
Match Ratings For WWE Raw 6/29/20 From Sean Ross Sapp

Double Contract Signing

  • Samoa Joe for Raw GM, please. He’s heading up this double contract signing. People would stop undermining the GMs if they were afraid the GM would beat the living shit out of them
  • Bayley, Sasha Banks and Asuka all hit the ring and immediately start brawling. This was really good.
  • Ziggler says he’s responsible for Drew McIntyre’s success after he pissed it all away.
  • Drew isn’t fazed and says that he’s going to beat Dolph Ziggler and even will let him pick the stipulation for their match.
  • Asuka flips out and signs the contract. Things break down and Drew McIntyre and Asuka send the heels packing.
  • This was mixed with fun stuff on the women’s side, and not great stuff on the men’s side. It did establish Dolph could pick the stipulation, though.
  • Commentary was hilariously bad here.


  • Big Show interrupts Andrade, Angel Garza and Zelina and says he’s pulling rank.
  • The three make their way out after Show calls out Randy Orton.
  • They all get SASSY. Zelina says they’re going to do Randy Orton a favor.
  • Ric Flair makes his way out. He says Big Show is making cartoons on Netflix, and it’s a good gig.
  • Flair says Orton will mess up Show, and sends Andrade and Garza on him.
  • Viking Raiders stop it.

Angel Garza & Andrade (w/ Zelina) defeated Viking Raiders

  • Erik almost accidentally rips Garza’s pants off, but the spot doesn’t go as planned.
  • Garza and Andrade are having some trouble holding it together. Zelina is on commentary and has to get up to talk Andrade back.
  • He leaves Garza hanging before the commercial. Zelina brings him back.
  • This was an exceptional tag match. The Powerbomb/Powerslam was good for Viking Raiders.
  • Garza counters Ivar’s weird handspring with a dropkick.
  • Things break down and Garza & Andrade get the win Garza runs Erik into the post.
  • Is that illegal? It happens all the time and they’re pretending it’s illegal now.
  • Garza wins with an impressive Wing Clipper.
  • Ric Flair asks them to come with him later.

WWE 24/7 Championship
R-Truth defeated Akira Tozawa (c) (w/ Ninjas) to win the title

  • This ninja gimmick is so fucking stupid.
  • R-Truth rolls up Tozawa for the title.
  • A series of Ninjas try to win the title. DUMB.

Seth Rollins & Buddy Murphy defeated Humberto Carrillo & Aleister Black

  • Seth Rollins tells Buddy Murphy that tonight’s message is his most important.
  • No Rey, Dominick or Austin Theory on tonight’s show live
  • Seth Rollins apologizes for what he’s going to do and asks for forgiveness to tearing him down the next time he gets in the ring.
  • Rey and Dominick appear on the screen. Dom says he’ll forgive Rey for what he has to do to Seth, but rattles off some stuff about family we’ve heard a hundred times.
  • Aleister Black and Humberto interrupt Rollins and Murphy. They’ve nerfed Aleister so much.
  • Rollins tries to talk trash to Humberto, but it isn’t reciprocated very well.
  • They go into a match, and we’ve seen Murphy and Aleister wrestle each other 800 times at this point.
  • Rollins and Murphy hit a great elevated knee strike.
  • Carrillo gets Curb Stomped and beaten.
  • Aleister attacks after the match but is overwhelmed.
  • After the match, Rollins tries to take out Humberto’s eye and Black makes the save.

Peyton Royce (w/ Billie Kay) defeated Ruby Riott

  • IIconics troll Ruby Riott about not having friends, so Ruby challenges one of them to a match and steals their catchphrase. This was a pretty good segment.
  • Lana approaches Ruby Riott to talk up Natalya.
  • I don’t mind seeing Ruby as a babyface, because whatever they’ve done with her since her return isn’t good.
  • Also, Ruby Riott is very good. I would move away from the standing STO for any wrestler, though.
  • Ruby falls for the ol’ distraction since she’s a babyface now.
  • That spinning brainbuster from Peyton Royce was a BEAUTY! She wins.

Big Show defeated Andrade & Angel Garza (w/ Zelina)

  • I know Garza & Andrade are worn down, but one Big Show should not be better than the Viking Raiders at this stage.
  • Garza chops Big Show down and puts the boots to him. Garza looks like a star here.
  • Andrade tags himself in. Angel Garza leaves him hanging, and Big Show punches Andrade for the win.

MVP defeated Apollo Crews (w/ Lashley)

  • Truth is running from the Ninjas and sees Cedric Alexander, Apollo Crews and Ricochet.
  • Bobby Lashley says Apollo disrespecting MVP is disrespecting him.
  • MVP says Apollo didn’t want him as a manager, but really doesn’t want him as an enemy.
  • Crews tope con hilos Lashley, who was helping MVP.
  • Lashley distracts Crews, and MVP wins with a Fisherman’s Suplex after a Player’s Boot.
  • Lmao what? The U.S. Champ just got beat by a guy who hasn’t won all year.
  • Lashley has a full nelson on Apollo, but Ricochet and Cedric Alexander make the save.

Bobby Lashley (w/ MVP) defeated Ricochet (w/ Cedric Alexander)

  • This goes into a match.
  • Lashley throws Ricochet all over the damn place before getting posted.
  • Ricochet kicks out of a Yokosuka Cutter.
  • Lashley does an incredible post-assisted F5, and he should have just taken the countout win here.
  • This match rules for what it is.
  • Lashley catches Ricochet and gets posted. Ricochet fires off a Lionsault and a bunch of kicks.
  • Lashley catches one with a Spinebuster Bomb.
  • Full Nelson wraps it up.

Sasha Banks & Dolph Ziggler (w/ Bayley) defeated Asuka & Drew McIntyre

  • Sasha Banks mentions THE HACKER, when Ziggler wants to player/coach them.
  • Nothing can just happen in WWE. There can’t be magic of two people touching for the first time or the first time in a long time.
  • Bayley is on commentary.
  • Ziggler doesn’t even get a one count on a Fameasser.
  • We go to a commercial after very little Sasha/Asuka interaction.
  • That changes after a big DDT from Ziggler that got Bayley to yell “THAT’S MY PARTNER’S PARTNER!”
  • Bayley laughs at the distraction Asuka falls for.
  • Sasha does a great Meteora outside and her corner stomp inside.
  • Sasha gets in Drew McIntyre’s face. Asuka head kicks Sasha, but she kicks out.
  • Drew gets posted, and Sasha applies the Banks Statement after a series of pin attempts.
  • Asuka Lock is applied, but Banks turns it into a pin.
  • Sasha Banks is so good she makes Dolph Ziggler win main events.

Rating Guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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