
Mick Foley Reacts to Miz’s Talking Smack Promo

Raw General Manager Mick Foley has responded to the promo The Miz cut on Talking Smack last night.

Foley posted a response to the now infamous promo.

“To me, it was so powerful that halfway through, I realized I could never make the Miz the butt of a joke again. Not only would it not be funny, but I would lose credibility by trying to mine the wrong source for laughs. The Miz has slowly, but steadily become one of the best IC champions the #WWE has seen in a long time. Last night, he stated his case in a more abrupt way; eloquent, angry and completely believable,” Foley wrote.

The full response can be found at Foley’s Facebook page.

The Miz dropped in on the WWE Network talk show towards the end of the Talking Smack broadcast. He talked about how he felt the Intercontinental Title was being mistreated and that it was not getting adequate TV time. The disparity over the IC Title stemmed from the blue brand debuting a women’s title and tag team titles on the Aug. 23 episode of SmackDown Live.

SmackDownLive General Manager Daniel Bryan and Miz got into an argument after Bryan said that Miz wrestled like a “coward,” among other things. He also said Miz was the stereotype of a WWE wrestler who was “soft” in the ring. Miz fired back, saying that Bryan let the WWE fans down by not coming back after he promised he would in a year’s time. Bryan’s neck injury made him relinquish the Intercontinental Title and take time off, and was ultimately not cleared to return to ring action.

Bryan responded by saying if the company would let him wrestle again, he would. Miz continued to get angry and escalated in his speaking volume, saying that if that was the case, Bryan should quit his job as SmackDown Live GM and go back to wrestling in Bingo halls, an insult about being a former indy star. Miz ended the segment by saying that everyone else was a coward and that he wrestled the way he did so he could be around for the WWE Universe, with the camera zooming in on him.

 “I swear to you, I promise you, it (Intercontinental Championship) will be the most relevant title on SmackDown Live,” Miz said.

“This is my show, my show. And I’m sick of all of you, my GM, sitting there criticizing me calling me the coward. You’re the coward. I’m the one, day in and day out, in that wrestling ring. “

As of Tuesday, Miz’s current IC Title reign was at 141 days.

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