

Where he gets his inspirations for his promos: 

“I reach inside and I just let them rip. Sometimes when I’m cutting a promo I don’t even know what I’m saying. My mouth just keeps moving to be honest with you. Half the time I’ll be cutting a promo, then I just go to my wife and I’m like ‘What did I just say?’ She’ll explain to me what I say. Sometimes my mind turns blank and I’ll just keep going. It just comes off of – I don’t even know how to explain it. But I’ve been cutting promos for so long that now you just try to look for the feeling. What feels real to you? What motivates you? What do you want out of this? Those are the things I ask myself. What do you want? And right now my want is to be the most decorated, the most looked at, the most sought after, the most must see Superstar that WWE has.”

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