
Match Ratings For Smackdown Live 2/27/18 And Podcast Notes From Sean Ross Sapp

John Cena

  • Cena comes out and says he wants in the main event of WWE Fastlane. Shane McMahon seems keen on it, but is interrupted by Daniel Bryan.
  • Bryan says Cena will have to earn his shot, and will face AJ Styles to do so tonight.
  • HOT DOG. 

Baron Corbin defeated Sami Zayn 


  • Kevin Owens takes shots at everyone — commentary and Baron Corbin's hairline.
  • I can't even imagine what Kevin Owens' trash talk is like in his first language if it's this good in his second language. Shane McMahon asks why he's in the booth, and Bryan says it's because he's entertaining.
  •  "Rusev Day" chants. Backstage, Shane McMahon eats popcorn.
  • There is actually a match going on an it's pretty good. Corbin catches Zayn with a punch flying in the ring. Zayn sends Corbin over the barricade. Corbin counters a Zayn flying attack with his chokeslam backbreaker.
  • Big Banter Snake Eyes' Zayn on the table and Owens complains about Corbin messing up the TV. Dolph Ziggler attacks KO, and Corbin uses the distraction to win with End of Days.
  • Ziggler Zig Zags Corbin too. Get rid of that dumb record scratch sound.

Ruby Riott (w/ Riott Squad) defeated Naomi (w/ Charlotte & Becky Lynch)

  • Even when WWE doesn't do 6-woman tags, they have six women on the show.
  • Riott and Naomi kick each other at the same time. 
  • As good as Naomi has looked in the ring lately, some of her offense tonight was just not working out. Riott's selling was really redundant, too. She stumbled around a lot before hitting her finish for the win.
  • Carmella is shown backstage answering social media questions. Nice to know she still exists. 

Backstage Crappenings

  • The star of Unsolved is back with the Fashion Police, who say they've solved all their cases. They then bring in Big E, instead of Biggie. Might have been one of the best TV tie in's they've done.
  • I don't really mind the phone promos, but they seem completely missable. 
  • Randy Orton looks every bit of 60 years old tonight when he gets face to face with Bobby Roode. He wants the one title he hasn't won.


New Day and Usos

  • Big E has Kofi spritz his wiener with water while they put over their feud with the Usos.
  • Usos come out not happy about being sidelined from WrestleMania every year. 
  • Big E SHOOTS HARD on the Usos saying they were hosting Mania while the Usos were in catering and they didn't rely on their Dads to get there. They rushed the field instead of sitting on the sidelines, and they'll make sure it happens again. 
  • The Bludgeon Brothers come out and everyone leaves

Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Aiden English (w/ Rusev)

  • Aiden English and Rusev aren't happy about being left off the show. I'm not happy about them being forced heels. 
  • Nakamura gets a huge pop. He's looking ready for a top run in the ring too.
  • I'm a big fan of Aiden English using the Widowmaker.
  • Nakamura wins after the Kinshasa, even though Rusev got involved. Sure. Fine.

Fastlane qualifier
John Cena defeated AJ Styles 

  • Cena comes out as Nakamura is still in the ring.
  • Ushigoroshi from Styles, called as a neckbreaker. Well, okay. He also lands an impressive rack powerbomb.
  • Styles' kickout is different, pulling back the head of Cena instead. 
  • Cena adding a fallaway stunner is a great move. Much lower risk than the springboard stunner and easier on all involved. He uses an electric chair drop too.
  • Doing an AA and Styles Clash during a commercial is bold, but they did it. They aren't slowing this down for commercials at all.
  • Code Red and STF from Cena! Styles hits a Phenomenal Forearm!
  • Styles sends Cena into the stairs, but gets AA'd through a table! Back in the ring Cena is put in the Calf Crusher.
  • An AA finishes it off and Cena wins.
  • Corbin, Zayn, KO attack Cena, but Ziggler makes the save, before turning. He then get's AA'd


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