
Mickie James Shares Her Thoughts About Lita As Their Match At ‘Evolution’ Nears Closer

Mickie James speaks about her forthcoming match.

WWE’s first-ever all-women’s PPV ‘Evolution’ is upon us with a mere three weeks left to go until the women of the sports-entertainment company take center stage at the Nassau Coliseum on October 28th. One of the first matches announced for ‘Evolution’ is the clash between two former multi-time WWE Women’s Champions Mickie James and Lita.

The two never got the opportunity to work together until around the time that Lita was ready to tie a bow on her wrestling career and now they will have the chance to compete against one another come October 28th. To promote the event Mickie James spoke with ‘The Hype Magazine’ and shared her thoughts in-detail about Lita and getting that one-on-one match with the WWE Hall Of Famer that she has always wanted.

“Most people know that Lita has been, as far as my wrestling career is concerned a big influence even before I came to the WWE.” Mickie said. “We met when I was working the independent scene in North Carolina. She’s always been so kind to me and helped me out a lot.  For example, she pulled me aside back then when I was working my way up and gave me advice on what to do and what not to do in the ring. This was even before I got hired and kept coming in for tryouts. Telling my boss, ‘maybe you should look at this girl’, and she didn’t have to do that. Then also obviously allowing me to pitch ideas that ended up getting me on television and working with Trish Stratus. I’d always looked forward to being able to work with Lita. We didn’t really get a chance to work together until she was getting ready to retire”, James said. “So, our big stint of finally being able to be in the ring together was when she was on her way out, which was bittersweet for me. I’d always wanted to work a program with her, and she’s saying goodbye as I’m getting to the height of my career. I think we have some unfinished business because of the way she left, and I think for her to have been able to come back and provide the girls with her focus when she was announcing, helping produce, and doing things backstage. Lita has so much knowledge she really paved the way both in the ring and how she’s made money. She was able to separate herself. Before Lita, women weren’t doing Moonsaults, Hurricanranas and other high-flying maneuvers. I think she really changed the game in the women’s division. I’m excited to work with her and to maybe give these young girls a little competition.”


Tonight the Mae Young Classic tournament will continue on so keep an eye out for Mr. Warren Hayes’ review of this week’s episode along with 205 Live and NXT.

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