
Match Ratings For WWE Smackdown 7/24/20 From Sean Ross Sapp

Top Contender Match
Nikki Cross defeated Alexa Bliss

  • Sasha Banks and Bayley come out and brag about all of their title belts.
  • They say that the Women’s Evolution is over, and now it’s the era of Bayley and Sasha Banks.
  • Nikki Cross is out next with Alexa Bliss. Nikki flips about about Sasha Banks cheating.
  • Bayley teases making Nikki Cross face off with Sasha Banks for a top contender spot. Instead, she wants Nikki to face Alexa Bliss.
  • AND IT’S NEXT! Nikki Cross pushes down Alexa, because she’s so anxious to get a title shot.
  • They played Alexa Bliss’ music for some reason. Interesting choice considering they were both outside.
  • Sasha Banks and Bayley are on commentary.
  • There are some nice DDT counters and they start slugging it out.
  • They brawl outside, but both attack Sasha and Bayley for trolling them outside.
  • This is a physical match, but the story seems to be more about Bayley and Sasha at ringside.
  • Bayley challenges Michael Cole to a Summerslam match, then she and Alexa Bliss chant “let’s go Nikki, Nikki sucks.”
  • Alexa Bliss is even going at the injured ribs of Nikki, and does a Code Red.
  • Nikki wins with a small package and gets the title shot.
  • Not much on a quick rematch, but at least they made a story of it, made the character earn it, and the match will be good.
  • Backstage, Alexa Bliss tells Nikki she’s happy for her. The first 36 minutes of this show were really good, and built.

Firefly Funhouse

  • Wyatt says that Braun Strowman is stuck in the swamp, but that it’s organic.
  • The Fiend has been unleashed.
  • I hope they didn’t bring him in for an extra day of taping for that pointless segment.

Matt Riddle defeated Tony Nese

  • Not gonna pretend I understand the logistics of Nese appearing on NXT, Smackdown and 205 this month. Only so much I can say about a brand split.
  • Riddle dominates outside of a Nese body scissors
  • Bro Derek gets the win.
  • Riddle calls out Baron Corbin. Corbin says that Riddle’s request will be rejected because he hasn’t earned it.
  • Corbin says something about his kingdom, and says he should go to NXT or 205 Live.
  • Corbin puts out a King’s Ransom on Riddle.
  • Riddle head kicks Nese for trying to attack him.

Miz TV

  • The novelty of Miz and Morrison is wearing off on me. They’re going from being ironically funny to being….just not entertaining.
  • Naomi said the fans keep her going and motivate her.
  • Miz and Morrison troll her for trending for losing matches. Naomi says she trends and fans support her because she’s been coming to work every day for a decade.
  • They bring Lacey Evans out, who says she’d rather win than trend.
  • Naomi hits her and she SMEARS LIPSTICK. OH NO!
  • Lacey is mad over the lipstick.

Top Contender Match
Gran Metalik defeated Shorty G, Lince Dorado & Drew Gulak

  • Styles is on commentary.
  • They’re still doing this ridiculous Shorty G shit. At least he hits a nice moonsault onto the pile.
  • Metalik does a double back elbow as Styles struggles to say his name.
  • Lucha House Party
  • Gable impresses Styles with his moveset, including a package belly-to-back suplex. AJ puts over Gable a lot.
  • Gable walks the ropes to flip out of the Dragon Sleeper and applies an Ankle Lock on Gulak.
  • Metalik gets the win with a ropewalk elbow drop.
  • AJ slaps Metalik instead of shaking his hand. The favor is returned with a tornado DDT.

Other Happenings

  • Kofi Kingston tells Big E he’s out for at least six weeks. He encourages Big E to pursue a singles run, with his blessing.
  • We see a Mandy and Otis montage. They’re back next week.
  • Nakamura and Cesaro do an interview. They’re pretty much the only team actively competing in the division on Smackdown right now.

Jeff Hardy defeated Sheamus

  • I’m expecting some high level acting, here.
  • I didn’t get it. Jeff Hardy says HE’S THE BAR. Like the actual bar.
  • Jeff throws beer in Sheamus’ face.
  • Sheamus does Beats Of The Bodhran over the bar.
  • When Sheamus tries to get a drink, Jeff runs along the bar and attacks him.
  • Jeff dodgeballs Sheamus with pop-a-shot basketballs.
  • Sheamus puts Jeff’s head in a urinal.
  • Jeff attacks Sheamus with a ladder, but Sheamus catches him midair.
  • This isn’t terrible, but has already gone on too long.
  • The bartender gets involved, and Jeff Hardy powerbombs him through a table.
  • Sheamus goes to put Hardy away, but HARDY’S FACE IS PAINTED.
  • Swanton and a win.
  • Okay.

Rating Guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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