
Match Ratings For WWE Smackdown Live 1/22/19, Podcast Notes From Sean Ross Sapp Of Fightful.com

Opening Segment

  • Becky Lynch says that it seems weird to her that Asuka isn’t bothered by not actually beating her for the title.
  • Asuka comes out and does her screaming thing.
  • Charlotte Flair follows and runs down her history of beating everyone in title matches.
  • Asuka attacks Becky from behind, but ends up getting her ass kicked pretty thoroughly.
  • Becky whips her with her jacket, too. That was a nice touch.

Mandy Rose (w/ Sonya Deville) defeated Naomi

  • We see a highlight video of Mandy Rose trolling Jimmy Uso and Naomi.
  • Naomi meets Mandy Rose on the ramp, which is the absolute right thing to do. 
  • Naomi throws out some SCHMACKS. Lots of slow-down holds during the break though.
  • Naomi gets a nice kick, but it’s followed up with some of the lightest clotheslines and shoulder blocks ever.
  • WWE shows a replay of a facebuster being botched. It looked vicious though.
  • Naomi kicks Sonya before she can interfere. Mandy posts Naomi and pins her, though.
  • This was not good. Some nights Naomi is really on, and some she’s really off. This was an off night. 
  • Jimmy Uso consoles Naomi.

Cesaro (w/ Sheamus) defeated Miz (w/ Shane McMahon)

  • I mean, shouldn’t Shane and Miz be getting something of a tune up match?
  • Miz locks in a Figure Four, but Cesaro gets out and takes over before the break.
  • Back from commercial, Shane McMahon saves Miz by throwing his feet off the ropes.
  • Shane gets sent into the barricade.
  • Sheamus cracks Miz, who walks into a Neutralizer. Cesaro wins.
  • Shane McMahon attacks after the match and takes out both members of The Bar.
  • Shane goes to do his elbow drop, but Sheamus pushes him off the top rope and posts Miz. 
  • Shane eats a nasty Brogue Kick. The Bar follow up with an insane H Bomb through the announce table on Shane, who is thrown on Miz.
  • This was an awesome angle.


  • We saw Vince McMahon looking on as Shane McMahon and Miz are tended to.
  • Vince McMahon comes to the ring and brings out AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan.
  • “He slammed me into a bunch of processed animal carcasses.”- Daniel Bryan.
  • Bryan has a Hoh Rainforest shirt on. He says AJ panders to the crowd and doesn’t make them feel bad about things they should feel bad about. 
  • Styles says Bryan didn’t bicycle to the arena. He took a plane. He calls Bryan fickle. He says Bryan corrupted himself for the WWE Championship, and when he takes that, Bryan will have nothing.
  • Vince tells Daniel Bryan to get in the ring and Bryan SHOOTS HARD on baby boomers taking, taking, taking.
  • This has been really, really good stuff from AJ and Daniel Bryan. Vince is on tonight, too.
  • Styles goes after Bryan, who puts Vince in front of him. This allows Bryan to land a big knee. 


Backstage Crappenings

  • R-Truth says he doesn’t want Brock Lesnar to take him to Sioux Falls City. He calls Buddy Murphy “Bobby,” and Carmella tells him there’s a weight limit. Truth tells him that’s a fat insult.
  • Carmella approaches Charlotte Flair and cuts a promo about her chances in the Royal Rumble. Charlotte says the Rumble isn’t the tornado — she is. 
  • We see New Day studying Royal Rumble tape. Tony Chimel makes a cameo, and New Day say if one of them win, they all win. Xavier and Big E encourage Kofi, who is worried about his fantastic saves ending.

Samoa Joe defeated Mustafa Ali

  • There is a really good highlight promo on Mustafa Ali, that was a lot like his 205 Live promos. 
  • Mustafa does a dive outside the ring, but gets cut off a little bit later when he gets too ambitious. 
  • Samoa Joe takes the strikes to Mustafa and kicks him hard.
  • Mustafa buys himself some time with a rolling facebuster. A couple of nice dropkicks land, too. 
  • Mustafa goes up to the top rope and yanked down. Coquina Clutch taps out Mustafa.
  • This was a good showing for Ali.

2 Out Of 3 Falls
Rey Mysterio vs. Andrade

  • Zelina is banned from ringside for this match.
  • There will be like two or three spots in this match that would be better than anything WWE would let their wrestlers do for several years about a decade ago
  • Rey jumps from the inside corner over the top to the outside and huracanranas Andrade.
  • Andrade catches Rey with a dropkick, but Andrade also gets hit with a Code Red
  • Mariano Rivera reference from Corey Graves. 
  • Both men end up yanking each other off the top rope. Andrade gets the first pin with a super powerbomb!
  • Andrade follows up with a slingshot powerbomb, but Rey gets a pin with an insane Canadian Destroyer.
  • We come back from a commercial break and Rey does a baseball slide sunset flip powerbomb to the barricade. Yeah. That just got typed.
  • Back in the ring, Rey pulls off the West Coast Pop. 
  • You can hear how legit excited and in awe of these two that Tom Phillips is in. It’s a passion we don’t always hear on commentary.
  • Andrade pulls a rope hung triangle out of nowhere. He catches Rey outside and powerbombs him into the post. After a Hammerlock DDT, Rey gets to the ropes. 
  • Rey got a little too ambitious channeling the 1997 Halloween Havoc DDT. It didn’t work. A reverse hurcanrana does, though.
  • Rey gets caught after a 619 and Samoa Joe attacks both men. Joe says he came to make a statement. 
  • RKO OUT OF NOWHERE. Randy Orton is here! That was the perfect way to announce him.


Rating guide

10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5.The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!


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