
Match Ratings For WWE Raw 11/25/19 From Sean Ross Sapp

Rah Rah Speech

  • Seth Rollins gets CM Punk chants, and he says he tried to get him here, but he’s busy sitting behind a desk in LA talking about change that he’s too afraid to make.
  • Seth Rollins says team Raw sucked last night, and Randy Orton was the weak link. Orton leaves
  • Rollins criticizes Charlotte Flair, and she leaves. He takes a shot at AOP and says they don’t need them tonight either. Rollins says he beat Brock Lesnar twice
  • Everyone walks out on Rollins. This is PERFECT for Seth Rollins. This is the edge I’ve wanted out of him.
  • Kevin Owens is out there and Rollins says Owens is lazy and doesn’t do anything, he just shows up.
  • Stunner on Rollins.
  • Seth Rollins didn’t turn heel. He just acted exactly like he has been on social media and interviews for the past several months lol. It was perfect.

Bobby Lashley (w/ Lana) defeated Titus O’Neil via DQ
Angle: 7/10

  • We see Rusev being served with papers by someone posing as a fan.
  • Titus is past his prime in the ring. Lashley is able to recover on a spinebuster somehow
  • Rusev runs out in a track suit.
  • He has a Dim Mak shirt on.
  • Before Rusev can put Lashley through a table, Rusev gets arrested
  • Handcuffed, Rusev knocks Lashley off the stage through a table, and kicks a lighting truss over on him. This RULED.
  • Lana wants Rusev fired, and has had to file multiple restraining orders.

AOP defeated Hawkins & Ryder

  • Death Valley Drivers into the corner. MEDIUM COLLIDER.
  • Powerbomb Neckbreaker.
  • AOP win. GOOD. It’s about time.

Andrade (w/ Zelina) defeated Akira Tozawa

  • Akira Tozawa briefly gets some offense, but Andrade hits a Hammerlock DDT and wins.

Buddy Murphy defeated Matt Hardy

  • Matt Hardy’s back!
  • Another spooky Aliester Black promo.
  • Hardy gets dropped into the turnbuckle, but gets a Side Effect.
  • He goes through some signature spots, but eats a couple of really filthy knees.
  • Hardy’s sell of those knees was great.
  • No Murphy’s Law for Matt Hardy.
  • Murphy calls out Aleister Black.
  • He is obliged and Aleister Black beats his ass.

Top Contender For the U.S. Title
Rey Mysterio defeated Ricochet, Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton

  • Humberto Carrillo comes out and gets attacked by the OC.
  • Ricochet challenges Styles to a title match, and hilariously gets rejected. Randy Orton tries to do the same.
  • Drew McIntyre is out next, and then Rey Mysterio. AJ declines them all. We doing the thing where the top title isn’t on the show so everyone goes after the U.S. Title?
  • Gallows and Anderson like the idea of a Fatal Four Way for a top contender spot. This was pretty funny.
  • I dunno how wrestlers can make their own matches. Just say USA execs made it happen.
  • This isn’t exactly the pace of a lot of the matches we saw this weekend, and I don’t know that we needed a fatal-four way after all those this weekend.
  • Poor Drew has to hang upside down forever, waiting to do one of the better Tower of Doom spots that I’ve seen.
  • Great sitdown powerbomb from McIntyre on Ricochet, and I’d kind of like to see him or Rey face Styles.
  • RKO on Drew, but the OC pull him out and attack.
  • Rey hits a great springboard pin on Ricochet for the win.

WWE United States Title
Rey Mysterio defeated AJ Styles (c) to become champion

  • So we’re doing this right now.
  • Mysterio gets worked over hard and methodically by Styles.
  • Rey Mysterio is doing some of the best work of his life these days. He looked cooked several years ago.
  • His knee gives out on a springboard.
  • The OC gets tossed out for trying to help AJ Styles.
  • Styles ends up posting himself a couple of times and Rey does a great flying senton.
  • An Ushigoroshi doesn’t stop Rey, who almost gets 3 on a Code Red.
  • 619 hits, but AJ is knocked into the ref.
  • The OC are out to help AJ, but Orton is in to help.
  • 619, RKO to Styles. Mysterio wins the title.
  • This was a little overbooked, but it was good.
  • AJ Styles is livid and speechless backstage after the match. 

Asuka (w/ Kairi Sane) defeated Charlotte Flair

  • Charlotte Flair takes out Kairi Sane early on.
  • Asuka goes for the armbar, but Charlotte works out of it.
  • The crowd is DEAD and that’s a shame. Four nights of wrestling in a row. 
  • Charlotte gets dropped into the turnbuckle. This just isn’t great so far. 
  • Charlotte hits a big boot and chases Kairi out. Why is Kairi so scared of Charlotte?
  • The strikes pick up after the commercial, and the crowd does a little.
  • The work isn’t bad, it’s just long, and the crowd seems tired at that point, and it’s a shame.
  • They wake up with an Asuka head kick and a spear, thankfully. 
  • Charlotte plays dumbass babyface and chases down Kairi Sane and throws her into the post.
  • Green mist and the roll up pin.
  • This would have hit 6/10 and rec’d viewing, but unfortunately the crowd wasn’t in to it. 

Erick Rowan beats Jobber

  • The jobber tries to look in Rowan’s bag. 
  • Iron Claw slams. 

Kevin Owens defeated Seth Rollins via DQ

  • Rollins gets perturbed early and grabs a chair but the ref stops it. He ate a superkick on a missed top rope move.
  • Rollins’ suicide dives look better tonight.
  • Owens eats knees on a Swanton. He comes back with a nice DDT, though. 
  • Owens does a Swanton on the floor and a Frog Splash inside.
  • Rollins sets up for the stomp, but Owens gets the new Pop Up Sit Down Powerbomb.
  • Stunner is countered, and kicks are traded.
  • Stunner by Owens, and both men are down.
  • AOP comes out to the ring and attack Owens.
  • The possibility of AOP with Rollins, at least before I realize they’ll be his heaters and prolly lose a lot. That’d be good.
  • Seth wants to fight them, but they walk away.
  • Seth stomps Owens twice to end the show. 
  • The crowd isn’t happy with the finish. I like it creatively. 

Rating guide

10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!


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