
Match Ratings For WWE Smackdown 11/8/19 From Sean Ross Sapp

WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championships
New Day defeated The Revival (c) to win the titles

  • Big E thinks Xavier Woods is in jail. Big E doesn’t want Charlotte Flair to beat them for tag team title reigns.
  • I love how much sense The Revival make of their matches.
  • Dash Wilder feigns an injury through the commercial.
  • Kofi does a big dive, but misses a Trouble in Paradise in the ring.
  • Superplex into a splash by the Revival, but Big E broke it up.
  • Kofi makes a blind tag and there’s a great new double team move for New Day — an elevated Trouble in Paradise.
  • New Day get the win!
  • Heavy Machinery come out for their match next, and New Day is still out there.
  • Imperium invades, but HM, Ali, Gable, Crews and New Day all run them off.

Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro (w/ Sami Zayn) defeated Ali & Shorty G

  • This is fast and furious, as quick man tags can be.
  • Sami Zayn is on the outside, and Daniel Bryan is watching on.
  • Shorty G does an incredible belly-to-belly suplex over the ropes on Nakamura.
  • I’m not sure if WWE main roster suicide dives are uniformly told to be done a certain way, but they look bad.
  • Cesaro has a great showing with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, and gets out an ankle lock.
  • Ali counters a Kinshasa with a superkick. Zayn distracts and Nakamura wins with a Kinshasa.
  • Sami Zayn is talking to Daniel Bryan backstage, and says he should have come to celebrate with them.
  • The lights go out and the FIEND APPEARS! He attacks Daniel Bryan!

Sasha Banks defeated Nikki Cross

  • Bayley says that she and Sasha Banks made the NXT Women’s division. Sasha Banks hits us with the “you see” right out of the gate.
  • It’s good to see Sasha Banks back in the ring.
  • Bayley is on commentary and she is not very happy with Corey Graves.
  • There are some good spots here, a Banks Meteora and a Cross tornado DDT.
  • Probably my favorite move of the night has been Sasha Banks’ Vader Bomb double knee drop.
  • They get off the same page, but Banks wins with a Banks Statement.
  • Looks like the Nikki Cross push is over.
  • Shayna Baszler attacks Bayley after the match.

Fury and Strowman

  • Tyson Fury makes his way out and talks about his plans.
  • Fury puts over the match with Strowman. It sucked, though.
  • Fury says they should team up in the future.
  • B-Team come out and get their asses kicked.

Winners Are Added To Team Smackdown For Survivor Series
Dana Brooke & Carmella defeated Fire & Desire

  • This was a good way to add stakes to this match, which was supposed to happen last week.
  • Sonya had to wait a while on Carmella to attack her after a reversal.
  • Dana gets a hot tag, and we haven’t really had the opportunity to see her set of offense in the past. It’s hit or miss.
  • The flip off the apron landing on her feet to avoid a strike from Sonya was ON.
  • Dana Brooke wins with a rough looking Swanton. I would have liked to have seen a move set this up.
  • Dana finally gets a win, but wasn’t her best showing. There were some good glimpses though.

Corbin vs. Reigns

  • This King Corbin mashup theme sucks. It’s lazy. I hate that they keep doing these like this.
  • King Corbin puts over what Roman Reigns has accomplished. He then says that Roman Reigns’ balls are shriveled.
  • This promo sucks a whole lot of ass. He has this weird, dumb 3D Roman Reigns logo.
  • King Corbin just cut a literal dog shit promo. This is such a terrible promo about balls and shit and nuts.
  • WWE’s intended demographic is much younger than it really is, but this was insulting to all demos.
  • When I was 11 years old, I remember staying home to watch Kablam on Fridays. I think that might be the demographic WWE targeted with that King Corbin promo. Those not sophisticated enough to watch Kablam.
  • Roman Reigns plays the hits until Dolph Ziggler and Bobby Roode come out.
  • Deep Six by Corbin.
  • After a commercial, Ziggler and Roode interfere and Corbin wins with a End of Days.

Rating guide

10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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