
Match Ratings For NXT Takeover: Vengeance Day From Sean Ross Sapp

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Finals
Top Contender Match
Raquel Gonzalez & Dakota Kai defeated Shotzi Blackheart & Ember Moon

This was a GREAT match that only stumbled once. Raquel is the star of this match as usual, and a huge powerbomb outside was the highlight. There was some miscommunication and a rough ref spot at one point in the match that didn’t look great, but the match picked up after this.. Raquel eats everything and keeps pushing forward. Shotzi is all over the place with missile dropkicks, suicide dives, Super Sliced Bread #2s. I will always be impressed by the Dakota Kai Kai-Ropractor move. I didn’t realize the ramp was there, I thought Ember Moon was going for a RIDE. There’s a Doomsday Body Press on Dakota outside, but Raquel picks up the win after a match full of incredible performances. Raquel’s one-armed powerbomb had a bit of a Last Ride twist on it and looked great.

North American Title
Johnny Gargano (c) defeated Kushida

This is a great build during the match. It starts slow, then goes in to quick spots and techniques. Kushida specifically goes into a rope hanging chain into a hammerlock suplex into a double wristlock. Gargano doing the avalanche spinning brainbuster is such a great spot. The pins in and out of the double wristlock were next level. So much fun. Kushida almost wins with an insane flying armbar, which Gargano sells masterfully. Gargano gets the win after a fantastic match. I didn’t even notice not having a full on crowd through these first two matches.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Classic Finals
MSK defeated Grizzled Young Vets

I’m still not used to Carter and Nash, so I’m calling them Wentz and Dez. Wentz goes insane early on, and eventually gets cut off by James Drake. Dez gets caught upside down, mid backflip with a kick to the face with Gibson. A 450 isn’t enough to put away Dez. The assisted moonsault and a spiked reverse rana hit for MSK. MSK win with their finish. Two straight years that the Grizzled Young Vets lose in the finals, but it’s hard to argue MSK deserve it after that run. They have reinvigorated the NXT Tag Team division after a really dark period.

NXT Women’s Title
Io Shirai (c) defeated Mercedes Martinez and Toni Storm

Mercedes Martinez attacks Io Shirai before the bell. There was a great crossface and dragon sleeper three person submission. Mercedes Martinez does a really great Spider Suplex.

Oh no!! The table breaks due to a strong gust of wind. That’s horrible. Io Shirai makes up for it by diving off the lighting rig. Barrett tried to cover for the table saying MSK damaged it earlier.

Io Shirai moonsaults both women and pins Mercedes. This didn’t quite live up to the earlier matches, but it’s still a good one.

NXT Championship
Finn Balor (c) defeated Pete Dunne to retain the title

The build up to this match should have been much better, but it’s another situation of no story besides “you broke your jaw recently.” Also, they call back to that on a jaw spot with Dunne. The action is outstanding as expected, outside of Balor letting his hands get stomped on. Very weird. There are a lot of really good nearfalls out of the Bloody Sunday and the Bitter End. Balor wins with a Coup De Grace and a 1916. It felt like this match was a little bit of the same cycled through a lot. Very similar spots without a ton of variety.

After the match, Lorcan and Burch come attack Balor. Undisputed Era make the save and Kyle O’Reilly tries to get Balor in Undipsuted Era. Adam Cole superkicks both of them as Roderick Strong looks on. A good finish of this show!

Rating Guide

10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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