
Match Ratings For WWE Smackdown 5/15/20 From Sean Ross Sapp

Miz TV

  • Otis interrupted Miz and Morrison.
  • Otis says the most important win of his life was winning the heart of Mandy Rose. He says he has Rolaids, Gas-X and Bratwurst in the briefcase.
  • Miz & Morrison are making a bunch of fat jokes, and this segment is already sucking ass.
  • The only good thing about this is Otis knowing they’re shitting on him but him no-selling it.
  • Miz gets angry and challenges Otis to a tag team match. Otis says Tucker couldn’t be there because he got dysentary while playing Oregon Trail.
  • Well then, Otis has to find a teammate tonight to face Miz & Morrison.
  • Sheamus turns Otis down backstage. He later talks to Mandy.
  • Otis approaches Braun Strowman, who respects him for asking in the first place.

IC Title Tourney
Elias defeated King Corbin

  • Of course it’s Elias and Baron Corbin again, because why not?
  • Elias comes UNGLUED when Corbin plays with his guitar. NOT THE GUITAR!
  • Corbin pulls Elias balls first on a ropewalk attempt.
  • Corbin is beating down Elias pretty well, but Elias hits a neckbreaker.
  • Elias hasn’t been pinned on TV since August. Never underestimate WWE’s ability to 50/50 a feud, though.
  • Corbin uses a really good spinebuster and chokeslam. Tournament Baron Corbin is a 94 overall on 2K.
  • Corbin smashes the guitar and gets rolled up and beaten by a PAUL SMACKAGE.

Other Stuff

  • We get another hacker video.
  • Forgotten Sons are doing a Smarmy Veterans gimmick.
  • I love how much they’re promoting the next week’s shows. Nakamura vs. Styles, mixed tag match with Otis & Mandy against Sonya & Ziggler, ad
  • Sonya says everything she’s told Mandy has come true. She thinks Mandy will end up being fat with kids cooking high cholesterol foods. Another really good Sonya Deville promo. lol why do they always have these women say “………..bitch” at the end of everything? It’s gotta be a rib at this point, right?

Dana Brooke defeated Naomi
N/A (Short)

  • Both women miss their offense by a bit, it’s not connecting in the early going.
  • Dana Brooke gets a win after a reversed pin.

Charlotte Flair

  • Apparently four times a year, a wrestler can do the brand-to-brand invitation or some shit.
  • Brand-to-brand invitation wouldn’t be necessary if the company put more effort into building stars instead of “the brand.”
  • Even if they said “hey, this situation really sucks ass but we’re going to suspend the split until live events return,” that would be better. Fine. Everyone knows what’s going on. Shit happens. This stuff just makes it complicated, and annoying when they break their own rules
  • Wild Card didn’t work. This won’t work.
  • Bayley and Sasha banks show up and troll Charlotte Flair. Charlotte says Bayley needed a haircut to beat her.
  • Charlotte says Sasha used to main event shows with her instead of being a lackey.
  • Bayley wants a champion vs. champion match.
  • Charlotte is more worried about what’s going on Sasha Banks.

IC Title Tourney
Daniel Bryan defeated Drew Gulak

  • This and Riddle/Thatcher have made things a good week for me.
  • Bryan going double underhook into suplex/armbar does it for me.
  • Bryan goes after the knee with a knee breaker, ankle lock, and leg capture German suplex.
  • Bryan eventually gets the submission with a heel hook.
  • Daniel Bryan remembers vacating the title five years ago, and he wants to make the IC title represent the best wrestler in the WWE, and he thinks that’s him.
  • Gulak and Bryan shake hands before and after the match.

Braun Strowman & Otis defeated Miz & Morrison

  • Strowman is the partner.
  • Otis and Strowman do in stereo Caterpillars, but what the fuck is that?
  • Otis gets worked over and Braun gets the hot tag.
  • I don’t know what kind of slams and suplexes Braun was doing but they looked horrifying. Glad Morrison was ok.
  • Strowman mows down Miz, but gets posted in the ring.
  • POWERSLAM counter, win on Morrison.
  • Mandy comes out to celebrate with Otis.
  • Otis dances towards Braun, but gets caught. They fist bump.

Rating Guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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