
Match Ratings For WWE Raw 2/10/20 From Sean Ross Sapp

Opening Segment

  • Seth Rollins has a new jacket. It works.
  • Rollins says he’s here to lead everyone into the future because the audience has a hard time making good decisions.
  • He’s getting really tired of dealing with Kevin Owens. Rollins and his disciples won’t leave the ring until their message is heard.
  • Kevin Owens comes out and says Seth Rollins keeps talking, and he keeps fighting. The Viking Raiders are there to back him up.
  • They all hit the ring, and Samoa Joe is there to help take the Disciples out.
  • A stunner hits on Murphy and the babyfaces stand tall.
  • Becky Lynch‘s music hits towards the end of this segment. I really wish they would have had her pass Seth Rollins, but she and Kevin Owens did shrug at each other.

WWE Raw Women’s Championship
Becky Lynch (c) defeated Asuka (w/ Kairi Sane)

  • Was interesting they mentioned Rousey on commentary after not for a while.
  • Asuka and Becky Lynch work really well together very well and have some smooth counters and transitions.
  • I love Asuka’s suplex spinebuster.
  • Becky takes out Kairi, but allows Asuka to attack her.
  • Asuka has adopted a Codebreaker as a counter.
  • Becky Lynch hits a reverse DDT on the apron. This is outstanding.
  • Back from a commercial a great series of pin attempts happen out of an Asuka Lock.
  • Eventually Becky Lynch wins with a Rock Bottom. Great match.
  • Shayna Baszler attacks and BITES Becky Lynch.
  • Please don’t turn Shayna Baszler into a fuckin’ vampire.
  • Becky Lynch sold this amazingly.
  • Medics want Becky Lynch to go to the hospital, but she throws a major fit.
  • She hilariously yanks the driver out of the ambulance.
  • Not a reaction for the ambulance return. I feel like that was rushed and needed some more separation before you run an angle like that,

Street Profits defeated Mojo Rawley & Riddick Moss
WWE 24/7 Championship
Riddick Moss defeated Mojo Rawley (c) to become champion

  • Street Profits say that Mojo Rawley has been riding Gronk’s coattails and hiding behind Riddick Moss.
  • Street Profits like, immediately, beat Riddick Moss. Looks promising for him.
  • He small packages Mojo Rawley to win the title and runs away. Ha!

VIP Lounge

  • It’s good to see this show back, and MVP is masterful on the mic.
  • This is such a good spot for MVP. He has Drew McIntyre out.
  • He tells Drew that many say that he’s not ready for the WrestleMania main event.
  • MVP is pitching a managerial role.
  • Drew McIntyre and MVP go back and forth on whether or not MVP is an ass kisser or ass kicker.
  • Drew ends up hitting MVP with a Glasgow Kiss and Claymore. This was an outstanding segment.

Angel Garza (w/ Zelina Vega) defeated Cedric Alexander

  • Angel Garza cuts a promo but gets attacked by Humberto Carrillo. Security removes Humberto from the area.
  • In case you forgot, Cedric Alexander is really good in the ring. You wouldn’t know that watching Raw, but it’s true.
  • Garza counters a Cedric spot and does an inverted powerbomb on the floor.
  • Garza’s pants being torn off works much better this time around.
  • Wing Clipper gets the win.

Rhea Ripley defeated Sarah Logan

  • Rhea Ripley is backstage cutting a promo and Sarah Logan interrupts her and challenges her to a match tonight.
  • I just need one line from commentary. “Raw and NXT have more wiggle room in the brand split because they’re both on USA.” Whether accidental or intentional, it’s worked out that way.
  • Charlotte comes out to the stage.
  • Rhea Ripley got a good pop and crushed Sarah Logan. She wins with Riptide.

Ricochet defeated Bobby Lashley (w/ Lana)

  • Lana cuts a promo on Ricochet backstage while Lashley works out. She says Ricochet stole Lashley’s dream.
  • Ricochet eats ringpost in filthy fashion.
  • This match is the same Ricochet match we’ve seen on the main roster. He’s good, but the incredible stuff he does in the ring isn’t as incredible when he does it every week.
  • Lashley’s spinebuster keeps getting better.
  • Ricochet lands on his feet after a belly to back superplex attempt.
  • A dropkick and 630 win it for him.

Bye bye, Matt Hardy

  • Randy Orton says he still owes the crowd an explanation.
  • Matt Hardy interrupts and wants to know why he did it.
  • Matt Hardy runs down his history with Edge.
  • Hardy asks what’s wrong with Orton.
  • Orton tries to attack, and Hardy thwarts it, but gets RKO’d.
  • A Conchairto effectively writes Matt Hardy off WWE TV.
  • This was a fantastic angle, promo and write off.

Backstage Crappenings

  • Ruby Riott says that Liv Morgan can change her hair all she wants but it doesn’t matter.

Aleister Black defeated Tozawa

  • Aleister Black pop up knees Tozawa.
  • Black Mass. Pin.
  • I’d like to see Rowan start meeting Aleister Black on the ramp to connect their squash matches. If they’re going to keep doing these, I’d rather them consolidate it and get Black over more by eventually beating Rowan.
  • Aleister Black speaks some jibberish and says his opponents will be stuck in a cage with him. METAPHORICALLY.

The Disciples defeated Samoa Joe, Kevin Owens & Viking Raiders

  • The babyfaces very quickly attack the heels, and it seems like everyone is over here.
  • The Viking Raiders are getting good reactions again, and there’s such a great balance.
  • There are some great counters and back and forths, but Murphy gets inside outed on a  clothesline. 
  • The heels work over Kevin Owens until Joe gets a hot hot hot tag.
  • A triple suicide dive hits to a great reaction, as does a big Kevin Owens dive onto a pile.
  • Samoa Joe chokes out Murphy, but Rollins stomps him behind the back of the ref.
  • Murphy wins!

Rating Guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!


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