
Match Ratings For WWE Raw 5/4/20 From Sean Ross Sapp

VIP Lounge

  • MVP is out to do the VIP lounge, he’s proven himself pretty versatile this go around for WWE. But he’s better on the mic than in the ring.
  • Nia Jax implies that MVP is stupid, Asuka screams in Japanese, and they give Shayna some deliberate dialogue to throw Asuka’s way about doing her talking in the ring.
  • Asuka screams and works in EZPZ. They both end up beating up Nia.
  • They announce Becky Lynch will be at Raw next week.
  • They also announce the winner of the Money in the Bank ladder match can challenge for their brand’s respective title. I think it should be more open than that.

Last Chance Gauntlet Match
AJ Styles wins

  • I like that they haven’t announced how many participants are in the gauntlet match.
  • Bobby Lashley and Titus O’Neil start out. Titus’ first match of the year. He gets beaten with a spear quickly.
  • Akira Tozawa is next and he eats a spear for a loss as well.
  • Shelton Benjamin is next and gets a lot more offense. A knee, Blockbuster and nasty bump on the apron. Lashley sends him into the barricade, then spears him. That’s a wrap.
  • Humberto Carrillo is next and Lashley gets DQ’d for touching an official. Lashley spears Humberto right after. This was so goddamn dorky. I’m okay with Lashley running through people though. That works for me.
  • Angel Garza works over Humberto for about five or six minutes, then Garza pulls out the win from nowhere with a sunset flip.
  • Austin Theory does the same, then gets pinned on a superplex. Are we supposed to take this Zelina stable seriously now? Whole lotta stock put in Humberto Carrillo there that could have put into literally anyone else.
  • AJ Styles makes his way out. AJ Styles has one clean win on WWE TV this year. This is a good way to bring him back and give him a reason to be near the top. Raw needs him, especially since they’ve already beaten Zelina’s stable to death.
  • Nothing about Carrillo gets me into him.
  • Styles works over Humberto, but gives up WAY too much offense. Styles submits Carrillo with the Calf Crusher.
  • Ah, the quarterly “injure Carrillo so we can figure out what to do with him” angle. Styles beats him down after the match.
  • AJ Styles is like “I got buried, so what!?” but says he didn’t lose because there are no rules in a Boneyard match.
  • Styles runs down him coming back to rewrite history.
  • AJ Styles is the best option to win Money in the Bank.
  • This segment ate up 43 minutes.

Rollins and Charly

  • I’m with Jeremy Lambert, I think Seth Rollins needs new theme music.
  • Rollins says he’s not trying to crush Drew’s dreams or take anything from him, he’s trying to unburden Drew McIntyre.
  • Rollins wants to help Drew. There’s some validity to this Rollins promo. See Rose Namajunas. She spoke openly about the heavy pressure of being a champion.
  • The sitdown method worked for this interview.

Brendan Vink & Shane Thorne defeated Cedric Alexander & Ricochet

  • Vink and Thorne talk to MVP backstage before the match.
  • Cedric gets sent into the barricade HARD.
  • I’m all for giving job guys more of a personality. You need to. But they also need to get wins here and there if they’re recurring and getting speaking roles. Give the job guys some job guys!
  • Cedric Alexander gets a great tornado DDT.
  • Ricochet eats a boot and gets pinned. WHAT.
  • Commentary talks about Vink and Thorne being managed by MVP, but he wasn’t out there.

Viking Raiders defeated Street Profits

  • I thought Montez’s ankle was TOAST on a back body drop counter early.
  • Montez gets Diesel-style Jackknifed and splashed but kicks out.
  • Dawkins runs wild outside and takes out both Viking Raiders. These teams work really well together and keep a good pace. But why isn’t this for the tag titles?
  • Montez does a dropkick that sees him land on Erik. A dropkick into a moonsault could be good if he perfects it intentionally.
  • There’s a great sequence where Dawkins breaks up a Viking Experiences after Thor’s Hammer.
  • Montez hits a frog splash, but Erik breaks the pin with a knee.
  • Dawkins getting hit with the Viking Experience was a sight to see.
  • So I’m sure they’ll do a rematch at Money in the Bank. I’m sure it’ll be good. Why didn’t they just do the title match there instead of….nevermind
  • “Because the raid is on.” Why does this always need to be the thing? “Because (insert catch phrase).”

Other Stuff

  • Edge and Randy Orton are advertised for next week, but I’m not sure it’s current.
  • Rey Mysterio cuts a promo about what this Money in the Bank match is. I think he implied he could fall off the roof.
  • WWE edited Roman Reigns out of a Rollins.

Charlotte Flair defeated Liv Morgan

  • Charlotte Flair brags about pulling double duty since winning the NXT Title.
  • Liv Morgan comes out and Charlotte Flair pretends she doesn’t know her.
  • Liv cuts a pretty good promo telling Charlotte she’s coming for a title.
  • Liv wants a match with Charlotte right now. Please don’t stop Liv’s momentum for this.
  • Liv lands a flying headscissors, but Charlotte is in control through the commercial.
  • I always love Charlotte’s headscissor stomps.
  • The Half Pipe Stomp is a great move for Liv. So is the facebuster she uses. She connects with double knees too
  • Charlotte counters the headscissors with a powerbomb, and her facial expression makes it known Morgan is a challenge.
  • A dropkick is countered with a Boston Crab from Flair.
  • Charlotte wins with a Figure Eight.
  • Liv and Charlotte rocked even though it didn’t make any sense to do that now.

Drew McIntyre defeated Buddy Murphy (w/ Seth Rollins)

  • Buddy Murphy cuts a promo backstage before the match, but there’s no chance of him winning. Drew jokes that he doesn’t even know Murphy’s name anymore.
  • Drew is uncorking an ass kicking early. Murphy gets a little offense before being headbutted.
  • The fact that Drew can do a kip up is insane.
  • Cheeky Nandos kick and a powerbomb land for Buddy, but the Claymore hits and it’s sold great.
  • Pin.
  • Rollins won’t get in the ring. He leaves, but reappears and surprises Drew with a superkick.
  • McIntyre catches him with a headbutt and almost a Claymore, but Rollins leaves.

Rating Guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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