
Match Ratings For WWE Raw 7/29/19 From Sean Ross Sapp

Mixed Lumberjack Match
R-Truth & Carmella defeated Drake Maverick & Renee Michelle

  • Mixed tag lumberjack match. Good for Renee Michelle getting a match on Raw.
  • Drake Maverick turned some paper posters into a several month long storyline and multiple title reigns across all of WWE’s main roster shows, and his wife getting a match on Raw. That is AMAZING.
  • Maverick gets crowd surfed into the ring and slammed to the mat.
  • Renee and Carmella have a catfight and Truth rolls up Maverick.

WWE 24/7 Championship
Mike Kanellis defeated R-Truth (c) (w/ Carmella) to become champion
Maria Kanellis defeated Mike Kanellis (c) to become champion.

  • There’s a dog pile and Mike Kanellis won the 24/7 Title.
  • He runs backstage and hides in the officials office. Maria Kanellis threatens to kick him in the vagina if he doesn’t open up the door.
  • Mike is so proud of himself and says Maria can finally respect him. Maria forces him to get down on his back and pins him.
  • Technically aren’t Maria and the unborn child co-24/7 Champions?
  • Maria is backstage getting her photo shoot for the title.
  • Braun Strowman shows up and Maria goes off on him. He just stands around breathing heavy.

Top Contender for United States Championship
Ricochet wins, last eliminating Andrade

  • I love that this has stakes immediately, even though the match is kind of cold.
  • Mysterio does a great electric chair roll over the top rope into his sliding splash.
  • Pop up European Uppercut and an awesome big boot lands.
  • These two have such amazing chemistry. I love that this
  • Rey Mysterio eliminates Cesaro with a frog splash.
  • Sami Zayn immediately gets rolled up and pinned. Damn!
  • Andrade is up next.
  • Big shocker, another person Rey has amazing chemistry with.
  • Andrade counters a 619 and gets the Hammerlock DDT.
  • There was a really weird, confusing count, but Andrade got it done.
  • The ref was trying to wave off Andrade because Rey was hurt.
  • Andrade beats Rey down and rips his mask off.
  • Ricochet and Andrade are up next, and it’s clear Ricochet is winning this. At least they made him earn it. I appreciate that.
  • They have some great back and forth, but Andrade gets a two after the double knees.
  • Ricochet hits a great spiked reverse rana that sold me a ticket.
  • 630 wins it for Ricochet. He’s over big right now, so I don’t have a problem with this. The crowd was pumped for this one.
  • I’m not big on Ricochet being the white meat babyface underdog, but he’s over. He’s too amazing for me to buy in that way.

Moment of Bliss

  • Alexa Bliss is here to reveal shocking footage from earlier today.
  • Fit Finlay is working out with girls in the ring, and Becky storms in and kicks Finlay and puts Natalya in the Disarmher. This was kind of cheesy.
  • Becky appears on the tron and says it’s her against Alexa tonight, and is disappointed that Nikki came from Scotland to make Alexa’s coffee.

Becky Lynch defeated Alexa Bliss (w/ Nikki Cross) via ref stoppage

  • The match happens about an hour later. Nikki Cross takes a cheap shot at Becky.
  • I’m loving Becky Lynch adding some stiff clinch strikes to her arsenal.
  • Becky Lynch tilt-a-whirls into a Disarmher, but Alexa rolls her up.
  • This match just isn’t there, but Becky gets some chants. She throws some nice kicks.
  • Becky does a Bexploder and Alexa is crying about her ankle in the corner. Nikki wants the trainer to help her out.
  • Everyone knows if the camera is on Alexa Bliss this much, that it’s an angle, but it is what it is.
  • Nikki calls out Becky and wants a match right now.

Becky Lynch defeated Nikki Cross

  • Alexa Bliss is still ringside. This is reckless!
  • Becky wins with the Manhandle Slam.
  • Alexa Bliss is HEALED. They jump Becky.
  • Natalya comes out to run the heels off, only to put Becky in a Sharpshooter.
  • Did Natalya just plans change us in the middle of a promo? She said she wants a submission match but won’t challenge. HUH.

WWE Raw Tag Team Championships
The OC defeated The Usos and The Revival (c) to become champions

  • This isn’t an elimination match so the only real rule that’s enforced should be the legal men’s pins counting. That’s enough for whatever team isn’t in the ring to follow the rules, or else they’d never be legal.
  • This is primarily brawling early on.
  • There’s some smooth and clever work here, these teams work well together
  • I’m so glad that month of two out of three falls matches and restarts is over. Gallows hits a clothesline before the break
  • You know, at the very least, WWE could have pulled The Usos from this match as “punishment” for the DUI in a half assed PR move.
  • This is worked a lot like a 2009 WWE tag team match early. That’s not a bad thing.
  • Jimmy Uso hot tags and runs wild, to the joy of the crowd. Wilder rolls through a body press, but gets pushed into Anderson and Samoan Dropped.
  • Dawson tags in blind and hits a great elevated bulldog, but Anderson breaks up the pin. This ruled.
  • Dawson gets superplexed to the floor onto the pile, and the crowd loves it.
  • Jey Uso misses an Uso Splash and gets Shatter Machined.
  • Gallows had made the blind tag. Magic Killer on Jimmy Uso and The Good Brothers win!!
  • That tag team match was on FIRE! Treat the tag team division like the attraction that it is! I loved that.

The Viking Raiders beat Jobbers

  • This is an ass kicking.
  • I think fewer people should use the Bronco Buster. Three people use a version of it in WWE.
  • Handicap Slam and the Viking Experience. That’s it.

Seth Rollins defeated Dolph Ziggler via DQ

  • Montez Ford implies that Angelo Dawkins knocked up Maria Kanellis. Seth Rollins shows up and they all hype each other up.
  • Dolph Ziggler comes out to Shawn Michaels‘ theme and talks shit about HBK and Goldberg.
  • Rollins got a rolling elbow and a Slingblade and it’s all him so far.
  • Ziggler goes for a big DDT, but it’s turned into a Falcon Arrow.
  • Rollins eats post and gets Zig Zagged.
  • Ziggler tunes up the band, but gets superkicked twice himself.
  • Brock Lesnar shows up and Rollins gets distracted.
  • Brock attacks Rollins. A ton of German suplexes in the ring and on the floor. An F5 to the post, then Lesnar attacks with the chair.
  • The crowd is chanting for more. F5 onto the chair. It happens three times.
  • Paul Heyman has to force Lesnar off of Rollins.
  • Seth Rollins is being wheeled off as Roman Reigns and Becky Lynch look on.
  • The Club and Samoa Joe attack Roman.
  • Brock Lesnar attacks Rollins in the ambulance and F5’s him on the side of the stretcher.
  • Seth Rollins with some Booker T supermarket level selling and I love it.


  • Joe says the summit has been canceled.
  • Unsurprisingly, Reigns isn’t done, and comes out to brawl.
  • Reigns picks up stairs and throws them at Joe. This is the Reigns we want to see. The camera work was great here.
  • Drew McIntyre is here and gets beat up too.
  • Cedric Alexander is here to make the save, but Joe clotheslines him.
  • The Usos, then the OC are out next. Cedric is on the LED boards and dives onto everyone.
  • He’s isolated in the ring, but Reigns helps him out and the babyfaces clear the ring.

Rating guide

10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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