
Match Ratings For WWE Raw 5/11/20 From Sean Ross Sapp

Becky No Belts 🙁

  • Becky Lynch says she’s torn between joy and sadness, and things are going to change for her.
  • She says fans believed in her, and they deserve to hear it from her first — she’s going away for a while.
  • Becky Lynch says she asked the decision makers to raise the stakes for Money in the Bank.
  • An angry Asuka comes to the ring livid.
  • Becky Lynch says that Asuka has been the best wrestler in the world and beaten her when nobody else could. She opens up a Money in the Bank.
  • She says Asuka can be a champion, because she’s going to be a mother.
  • A tearful Becky leaves as Asuka cheers her on.
  • Later, we see Becky Lynch and Vince McMahon embracing.
  • The babyfaces, and only the babyfaces congratulate her.
  • Later on, Asuka is celebrating and Kairi Sane joins her.

Bobby Lashley defeated Humberto Carrillo

  • Lashley beats up Humberto early, but gets a chair dropkicked into his face.
  • I’d rather see dominant Bobby Lashley in an effort to rebuild him instead of “struggles to beat Humberto” Lashley
  • Humberto’s springboard kick is a beauty.
  • Lashley slams Carrillo into a ring post, but Carrillo gets mad and wails away with a steel chair.
  • Lashley catches Humberto with a full nelson in midair and submits him
  • This was pretty good for what it was.
  • MVP asks why Lashley isn’t competing for the title when Corbin is getting a crack at Drew McIntyre.

Angel Garza (w/ Zelina, Austin Theory & Andrade) defeated Akira Tozawa

  • We see dissension backstage among Zelina’s stable
  • We join a match in progress, and it’s pretty good.
  • It’s a nice match that Garza wins with the Wing Clipper.
  • Afterwards, Drew McIntyre comes out. He wants to fight them all.
  • That Garza sell after the Claymore was AMAZING.
  • Why do we need to see Drew vs. Andrade again? Good match, I’m sure. But why? Retread. They face off

Drew McIntyre defeated Andrade (w/ Zelina)

  • Well, we’re getting it.
  • That tilt-a-whirl slam on the apron hits for Drew, and it’s a good one. He had a great chop, too.
  • Andrade goes to work on Drew’s arm, and goes it well. Double knees, hanging armbar.
  • McIntyre gets back into this with a big boot.
  • Drew McIntyre does the Sky High!
  • Andrade briefly avoids the Claymore, but eats a BammaSlamma and Claymore.
  • A good match, and I don’t need to see it for a while. I’d rather see a U.S. Title program or the belt moved to someone else.
  • Drew McIntyre announces the brand to brand invitation, and next week he’ll face Baron Corbin.
  • Corbin is backstage downplaying his attacks in the ladder match last night. He says he made Drew the champion that he is today.

Other Stuff

  • Charlotte is on Smackdown this week.
  • This is the direction I was hoping they’d go with Jinder Mahal. There is a lot of story to unfold here. Play to his strengths and culminate with a short, story filled program with Drew McIntyre playing off their history and similar paths.

  • They actually shook the camera for AJ Styles throwing freaking popcorn at the Undertaker Last Ride trailer.

IIconics defeated Bliss Cross Applesauce

  • Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross congratulate Becky Lynch
  • They’re interrupted by the returning IIconics.
  • Peyton calls Becky’s baby a Ginger Junior and says babies aren’t special.
  • IIconics want a title match tonight. Nikki and Alexa say it doesn’t work like that, but will fight them.
  • Why can’t they just have the IIconics come back, win a couple of matches, get a tag title shot? Why do every match to death and render the culmination less interesting?
  • This match is fine, especially when you remember that IIconics haven’t worked in six months.
  • Just as I say that, Billie whiffs on a dropkick.
  • Alexa gets a nice hot tag and IIconics do an inverted Magic Killer to win.

R-Truth, Cedric Alexander & Ricochet defeated MVP, Shane Thorne and Brendan Vink

  • R-Truth brings out some fake teeth for some reason. He calls himself Pretty Ricky.
  • Thorne hurts himself doing the splits.
  • Big Brendan Vink mows down people.
  • Vink goes to slam Cedric outside, but Ricochet moonsaults onto the pile.
  • Truth wins with the Lie Detector on MVP.
  • Bobby Lashley comes out to beat up Truth with MVP. MVP and Lashley leave together.

Rey Mysterio & Aleister Black defeated Seth Rollins & Buddy Murphy via DQ

  • Rey congratulates an approaching Rollins backstage, but Rollins won’t shake his hand.
  • Rey explains that he fell six feet to a SECOND roof.
  • Rollins looks HAGGARD. Like he’s been nailed to the cross.
  • It’s all Murphy taking on both opponents early.
  • Aleister Black is ON during this match. I’m a sucker for a good double wristlock.
  • Finally after about ten minutes, Rollins stops a 619 when he’s not the legal man, and the DQ is called. Why?
  • Rollins jams Rey Mysterio’s eye into the stairs in a SICK spot. Rey sells it brilliantly.
  • They’re going to have poor Rey Mysterio get stabbed on next week’s Raw or something
  • Everything after the lame DQ was great. I wish they would have had Murphy pulling Rollins off Rey.
  • Rey is getting treated in the trainer’s room, and Rollins approaches and says he didn’t know what happened out there. Black attacks Buddy Murphy and they’re separated.

Monday Night Basketball

  • VE joke about singing karaoke.
  • Ivar throws the basketball into the roof.
  • Ivar is not good at basketball.
  • There’s a white men can’t jump joke. “BUT WE DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT VIKINGS.”
  • Montez Ford banks it in from half court.
  • Viking Experience made a last second shot and think they won.
  • They show sportsmanship after the game.
  • Viking Raiders had let Street Profts win.
  • The “post-game” was soooo much better. Ivar dunked.

Shayna Baszler defeated Natayla

  • Shayna Baszler says Becky Lynch is stupid for getting knocked up during the height of her career. She says Becky will barefoot and fat eating candy. She says “that baby’s gonna suck” and rests her case with who the father is.
  • Natalya isn’t happy about Shayna’s comments and unleashes a ridiculous line. Shayna says Natalya will never have a kid and the Hart Dynasty dies with her.
  • I love the transitions and scrambles in this match.
  • Both women counter each other’s signature moves, but Shayna wins with a knee strike.

Edge and Orton

  • Edge says WrestleMania wasn’t the end, but he’s not hunting Randy Orton anymore.
  • Randy Orton interrupts and congratulates Edge. He says at WrestleMania, the better man won. He comes back and says he can’t bite his tongue.
  • Orton says Edge hid behind everyone at the Rumble, and beat him in a match Edge picked.
  • Randy Orton doesn’t think Edge can actually wrestle anymore.
  • Randy Orton challenges Edge to a straight up wrestling match at Backlash.
  • Lol why did they have Charly say that this would be the best wrestling match ever?

Rating Guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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