
Matt Taven Recalls Maria Being Hit With The Magic Killer In Japan

Ring of Honor's Matt Taven was interviewed by Wrestling Epicenter's Interactive Wrestling Radio recently. You can see the full interview above, and select highlights below:

The moment when Gallows and Anderson hit the Magic Killer on Maria:
"You have to understand, New Japan never really had women in the ring. Our feud went from ROH to NJPW and back again. I can remember the New Japan officials saying "Don't ever let Maria back in the ring again." Obviously, it is a different culture and they also don't want women and men in a combat situation. Maria was the first person in a New Japan ring since Joanie Laurer, since Chyna. It was kind of a big deal and we didn't even realize it at the time. It kind of morphed into Amber Gallows and Maria joining the two teams. Looking back on it, it is a kind of monumental moment for New Japan with the first Mixed Tag match and the first time, since Chyna, of women competing. So, them hitting the Magic Killer (on Maria) and it being shown in Japan really did cause some waves because it was so out of the ordinary."


TK O'Ryan's injury:
"It is coming up to the 1 year anniversary at the 15th Anniversary show that TK broke his leg. Obviously being in that situation not too long previous to that situation, you kind of know how to handle it. I saw TK's leg and I'm not sure if it was picked up on camera but I kind of screamed, "Areyou all right? Are you all right?" Being in that situation and being asked that question by Mike Bennett, you never are really able to answer that question correctly. TK grabbed his leg and screamed in pain. I saw his leg kind of floating in the wind there. I had to do what I had to do to make sure that A. He wasn't going to be in any more danger and B. To finish the match in a reasonable fashion and to continue the story that we were developing. Unfortunately for TK, the Sunrise Hospital is not the best medical facility. We had to hold his leg together with tape and glue and our bare hands intil we got him on a plane back to Boston that actually fixed him up correctly."


The XWA Wrestling Kingdom school he runs:
"XWA Wrestling Kingdom. I'm literally there 3 times a week. It is in Rhode Island. So, anybody interested can message me or the XWA. XWA Wrestling Kingdom actually has a Facebook page. So, there are a lot of ways you can contact us."

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